
Let There Be Light

So I was thinking the other day of what I will do when I take over the world. Granted, it won’t start out with the whole world, so I’ll have to start thinking of changes that I will implement while I’m controlling a nation.

Then President Bush beats me to the punch and comes up with the coolest idea in the world of ideas. This is the ultimate form of power, not this piddly manforce which is the invasion of Iraq. I’m not talking about the control of a major superpower’s Nuclear weapons. I’m talking about something affects every living citizen of the nation…we’re talking something on the Dr. Evil scale of eeeevil. Something to do JUST BECAUSE I CAN.

That’s right folks – Daylight Savings Time is changing this year. Who would have thought? Clearly not I. I was surprised to actually see it happened. I believe I read about this a few years back and laughed it off saying “Who does this guy think he is? The King of the World? No one can change Daylight Savings Time!!!”

There you have it, he proved me wrong. I am must admit I am impressed. This could definitely be some plot from a great Bond flick. “Wazat? Good Lord, he changed daylight savings time by 12 hours! How will we live?!”

I send my two handed clap to you President Bush. You’ve achieved only what Greek Gods achieve. Something that directly affects everyone not only in your nation, but in the WORLD. Except for Saskatchewan – those blokes are either really dumb or really, really smart.


Now THAT was cool…

Nine Inch Nails released their multi-track files for a few songs off of their With Teeth album so you can import them into GarageBand and play around with this mix.

This gives me a whole new knowledge set to recording. You see EVERYTHING that is added to this song – ambient noise, toms, other percussive instruments. It’s pretty wild.

If any of you out there have GarageBand, download the files from this page and give it a listen!