Concert Reviews

Review: INXS at Bluesfest

Originally uploaded by palm0014

I have discovered that I can’t really be a music critic for the sole fact that I don’t have enough adjectives in my vocabulary. Which means that music critics must use their thesaurus all the time. Yes, that’s the answer.

Friday night brought us the weekend of fun and sun. Not really sun, but a lot of fun.

After an intense match of Rad Racer with Krista and Jill, we headed to Krista’s where she made the most amazing drink which we dubbed the ‘Blues on the Rocks’. It was followed up by the worst drink in the world which can only be compared to the caesar Donna made me for me one time where she used clamato juice which had been opened, and left in the cupboard for a year. Gak.

After disposing of that drink, we went back to some B.o.t.R. and headed down to the festival grounds. We missed Built to Spill, but no matter, INXS was coming up and we were excited. I was overly excited because the crowd was navigatable for the first time in the week! We managed to get a great spot close to the stage AND have enough room to dance around and come and go for refills as we please. Excellent!

INXS were pretty darn good. They started off the set with Suicide Blond and never let up. Ah, the horn section was amazing! I loved the guy’s moustache also. Top notch facial hair actually. I don’t know much INXS but the only thing I did know is that they have a new singer to replace Michael Hutchence – a Canadian chap called JD Fortune. I was impressed with his showmanship (as well as the rest of the band also who have been around for ages). Bright lights, soaring guitar lines (although Mike stated that half of the solos and saxophone bits were so lame that he could have pulled them off).

I am glad I went to see INXS and not Metric. Although I bet Metric would have put on a better show, I know that they’ll be around for awhile longer so I have a chance to see them in the future (as opposed to INXS which is a rare chance to see the band).

You can’t go wrong with us ending the night off with some McDonalds. I haven’t had McDonalds since Krista convinced me to go carb-free (or low carb, whatever you want to call it) and the quarter pounder was calling my name.

May I point out some excellent highlights of Friday night other than the show:

1) Someone texting Trish to the Cognos tent. Trish, you KNOW it must have been a hot man calling you out!
2) Krista realizing she lost her house keys which had us detour to wherever her roomate was. Upon getting home, Krista heard the jingle jangle of her keys when she threw her jacket off and realized that they were zipped up inside her pocket. No alcohol was consumed this night, whatsoever.
3) Getting to Carrie’s house where I was sleeping over as we were all heading out to a volleyball tournament the next day and seeing her priceless expression when she opened up her birthday gift from me. Yes, that’s right. Carrie’s birthday is in March. I suck at giving gifts on time.

iplaying: How Can You Do It Alone – The Who (Face Dances)