
Happy Birthday Mike!

Originally uploaded by palm0014

Here’s to our little birthday princess!

Mike and I went out to Maxwell’s for Amanda’s birthday, along with a slew of people coming up from Toronto – Miguel, Katie, Adrianna and Val.

I haven’t been in Maxwell’s for quite a few years after getting kicked out of the bar for breaking up a fight! That’s right, I try and help out and get screwed over.

The music was great, the crowd was great and I must say that Mike was having a great pre-birthday celebration. I went to the DJ booth to request a little birthday wish for Mike and the DJ says “Yeah yeah, we got that one. AC/DC right?” I have no idea who already requested something for Mike, but kudos!

Mike was in fine form that night (as well as Amanda). Let’s just say that the next morning when his mother called to wish him a happy birthday I asked him (as he was lying on the bathroom floor) if he would like to speak to his Mom. “Uh…not right now.” was his response. Classic.

Special thanks to Vero who was gracious enough to come pick us up after a night out. We went into the car loaded with some good Elgin Street Diner poutine.

Katie, I would like to point out that I found something that looks surprisingly like schwarma sauce all over the inside of the rear passenger door of my car. I have two words – you suck.

The only downfall of Mike’s pre-birthday bash was the fact that when he hopped in the car, I had forgotten his gift on the front seat which was unwrapped. So I asked him to pass it to me and then I passed it back to him saying “Happy Birthday.” I am such a goof.

iplaying: Bleeding The Orchid – The Smashing Pumpkins (Zeitgeist)


Happy Canada Day!

Originally uploaded by palm0014

We all know my favourite event of the year is Canada Day. I shall be enjoying like every other year – with friends, and with beer while celebrating this great nation we live in.

I wish everyone some good times during the weekend.