
Recap: Jason’s Bachelor Party

Hmm…I have no pictures from the bachelor party. Mental note, hunt some down.

So Saturday morning I picked up Duncan and Matt and we headed over to Jason’s place. A last minute changeover in ride situations put me in the drivers seat for the afternoon which was fine with me.

The bachelor party consisted of a car rally which can be described as a form of scavenger hunt. I had heard rumours that we would have to go to Montreal at one point so I packed the car full of all needed provisions – beer, food and swimming trunks. I figured that would get us anywhere.

Turns out that this was not the case and we ended up staying in town with various (timed) checkpoints along the way.

Essentially, there were four cars of four guys and we were all armed with a video camera to document our escapades. We then had a list of things that would gain us points – the more challenging/embarassing received more points. For example, getting a McDonalds’ Happy Meal Toy got us 5 points whereas if we snuck into Lansdowne Park and kicked a field goal, then we would receive 400 points (which was done by two teams, but not ours).

The hunt ran from noon until 7PM with various checkpoints along the way so we could get back together, have a challenge and then be on our way. Let it be known that you got bonus points for pulling pranks on other teams which I must admit Duncan successfully accomplished as he snuck out of the house while we were listening to the instructions to let the air out of my car tire! I was not impressed but luckily I had an air compressor in my trunk. In hindsight, it was a brilliant move and I admire his ingenuity. But at the moment, I was pissed!

We then raced back to the house around 7PM, had a BBQ and settled in to watch every teams videos. I am proud to say that our team managed to only lose by 15 points…we had 3000+ points and we didn’t manage to get the two giant bonus items (400 points each) whereas the winning team managed to kick the field goal. So essentially our team (consisting of James, Matt, Fred and at one point, the bachelor himself as he switched cars at every checkpoint) pretty well obliterated the competition if it weren’t for the field goal that put us behind. To everyone’s defense, I think we got a slew of bonus points along the way also as we had some funny moments that had everyone cracking up.

I suppose I should write down a variety of things we did during the day:

Before First Checkpoint:

  • Do a 1/4 mile race and win: Well, the way we did this one was to pit my car against Fred and James along a 1/4 mile. The car won.
  • Build a fort in a store – Home Depot it was and we accomplished this one easily. God Bless insulation.
  • Order some paint to be mixed but then walk away without telling anyone – Done.
  • Sit on a toilet in a department store for one minute while reading a book – I was disappointed to see that we missed the part where we got bonus points if we made funny noises!
  • Order 6 cents of gas and get a receipt – My personal fave of the morning. Here’s the conversation:
    • James: (hands the attendant 6 cents) Can I get a receipt for that?
    • Attendant: You want a receipt?
    • James: Yes.
    • Me: James, can you get some gum?
    • James: Ah, no way man! I’m flat broke now!
    • James: (gets receipt) Thanks man, this will get us to the South side of Kanata now

After First Checkpoint:

  • Went for a swim in a public fountain
  • Go tobogganing down some stairs
  • Jump in the Ottawa Canal (ew! Good going James!)
  • We did a bonus activity here by each getting into a recycling bin and jumping out. When I jumped out, I tipped the thing over and gave myself a faceplant. Thanks to Matt for not actually having the video camera recording for that part and we had to do it all over again. 😉
  • Went to Future Shop with a load of dirty laundry, threw it into a laundry machine and ask the guy working there why it wasn’t working. You should have seen this guys’ face.

After Second Checkpoint:

  • At this point we nabbed the bachelor for our car which helped us out immensely as people are more apt to helping guys out with scavenger items when there is a guy dressed in a wedding veil. We headed to the mall to conduct our activities which included…
  • Running on a treadmill for 2 minutes.
  • Conducting an aerobics class inside the mall and ask for volunteers. 2 minutes needed.
  • Ask a girl to model underwear in La Senza for our girlfriends. We got bonus points for also getting her phone number.
  • Ask someone to compete in a hula hoop contest inside a store. My favourite part was walking through trying to find the boys and I heard this guy say “I bet this video will end up on Youtube.” Sure enough, it was the guy who they challenged to the hula hoop contest. Ha ha!
  • Special Note: James discovered Darth Vader on his Imperial Chopper. This is a must have for our toy collection.
  • We headed to Burger King where the bachelor walked in and proclaimed himself to be the Burger King. We ended up getting a crown which was great!
  • The bachelor shaved one of his armpits. Ouch.

After the third checkpoint:

  • At this point, Fred had to leave us which was disappointing. Fred, if you’re reading this, you did us proud! We also ditched the bachelor because at this point, he would have slowed us down. We only had 2 hours now!
  • We headed to Parliament Hill where we suntanned for 5 minutes.
  • My other personal fave event happened when we talked to the RCMP officer on Parliament Hill and managed to get him to handcuff James and I together and he threw us in the back of the vehicle. He was having a good laugh at us when we tried to get out of the back seat.

We then headed back to home base where Matt called ahead to the bachelor’s Mom so she could put out a sign saying if you jumped into the pool with your clothes on, you get bonus points. We had a good laugh when a few guys did it (although they said it didn’t count as it was after 7PM. It was still funny.)

After watching the videos we headed out to Top Karting in Hull (as it was full during the afternoon when we attempted to go beforehand) but it was still full.

All in all, it was probably the most fun I’ve ever had at a bachelor party and I highly recommend taking part in a car rally if you have the chance! Jason had a great time and that’s what counts at the bachelor party. Gone are the days where they tar and feather your best mate. It’s all about making sure the guy has a good time.

iplaying: Hummer – Live at Asheville NC (2007.07.23) – The Smashing Pumpkins