
New Technology & Music,,2044599,00.html

A fairly interesting article about technology and music. I was intrigued by Peter Gabriel’s ‘Filter’ technology.

Also, Trent Reznor has hit the nail on the head.

iplaying: Every Inambition – The Trews – House of Ill Fame


Review: Talladega Nights

Last night Krista and I watched Talladega Nights which was a barrel of laughs. This is part 2 of Will Ferrell’s (or Will Pharell for those of you in the know) ‘American Man’ trilogy which started with Anchorman and which will (perhaps) end with him being an astronaut – the American dream.

So Will Ferrell is Ricky Bobby, a NASCAR driver whose slogan is “If you ain’t first, you’re last!”. He is the king of the castle in the world of NASCAR until something happens and then he is afraid to drive again. So then the rest of the movie is based on his attempts to rise again to stardom.

Hilarious performances by Sasha Baren Cohen (of Borat fame) as Jean Girard – the Formula One racer coming over to claim Ricky Bobby’s title. I think Sascha Baren Cohen is the most hilarious comedian on Earth at the moment and everytime he spoke I just cracked up.

Hilarity ensues throughout the entire movie in the level of absurdness. If you enjoy any other Will Ferrell movies, you will (of course) love this one as it just pushes the limits. I am also looking forward to his new movie (out today?) entitled Blades of Glory where he is a figure skater alongside Napolean Dynamite. That’s a killer combo right there.

Two thumbs up for the film if you enjoy the absurd comedies that are all over the place now.

iplaying: Ishmael & Maggie – The Trews – Den of Thieves


Use the Schwartz Bono!

I think the most interesting part of this story is what his son was disappointed in!

Click here.