
Rico and Marie

Last night I went to my first class of Interpersonal Communications which seems like a snoozfest so far. So far, we’ve talked about how humans interact with one another – I say something, you respond! YAY! Man…I cannot believe this is a required course. It will be interesting to get to the point where I get to actually CHOOSE the courses I wish to take. Will I go into some cool courses like video production? That would be pretty swell. Who knows where I will go with it.

After class, I hung around Vero’s for awhile in anticipation of the great night which laid before us – Salsa Dancing! I have been salsa dancing a few times with Vero before and I’ll say that I’m an alright dancer, but I can say that there are certain salsa movements that just elude my feet. It just won’t happen.

So then, Vero gets frustrated and then I try harder. Now, in my defence, I had some huge winter boots on the dance floor last night as this was a last minute thing. Think someone dancing in Sorels – or just think of any good ole small town dance. 😉 If I had my proper shoes, I’m sure I would have been a smash hit on the floor.

Anyhow, Vero has called us ‘incompatible for dancing’ which I think she only gets away with because I couldn’t figure out this certain foot movement of salsa! Give me the other latin dances where all I have to do is swing the woman around and voila! I am a pro. At least in my mind when I watch reruns of Dirty Dancing. Speaking of which, Vero’s sister watched Dirty Dancing 2 a few times and likes it, but has never seen the original. Is there not some rule against watching a sequel before watching the original?

iplaying: Wicked Come Winter (Matt Mays & El Torpedo – Matt Mays & El Torpedo)


New Cell Phones Out!

Holy mackerel, they have the Consumer Electronics Show on right now and they have unveiled the coolest, bestest ever cellular phone ever…the ZACH MORRIS PHONE!

This amazing piece of techno-wizardry has a range of 10 feet from its base station, but who cares? It’s wireless! Plus, it has easy to use buttons for those with big fingers (and unless you are a smaller-than-average person, then this phone is for you!).

I personally cannot wait to get my hands on this gem. The news stations are going crazy with the talk of this new phone on the market!

Is that a RED button on its faceplate? I THINK SO!

Some of my friends are hooked on some other phone that debuted yesterday, but they live in the past. This is the future!