I suppose I should write that I’m on Day 6 of vacation considering I already took a week off to go fishing up North.
I’m updating this from my backyard where the sun is shining. I must admit that it’s a little hard to see the screen in the sunlight. Must be a drawback from having a glossy screen on the MacBook.
Friday night was spent heading over to Amelia and Ward’s place to see the newest addition to their family – Baby Ella. She’s pretty cool. Amelia and Ward are doing well and adjusting to the new bundle of joy. We had some good laughs and ordered some excellent pizza for supper.
Krista and I then bailed on going to see Planet of the Apes at the Westboro Beach because we thought it was going to storm something fierce. However, the storm must have hit somewhere else in Ottawa because we never saw it and Matt told us that the Westboro Beach only got a few drops of rain. DISAPPOINTMENT!
So we headed to the bowling lanes in Orleans (I suck!) and then played a game of pool in which I gave Krista a few pointers along the way. Always good to impart my knowledge of the game onto others.
Saturday was devoted to Jason’s bachelor party…I suppose that can be saved for an entire post altogether so I’ll wait to speak about that one. All I have to say is it was probably the most fun bachelor party I’ve ever been part of. Jason had a great time also which is what counts.
Sunday had me waking up and jumping up out of bed with this excruciating pain in my right pectoral. I have no idea how this happened as I was reading in bed for awhile before that and didn’t feel any pain. But as soon as I get out bed, argh! I think it may be a nerve pinch or something. This Monday morning, the pain is still there which is disappointing as I thought it may have left after a good sleep. I don’t think it’s as bad though…
I suppose it didn’t help that I went out to Kanata to help Rob move a fridge out of his grandparents basement and then bring it into his basement of his house. I thought maybe some physical activity would help out the situation! We managed to get the fridge out and into his house but with relative difficulty. It’s hard to get a grip on those things. We also brought in a few wall units into his house. I think another move or two and Rob and I will be certified ‘professional movers’.
Some good news comes Rob and Janice’s way as Janice gave birth to a baby girl (Jenna) on Saturday night. 45 minutes shy of being born on Sunday which is Rob’s birthday. She was 6 pounds…15 ounces? Something like that. It was a surprise as Jan was scheduled to go into the hospital on Monday and they were at a wedding (where Janice was part of the wedding party) when she had to go to the hospital. I was joking to Janice awhile ago that this would happen to her just like my friend Annie last year. Same exact scenario happened with people decked out in tuxedos and nice dresses entering the hospital. The nurses must have felt they were experiencing deja vu.
Anyhow, the baby and Janice are fine. Jenna is beautiful. At this point in the night, I could hardly move my entire right side of my body due to whatever was pinched (?) and I was thinking of paying the emergency room a visit.
Got home and watched Smokey and the Bandit which I’ve never seen. Did you know that it was the second most grossing film in 1977 next to Star Wars? That must have been a pretty popular movie! It was a good time and chock full of laughs. The car chase scenes were pretty great also.
So here I sit in my backyard, listening to some tunes and wonder what I should do with the day. I was going to start the day off painting the garage door but I am considering bailing on that option to see if I should just relax my body to get rid of this muscle pain.
Vero comes back home tomorrow afternoon which is AMAZING! Man, I miss her. So her adventure in Europe will have ended, but she still has the rest of the summer to enjoy here.
iplaying: Someone Great – LCD Soundsystem (Sound of Silver)