
Elvis Came To Ottawa?

I just read this great article about how Elvis came to Ottawa for 2 concerts (in one day!) way back when. I never knew.

Highlights of the article:

  • He played two shows on one day – 4:30 and 8:30, each being 30 minutes each. That’s pretty amazing considering the norm nowadays which is 2 hours. I wonder if this was the norm for superstars or if it was just a special case? I know that the Beatles had the same sort of itinerary.
  • The majority of the MPs in town bailed to see Elvis play. Excellent! Glad to see they have their priorities straight!

Celebrity Look-Alike

Carrie begged me to put this on my site.

Now, I will tell you something. I also navigated this Celebrity Look Alike site about a year ago and found the same results – that I look like Alicia Silverstone. Hence the reason I never put it up on my site.

But for Carrie and a good laugh, heck, why not?