
The Absorption of Furniture

Ah, the Spring. Where the birds are chirping (actually, they are chirping way too much. Time to see if there’s a nest up in the eaves trough), the sun is shining (argh, my skin is on fire!!!) and the grass is growing (but still wet. Don’t step into it).

I also dig the Spring because of garage sales. More importantly, ‘free’ garage sales. My friend Mary had a dining room set that she wanted to get rid of so Mike, Eric and I headed over there on Friday night to pick it up. We had no idea what condition it was in, but I figured if I can help her by taking it off her hands, by Jove, I’ll help her out.

I was pleasantly surprised with the dining room set and it now resides in my kitchen which is great as there were never any chairs there for people to park their ass onto. We even scored a ladder that Mary’s husband Stuart (Stewart?) never used before! Bonus! We were eying up their table saw but he wouldn’t budge on that item.

It’s interesting to think about the history of furniture. Mary mentioned how that dining room set was home to many family dinners over the past 14 years. Think about that. Think about the conversations and the witness of children growing up. I know it may be a silly thing to say about a piece of furniture. I remember my parents gave me their old furniture from the house when I moved to Ottawa and unfortunately they were pretty much unusable after some more years. But I remember going to Duncan’s place at Hallowe’een and finding one of those old chairs and just sitting in it and remembering old times that I’ve had in that chair. Many Christmases, birthday parties, just hanging out after school with my milk…actually, I just emailed Duncan to let him know that he should never throw that chair out and I’ll come pick it up from his place one of these days.

Anyhow, I’m glad to have some old furniture that I can continue making memories with. Granted, it’s a dining room table. All the memories will involve good food and burping.