
Review: Smokin’ Aces

Huh, for some reason the pictures won’t upload lately. Makes for bland entries.

Last night Krista and I used up our free movie passes from our screening of Casino Royale (which could be compared to a person going temporarily insane from all the screen flickering and projector problems) to go see Smokin’ Aces. For some reason, Krista wasn’t too keen on hitting up a Palmer-type flick in the form of Pan’s Labyrinth. Actually, I don’t know anything about that movie but Maren suggested I would enjoy it so it’s on my list.

After a tasty treat at Montana’s in the form of a hunk of cow on a bun (along with a slice of ham! Yummers!) and some Scene It trivia cards (which I kicked ass in of course…alright, perhaps it’s a tie?), we headed to the South Keys Cinema to catch the previews and settle in for a ride.

Smokin’ Aces has a slew of actors we all know and love so that’s always a bonus. The story revolves around a hit out on a Buddy ‘Aces’ Israel who is rumoured to make a deal with the FBI to divulge a slew of information on the Italian mob as he is affiliated with them. This puts out a $1M bounty on his head and a slew of bounty hunters enter the picture which is hilarious on its own because of the sheer dynamics that occur with all these different bounty hunters converging. Take a little FBI action at the same time and you have a rip-roaring time.

The action and the interaction with the characters were spot on. All the characters were interesting…and you know what makes them interesting? They follow the Bond villain theory, where if you give a character one distinguishing feature, people will remember them. Take Oddjob from Goldfinger with his slicer-dicer hat. So it was entertaining to see these oddball bounty hunters all over the place.

Two thumbs up. The plot…nothing too overly crazy about it, but that’s what’s beautiful about this movie. It’s about the characters and the interaction.