
HOPE Volleyball

Here is your PSA (Palmer Service Announcement) for the day.

What are you doing on July 14?

It doesn’t matter because you’ll be dropping all plans to go to the HOPE Volleyball tournament at Mooney’s Bay!

Taken from the site:

HOPE is a volunteer-driven, not-for-profit events management organization that raises funds for community-based charities. Inspired by Terry Fox’s run across Canada, in 1981 a group of friends in Ottawa founded HOPE to make a difference in their community.

This is a pretty great community/charity event to take part in. I try and go every year on a volleyball team, and if not, there is an excellent beer garden with amazing bands. This year the following bands are playing:

Finger Eleven, Mobile and Matt Mays with El Torpedo!

You can’t go wrong.

Fun times will be had. Come down to the event and have a great time while helping out local charities!

iplaying: A Night in Tunisia – Dizzy Gillespie (To Diz With Love)


Judge Cites Beatles

This is a pretty funny article about how a judge cites 42 Beatles songs in his verdict:

Click here.

iplaying: Storm – Lifehouse (Who We Are)


Fascination with Marketing

Pretty well every reader of this site knows that the Smashing Pumpkins are releasing their new album Zeitgeist in about a month’s time.

Details are arising (not officially, but through the beloved Net) about exclusive bonus tracks on the album depending on where you purchase it.

A different bonus track from Best Buy.
A different bonus track from Target.
A different bonus track from Amazon.
A different bonus track from Your Mom.
A different bonus track from iTunes.

This stems from decreasing CD sales (woe is the record label distributor who cannot make some more money from the masses), therefore marketing gurus have said “Well, if we can’t capitalize on unsuspecting victims, let’s go for the hardcore fans!”

Tsk tsk. This is an interesting concept. Let’s be honest, there are fans out there that will buy every version of the album like the fools they are.

Myself, I’ll do the responsible thing. Buy the album, most likely a special edition version, heck, while I’m at it, pick it up on vinyl because I like that kind of thing…then I’ll download the bonus tracks. Something tells me that the band doesn’t mind this ONE BIT.

So…back to the marketers…what are they thinking? I mean…don’t you think that this would actually start to piss off the hardcore fans out there? Way to kill your fanbase potentially.

This interesting thought process was brought to you by me, for you.

iplaying: Broken – Lifehouse (Who We Are) <- which is turning out to be probably their best album since No Name Face upon my first listen...