Concert Reviews

Review: Steve Miller Band at Bluesfest

I’m trying to recollect my memory of Wednesday night now that it’s nearly a week past that point. A lot of work on the video got in the way of updates…

We showed up for a good time from the Steve Miller Band and we were NOT disappointed. This also turned into a night of impromptu partying which was fine for the majority of us. The Steve Miller Band started with a little Fly Like an Eagle which resulted in a 15 jam session along with a rapper. They could have ended right there and we would have been fine. But they just kept coming with the hits. Take The Money and Run, Jet Airliner…they never stopped! I was moving to and from our spot to get some more beer and when I returned Mike pointed out the unthinkable.

Gordie Johnson was up on stage jamming to Crossroads.

Gordie Johnson.

Gordie Johnson is best known for his work in Big Sugar which disbanded a few years back. I have always wanted to see Big Sugar live as Gordie Johnson is a loud guitar player. I knew he was around the area as I heard a rumour that he subbed into the Joel Plaskett Emergency when their guitarist couldn’t show up.

But I didn’t realize that his new band Grady were the opening act the night of Steve Miller! I was pretty upset the next day when I realized this. It was at their show that Steve Miller’s ears perked up and said “Boy, I like the sound of that.” and so an invitation for a few songs was granted to Gordie to come jam with the Steve Miller Band. Awesome. This is what festivals are all about.

All in all, one of the better concerts seen at Bluesfest! Do NOT miss the chance to see Steve Miller if you can!

*photo taken from the Ottawa Sun*
iplaying: Starz (The Smashing Pumpkins – Zeitgeist)


Fly Like an Eagle
Living in the U.S.A.
Mercury Blues [K.C. Douglas]
Take the Money and Run
Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma Ma
The Joker
True Fine Love
The Stake
Wild Mountain Honey
Dance Dance Dance
Rock’n Me
Winter Time

Jet Airliner [Paul Pena]