
Test The Nation

Saturday morning I awake, come downstairs and Mike has this quiz I should try – Test the Nation. CBC has put out an IQ test to test the nation.

I received 106 where 100 is the average. Not too shabby.

I realize that I have a hard time with questions dealing with ‘So and so is Bob’s uncle’s cousin’s sister’s brother. Who is he in relation to Ted?”. I also have trouble with the “What is the next number in this series – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ?” (alright, that’s a really bad example.

Give it a try and see how you fare! List your score in the comment section!

Concert Reviews

Review: Sam Roberts Band – Civic Center April4

Thankfully my last Media Ethics class wasn’t too long at all (although I was getting worried when they were going off on a tangent about the Internet as a public space. Yikes!) and I breezed out of the class around 8:30. PLENTY of time to get to the Civic Center for the show. I managed to score 27/30 on my last mid-term also. I love that class. Although, I think the exam may be killer. I must study a lot for that one.

Get to the Civic Center and they don’t even ask me for a student ID. I figured as much. It’s a free concert, what do the guards care?

Walked down to the floor (which took me awhile as I walked towards the exit accidentally, not the entrance) and settled in to catch the end of the Dears set. I don’t know the Dears but I have heard good things. Feedback was good at the end so I figured I would check them out some other time.

Lo and behold I find Vero’s friends in the crowd which was a welcome surprise as I wasn’t with anyone at the concert. Chantal and Pascal and I had a great time waiting for Sam Roberts to hit the stage and when he did, the excitement was in the air. There was also a lot of marijuana. Leave it to a gathering of Ottawa U and Carleton U students for the Pandamonium event (I’m assuming this is a play on the fabled Panda Games of yesteryear) to make us have to sit in an arena full of smoke. I would like to jump ahead in the story and note how Sam Roberts was having a laugh when he caught a whiff of the smoke while playing Hard Road and he was laughing when he hit the line “…there must be something in the air, in the air.”.

The band starts out with With a Bullet and it’s goodness all around. I haven’t seen these guys since Bluesfest last year so I am pumped. They are in full form. I can’t get a good view of the entire stage so I focus on Sam and Dave for the most part.

The setlist is rockin and they hit a valley of songs for a bit until they rev it back up.

Highlight of the night is definitely Mind Flood where I realize that I am listening in stereo. Am I insane? Have I never experienced stereo sound at a concert before? I must have. But the crazy effect that Dave had going on this guitar was amazing as it panned from left to right. The people around me where just taking it all in – knowing that a good jam would be coming along. Then out of nowhere Sam starts strumming some chords in amongst the sonic chaos. Beautiful. The song did not disappoint (as it never does). I remember listening to bootlegs of Paranoia and remembering how great of a jam it was but compared to this, it’s nothing.

The concert had all the goodness that the Sam Roberts Band can deliver. Clapping along to Brother Down, the crowd anthem likes of Where Have All The Good People Gone? – I always find myself jumping around when it builds up to the end part where they start singing “Come on! Come on! People come on!” I can never stop myself.

The tracks off of Chemical City are just as good. They had some good times during Bridge To Nowhere as someone’s bra was thrown and hit Sam right in the face! I unfortunately missed it as I was looking elsewhere but Chantal told me it was hilarious.

Highlight of the night (other than Mind Flood) was seeing Magic on My Mind live (I love the rockingness of the live version compared to the recorded one) and they debuted a new song! The song is listed on the setlist (thanks for the help in getting the setlist Chantal! I’m telling you, women ALWAYS have an easier time getting a setlist from the stage crew compared to a man.) as Fixed To Ruin. It was definitely a catchy tune and had us clapping from the beginning to the end. I don’t know how to describe it. Not a full out rocker but more of a Magic on My Mind/Beatles vibe to it. No doubt we’ll hear more of it as the summer approaches and more concerts appear.

My only wish is that someone made a recording of the concert. Ottawa is not well known for the taper scene (unless I am oblivious to it) so I’m satisfied in just filing this one away in my memory. I can’t express how much I enjoy a Sam Roberts Band concert. They know how to rock. That’s why I love them.


  • With A Bullet
  • The Resistance
  • The Bootleg Saint
  • Hard Road
  • Taj Mahal
  • Dead End
  • Bridge To Nowhere
  • Brother Down
  • An American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay
  • Where Have All The Good People Gone?
  • Uprising Down Under
  • Mind Flood
  • Magic on My Mind
  • The Gate
  • Fixed To Ruin

Say No To Technology Film

Vero and I had some brilliant ideas for a film we want to make this summer concerning technology of the past decade and the demise of social capital as we know it.

It will revolve around how the ‘virtual networks’ that we have created are replacing our ‘in-person networks’ and in some extreme cases, have replaced them all together and there is no contact being made outside of the Internet.

An example of this would be how I maintain a blog, but never phone anyone who has a blog as I feel that reading their blog allows me to keep tabs on them.

Sounds…a bit silly doesn’t it? But it happens (for me at least).

Anyhow, we have some good laughable ideas on how technology wreaks havoc on us, but of course we won’t even list what’s right about technology. That would just defeat our hilarious movie idea.

A lot of the ideas stemmed from this article from the Globe and Mail.

I’m excited at this prospect as our original film idea seemed a little grandiose for our first project together. This film can easily be a 20 minute length.


Sam Roberts Band Tonight

If there is one good thing that this blog has brought to my life, it’s the fact that Kevin left a comment on the site that informed me that there was a free Sam Roberts Band concert in Ottawa tonight! Yeeeha!

So that’s where I’ll be heading tonight after my class. Too bad my class runs until at least 9PM. I’ll probably miss some of the show…but I can’t complain too much. Haven’t seen these guys since Bluesfest last year, and it’s FREE! They are also playing with Buck 65 and The Dears – both bands that I know about, but am not too familiar with their music.

I have a few extra tickets if anyone wants them but beware – supposedly they are checking for University of Ottawa/Carleton U IDs at the door (as it is for the university students). Otherwise the tix are $20 each. I wonder how much they would care to check IDs at a free concert anyhow?


Elvis Came To Ottawa?

I just read this great article about how Elvis came to Ottawa for 2 concerts (in one day!) way back when. I never knew.

Highlights of the article:

  • He played two shows on one day – 4:30 and 8:30, each being 30 minutes each. That’s pretty amazing considering the norm nowadays which is 2 hours. I wonder if this was the norm for superstars or if it was just a special case? I know that the Beatles had the same sort of itinerary.
  • The majority of the MPs in town bailed to see Elvis play. Excellent! Glad to see they have their priorities straight!

Celebrity Look-Alike

Carrie begged me to put this on my site.

Now, I will tell you something. I also navigated this Celebrity Look Alike site about a year ago and found the same results – that I look like Alicia Silverstone. Hence the reason I never put it up on my site.

But for Carrie and a good laugh, heck, why not?


The Wound to DRM

DRM (Digital Rights Management), the nasty, nasty technology which record-companies use to secure their music so you can’t play it on any old MP3 player that you want (boo, hiss!) has taken a shot to the gut with EMI’s decision to released DRM-free downloads.

Bravo EMI. I doubt you will be the last to go this route. I am proud of you.


Junos 2007

The Junos were pretty slick this year. I skipped out watching them last year as I really didn’t think anything good could come with Pamela Anderson hosting them this year.

Nelly Furtado did a good job last night. I think she was nervous half the time and it was amusing to see her switch from ‘Hey, I won’ to ‘Alright, on with the show!’. Excellent performances all around, but I have to speak about this one dude who came out, and for the life of me I cannot find a picture or remember his name.

Sam Roberts hits the stage with some 12 year-old kid and talks about the project which helps kids learn music. Then this 12 year-old rips into a cover of American Woman and blows us all away. Forget all the other performers, it was all about this kid. Imagine!

The other great performance was by Paul Watson whom I had never heard about before. The guitarist grabbed a balloon full of helium and let it out over the pickup of his guitar which had this crazy effect. I’m telling you, I love innovation in music. Imagine a balloon solo with 10 balloons!

All in all, not a bad show. Nelly Furtado blew away the competition. I missed the part where Bob Rock was inducted into the Hall of Fame for his excellent producing skills. Hey, wait a second?! He lives in Hawaii!

This brings up the main point that Stompin’ Tom is hammering into my head with his second autobiography. He feels that the Junos should have two separate categories for the awards – one for the Canadians who choose to live in Canada, record in Canada and have their main base of operations in Canada, and the other category with the Canadians who don’t fall into one of those categories (like…Bob Rock for instance. Last time I checked, Hawaii is not in Canada.).

While I can’t say that it’s a really bad move on his part to move to Hawaii for the rest of his life (heck, who wouldn’t?), I have to gather my thoughts on Stompin’ Tom’s thoughts on the Junos and figure out if I agree with them or not.


The Folly

picture taken by Uncle Gary

To those involved in the spectacle which was Canadian Idol, give yourselves a hand.

But don’t turn on your tv sets looking for the Palmer as the Canadian Idol gig was an elaborate hoax to ring in the new year (aka April 1). But what about the story of Tom Cochrane?

May someone pull a great gag on you today!