
Favourite Moment of the Past Week

The Scene: In Class

Girl in front of me: Did he take attendance last class?
Me: No, you’re fine.
Girl: What did he talk about?
Me: (rhyming off a few topics). Hey, you know, I have my notes typed up, I can just send them to you if you would like.
Girl: Oh great. Can you do that for me every class?

To this day, I don’t know if she was joking or not. Very shrewd.

iplaying: Grow Up and Blow Away – Metric (Grow Up and Blow Away)


Spice Girls Reunite!

This is bigger than Spinal Tap reuniting!!!

Click here for the story.

I am going to follow their entire tour.


Brain Slowly Decaying

Gak…I need the long weekend to arrive NOW! Having the long weekend before Canada Day weekend just primes you up for some good times.

Last night Vero and I edited the first minute of my mid-term video which came out to be a true masterpiece. My only gripe is the sound within it as there is the constant hum of traffic in the background. Not a big deal though. We are not filming Star Wars here. Editing is a tedious (but super fun!) process. To put it into perspective, it took us 2 hours to end up with one minute of film. This is an amateur event, so if you look at a full scale film production…let’s say it would take 2 hours to edit 30 seconds. Within a two hour film, it would take 480 hours to edit it (which is equivalent to 12 40 hour work weeks. Let’s not forget that I’m probably way off in my estimates and it’s more like 2 hours to edit 10 seconds! This is why there are vast teams of people on hand to help with the production/editing/whatever of a professional film.

So now I’m a little intimidated by the amount of editing this will take so I’m looking forward to get the filming over with so I can move onto the editing.

We had fun filming it on Monday night with Mike. We found a spot in Strathcona Park and set up shop there before the sun set. I must admit that I was worried at the overall product as I had never done much filming before (other than my Grade 11 Audio Visual class (which I rocked)), but with Vero there, it was more reassuring as she is a pro. Mike is a great guy behind the camera also and offers some good ideas while I just sit there and say “Uh…what to do next?”. I shall have a more level head when it comes to filming the rest of the film.

Weekend is shaping up to be a good one. Is there EVER a bad Canada Day weekend? Katie and Miguel will be visiting which will be a good time as always! There are other folks coming up who are staying with Carrie so it will be a full crew when the town gets painted red. Friday night we’ll head out for Amanda’s birthday, then on Saturday Vero and her sister are going BUNGEE JUMPING! Holy mackerel, I would never be doing that! They are insane. After that, we will head out to the Heart and Crown for Mike and Holly’s birthday celebrations.

Canada Day is an enigma right now as Vero will be leaving that night. I figure I will be helping her pack up her things and then drive her to the airport for her flight around 10 at night. It’s crazy to think that she is actually leaving and it is awesome at the same time as she gets to do what I dream about – traveling Europe for a month. Too bad she missed the Smashing Pumpkins festival circuit by a month!