Saturday night brought me to Mike and Melissa’s place after a hard day of studying for Media Ethics. Ugh. I still don’t have Section 1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms memorized yet.
We started out at Pho Maximum (or was it Maxim?) on Merivale. This was my first Pho experience which turned out to be a success! I enjoyed it thoroughly and it warmed my body while sitting across from the window. I had pleasant conversation with all and was happy to have spoken to Mark (Marc) in a sober fashion as the last time I had met him, was at my Christmas part. NOT a good time to have a conversation with me, unless you want to talk about what beer is better, or philosophical issues.
Heading over to Mike and Mel’s place, we munched on some good treats and settled into the living to play around with Joe’s electric guitar. I impressed myself with my rendition of Crazy Train which I only know the first few riffs for. Considering I am more of a rhythm man myself, I always am proud of anything I accomplish in the world of lead guitar.
Considering it was Melissa’s birthday, there was a questionnaire about her which only confirmed the fact that I really don’t know much about her! 😉 It was a neat idea and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I may borrow it for future events.
I played a little Dance Dance Revolution which I found very lame. Larisa pointed out that it gets better if I increase the difficulty level. I decided to not give it any further chance, as I realize that Guitar Hero 2 is so much better than dancing around the floor.
The moment of the night was when we pulled out Them Vs. Us (the board game my parents bought me for Christmas) and we had a full out battle of males vs. females. I think there were a good 30 of us competing which is insane considering everyone yells out answers within a time limit. Half the time people on the same team didn’t hear that someone on their team had yelled out the same answer a few times.
It was funny when someone commented “I can’t believe you played this game with your family!” due to the sheer R Rated cards that show up from time to time. They misunderstood that I had received it from my parents, not played it with them. 😉
In the end (does this even need to be said?), the males trounced the females once again which just goes to show
All in all, a fun night! Kudos to Mike and Melissa, and seeing that TODAY is actually Melissa’s birthday, I send birthday wishes to you!
iplaying: Send It Up – Vertical Horizon (Everything You Want)