As soon as I heard there was a Transformers movie coming out my first reaction was “Uh oh.” I had fear that somehow Hollywood would really mess up the story that we all love and try and make it more of a human story instead of a kickass robots fighting robots story.
Even when the trailers came out, I didn’t really care to see them. I had no anticipation whatsoever for this film. Sure, I love a good Michael Bay film because he throws over the top action at you, but I still had this fear.
The fear is that he wouldn’t get the spirit of Transformers into the film. The fear was that he hadn’t even watched a Transformers cartoon before signing up to do the film (What the heck?)
But then the reviews started trickling in. We’re not talking proper reviews. We’re talking about the reviews that really mean something. We’re talking about your friends coming up to you and saying “Palmer, you NEED to see this film.” It really hit home when Krista’s roommate (who I didn’t peg as a Transformers fan) said it was the greatest movie ever (paraphrase).
On Friday night, amidst the chaos which was the Silvercity full of wizards and Muggles (everyone was there watching the Harry Potter film), the lies were burned off of my soul.
It was incredible.
I think there was a single tear that came down my face at the end of the movie…not because I was choked up from an emotional scene…moreso because it hit me with this onslaught for 2 1/2 hours and never let up and once it did my body couldn’t take it.
I don’t even know where to begin…Michael Bay NAILED the Transformers. Everything that they are as a cartoon was there. Robots fighting robots, the Autobots out there not wanting to hurt humans, OPTIMUS FREAKING PRIME!!!! Oh my God Optimus was amazing. Megatron didn’t turn into a lame handgun! Starscream gets berated by Megatron!
What else can I say? Go see it now. I don’t care if you are in the middle of class reading this because you are bored. Get up, go out and watch this film.
Prince is also set to give the album away to fans attending one of his 21 concerts at London‘s O2 Arena next month.
I like how bands are trying different ways to distribute their music. While I can see someone like Prince making tons of cash from a tour ANYHOW, I don’t know if this model of distribution would work for a band just starting out.
However, I love the concept of the album being given away at the concert. I would definitely be enticed to go to a concert of one of my fave artists, spend ‘x’ amount of dollars, if I knew it was the only place to get the album.
But that’s just me because I’m scared one day our hard drives will crash and we’ll need backups of all the MP3s on our computers.
Considering Bluesfest ended and we needed some more rock, it was a good thing that we picked up tickets to see John Fogerty when he came into town!
From Wikipedia:
John Cameron Fogerty (born May 28, 1945) is an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist, best known for his time with the swamp rock or roots rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival.
That’s right, we went to see the main man from CCR! I was stoked. Out of all the old greats out there – Zeppelin, Floyd, the Stones, I would have to say that CCR is my fave.
Mike’s parents came down for the event and we headed out to the Scotiabank Place after a good BBQ. When we got into the Place, we showed his parents to their section 106 (as they had picked up tickets at a different time than we did) and Mike and I headed down to the floor.
We had Row 5 seats and in my mind I thought “Hey, that’s pretty close.” but it wasn’t until Mike kept walking, and walking and WALKING up to the stage that my mind imploded with the sheer distance to the stage. When we got down there the Jim Cuddy Band was in full force getting into a little Five Days in May with a wicked violin solo. Back to Row 5 talk here, Row 5 was so close. I could take 3 giant steps and be at the stage. I was in awe. Mike was in awe. We have never been this close. Jim Cuddy’s sweat was hitting me.
We only got to see 20 minutes of Jim Cuddy before he left the stage. I recommend his solo work as well as the Blue Rodeo stuff.
We then headed to get another beer and found out that in Section 106, there were two other groups from Kapuskasing that both took a pilot’s course with Mike’s dad! Talk about a small world! This reminds me of the time we went to see Pearl Jam and there were three separate groups from Kapuskasing in the same section. We are talking about an arena of 15,000 people!
I was concerned with the fact that ONCE AGAIN, Mike and I would be the only people standing up in the crowd, but those fears were laid to rest when we sat next to some guys who declared they would stand up for the entire show. PLUS, they rushed the stage when Fogerty got up there. Security was so relaxed at this concert. There were so many people who rushed the stage. THIS is what a rock concert is about!
John Fogerty and band came to the stage in what must be his official tour outfit – a plaid shirt and a red handkerchief (they were also selling this outfit for $60 at the merchandise booth). He ripped right into Travelin’ Band and I knew it was going to be the most amazing night ever. The setlist was enormous but that’s what you get from a guy who can write the catchiest tune in under 2 minutes.
The hits didn’t stop coming. Here’s the setlist:
Travelin’ Band
Green River
Who’ll Stop The Rain
It Came Out Of The Sky
Born On The Bayou
Lookin’ Out My Backdoor
I Will Walk With You
Ramble Tamble
Midnight Special
I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Have You Ever Seen The Rain
Don’t You Wish It Was True
Keep On Chooglin’
Down On The Corner (with Shane & Tyler Fogerty)
Rock And Roll Girls
Good Golly Miss Molly
Old Man Down The Road
Up Around The Bend
Fortunate Son
Bad Moon Rising
Proud Mary
Blue Suede Shoes
Long Tall Sally
The night became a blur filled with rocking tunes and beer. Mike and I were in awe of the performance the entire night. For a sixty-one year old, this guy has more energy than you and I combined. I would definitely have to say that this was THE concert to see in the past year in Ottawa.
– Midnight Special. Man, I dig that tune.
– I think he came out for a second encore that usually doesn’t happen (as seen from other setlists) and he played some Blue Suede Shoes and Long Tall Sally. Sweet!
– Considering the distance from the stage, I got some pretty good performance videos. I was always pre-emptively hitting the start button in fear that I would miss the beginning of Fortunate Son (only the best CCR tune ever, natch). I ended up getting that plus a few others.
– Either his kids or his grandkids were on the stage with him during Down on the Corner. It was funny watching them play guitar as they did not seem phased at all playing in front of a huge crowd. In fact, they looked bored. I suppose that’s what happens if you’ve seen your Dad/Grandpa play all the time.
– I like how I was going up to the stage to get a picture but some guy thought I wanted a picture with him instead. He was a cool guy so I graced him with my presence (although he was probably thinking the same thing)
Sigh…that will probably go down in history as one of the better concerts I’ve seen. I wish everyone could have been there. If you have a chance to see John Fogerty live, do it now.
That night when we got home, we had a couple pieces of pie and I swear that made me hallucinate during the night. I couldn’t fall asleep for the longest time and when I awoke at one point I had this hallucination that I wasn’t in my own bedroom! I thought I was in some craft of sorts with some portholes and I felt my wall and it felt like steel. I closed my eyes for a few moments and when I opened them I still saw the portholes but then I realized that they were just my windows and I was sleeping on a different angle on my bed. So instead of my body laying top to bottom, I was laying side to side which must have messed up my brain. Whew! No one kidnapped me after the concert!
My thoughts on Bluesfest after three days of integrating back into the real world…I can’t say I left it completely; we still went to work (well most of us did) and we still managed to function at 80% which is more than anyone can ask from us; but now we are back into it fully. We are still feeling the aftermath of Bluesfest and the need to drink beer out of plastic cups. In fact, Karilee has just sent an invitation for a plastic beer cup party next Monday. Beautiful idea, beautiful.
Bluesfest was pretty well what I expected. I went in there not knowing a lot of bands fully so my expectations were low. I came out from every show amazed at the tunes I had just heard and the memories I walked away with. I did not have one bad concert experience other than the fact of not being able to see Buddy Guy that much because we had to finish our beer before going over to the River Stage. Gripe #1.
Gripe #2 is as always, the ever longing lawn chair debate. Bluesfest organizers, you did the best you could, and in the end, the people standing up won the battle. I feel empowered. Next year, make a separate section off to the side for the people with the lawn chairs. We’ll both be happy.
My top four shows: – Steve Miller Band – Sam Roberts Band – The White Stripes – George Thorogood and the Destroyers
This was my first year that I bought a full pass to Bluesfest and I did not regret it. If the lineup is worthy next year, I shall do the same. I enjoy the time I spent with my friends on the festival grounds and the music we heard.
Here’s some stats from an article about Bluesfest. In fact, go visit this site for a lot of information:
– Number of people attending Bluesfest – 300,000
– Cups of beer sold: 250,000
– Litres of wine: 62,000
One litre of wine equals roughly 3 beer, therefore
62,000 * 3 = 186,000 beers
– TOTAL Cups of beer sold: 436,000
Roughly 1.45 cups of beer sold per person attending Bluesfest 2007.
Not too shabby.
We left the festival grounds on Sunday and headed to McDonalds as it was our safe place from the real world – a world full of going to the gym, watching what we eat and drink, and conducting ourselves responsibly. You see, we escaped the real world for 10 days and we just needed a few fries and a burger to soak up all the good times. Going to McDonalds was a rite of passage back into the real world, one where we wouldn’t be touching beer every day, or staying up until the wee hours of the night, or having a burger from the greasy spoon.
It’s good to be back, but damn…it was a good ride while it lasted.
iplaying: Pinned Together, Falling Apart – The Dears (No Cities Left)
White Stripes Setlist
Stop Breakin’ Down Blues [Robert Johnson]
When I Hear My Name
John the Revelator [Traditional]
Death Letter [Son House]
300 M.P.H. Torrential Outpour Blues
Lord, Send Me an Angel [Blind Willie McTell]
Wasting My Time
Instinct Blues
I Fought Piranhas
Let’s Build a Home
Give Me Back My Wig [Hound Dog Taylor]
Catch Hell Blues
Cool Drink of Water Blues [Tommy Johnson]
Ball and Biscuit
Icky Thump
In the Cold, Cold Night
Hotel Yorba
Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground
Black Math
I’m Slowly Turning Into You
Seven Nation Army
Boll Weevil [Lead Belly]
Steve Miller Band Setlist
Fly Like an Eagle
Living in the U.S.A.
Mercury Blues [K.C. Douglas]
Take the Money and Run
Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma Ma
The Joker
True Fine Love
The Stake
Wild Mountain Honey
Dance Dance Dance
Rock’n Me
Winter Time
Jet Airliner [Paul Pena]
George Thorogood and the Destroyers
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer [Amos Wilburn]
Rock Party
Who Do You Love? [Bo Diddley]
The Fixer
Night Time [The Strangeloves]
I Drink Alone
Gear Jammer
Cocaine Blues [Clarence Ashley]
Bad to the Bone
I Got My Eyes on You [Mike Morgan & The Crawl]
Get a Haircut
Move It On Over [Hank Williams]
Love Doctor [Susan Angeletti]
Madison Blues [Elmore James]
Do yourselves a favour, don’t go out of your way for some cheaper gas.
This morning I drove by the gas station and it was PACKED! 6:45 in the morning and it’s packed?! What’s going on here?
The answer dawned on me when I saw the sign – 98.2 cents a litre.
Not bad, not bad at all.
But then I thought about the people taking time out of their morning commute to WAIT in a lineup. Why not just go when there is no one there?
I will admit that in the past, I would have been there with them. But now I think about what society has thrown in to my brain in terms of consuming.
So, some stats.
Let’s imagine you have a 40 litre gas tank inside your car.
Let’s also say that the day before, gas was at 105 cents per litre, but now it’s at a super low price of 98 cents per litre.
Filling up the 40 litre tank = 40*105 = $42 Filling up the 40 litre tank with the cheaper gas = 40*98 = $39.20
Difference = $2.80
Of course, this difference would be greatly different if you had a larger gas tank:
75 litre = 75*105 = 78.75 Or = 75*98 = 73.50
Difference = $5.25
This is ALSO assuming that the Gods are with you and your tank is pretty well near empty when you roll into the station at the cheaper price.
Case in point – I’m not trying to tell you what you should or should not do. Just inform yourselves. Personally, my time (and getting my parking spot at the park and ride) is worth more than the $2.80 that I would be saving by waiting in line for 15 minutes.
Waking up bright and early on Saturday morning, I was the first to hop in the shower to get me in the spirit of HOPE Volleyball Summerfest!
“HOPE is a volunteer-driven, not-for-profit events management organization that raises funds for community-based charities. Inspired by Terry Fox’s run across Canada, in 1981 a group of friends in Ottawa founded HOPE to make a difference in their community.”
We try and put a couple of teams in every year to take part in this charitable (and fun!) event. I would have to say that the HOPE Volleyball tournament is my favourite part of the summer. They have the 4 Bs – beaches, bikinis, beer and bands. What more could I ask for?
We headed over but showed up to our court just in time for them to call the end of the game! We got stuck in a security lineup on the way in which made us miss our first game. The games only run 12 minutes (or up to 21 points, whichever comes first) so it doesn’t equal a large amount of time. We meandered around a few other courts…there are literally hundreds of courts out on the beach and lawn area. After losing our second game, we decided it was due time to check out the beer gardens. There was a lot of confusion getting to the beer garden. First of all, we stood in this MASSIVE lineup until I thought “I should check with someone official to see if this is the right lineup.” Sure enough, we were in the wrong lineup as we were heading into a small beer garden managed by the local radio station. This was NOT the beer garden we were looking for, but it was close to the volleyball area, hence the reason for confusion. Then on our way there, we saw another lineup which had a sign up stating Beer Stamps and Wristbands. Well…we already had our wristbands but we didn’t have a stamp on our hand to get into the beer garden. We thought this was odd as it was nowhere near the beer garden. After waiting in line for a bit, I ran out to ask if we could just get a stamp at the beer garden. Success! PLUS, there was no lineup when we got to the garden. Suckas. Case in point – it pays to go to the beginning of the line to see what’s REALLY going on.
After eating some awful awful burgers and hot dogs (courtesy of the festival), we watched Donkeypunch and LoudLove and then headed back for another game (which I think we won? I can’t really recall now…I know we lost two and won two.)
The weather was not co-operating with us yesterday as it was always cloudy and near the end of the day it started raining on us. Everyone was in a good mood though and some of us escaped with a mild sunburn. I got to see most of Mobile’s set, the first song from Matty Mays + El Torpedo’s set and Finger Eleven’s set. I was very excited to see Mobile as I dig them. Their first album – Tomorrow Starts Today – has been in my car for the past two years. It has a lot of staying power. They remind me of U2.
We then ended the day by heading back to Carrie’s place where I crashed for a few hours, woke up to find everyone heading to bed, so I headed back to bed also. An excellent time for HOPE Volleyball and I hope all the new people (Krista, Amy, Marcus, Chris) enjoyed it so much that they return next year!
Sven ‘Germanating’ everyone in sight. This involves painting the German flag on people’s faces (or other parts of the body)
Krista’s first time inside an unruly rock crowd. I had never realized she had never been in there before. I ended up getting a kick to th head by some guy crowd-surfing and she had the look on her face as if to say “What are we inside?!”. We quickly left after that as I would rather keep my head than to fight up some mob.
Wearing my Kapuskasing District High School ‘Kolts’ t-shirt AND having it recognized! Turns out that some guys from Timmins were there. I promptly told them that I wouldn’t talk to them anymore as they were clearly not from the superior community.
Rolling down the hill at the end of the day
Dude in Speedo. ‘Nuff Said.
iplaying: I Heard It Through the Grapevine – CCR (Chronicle Vol. 1)
***originally posted for a Sam Roberts message board…may be a little too much for people to read***
***all photos taken from .COBRASNATCH’s Flickr site***
Heading out to Bluesfest’s last night had a sad effect on me as I had been through the gauntlet and survived, but realized that I wished every night of the summer could be like this. Music all summer long. A man can dream.
We got there with time to spare so we grabbed a few beer and got a prime location to stand for the set. On my way over, I was mentioning to my roommate how I’ve finally come down off of my Sam Roberts Band high. Maybe it’s because they are well into the Chemical City tour…maybe it’s because the shows have an air of predictability to them…whatever it was, I wasn’t as pumped as I used to be for a SRB show. Hopefully this feeling would go away soon!
As soon as the opening keyboard chords of The Gate arose into the air I felt the excitement creep back into me. Perhaps all I needed was a kick in the ass of full out rock? The band was getting into the groove of things once With A Bullet was over and done with. The Resistance opened it wide open – crowds clapping, Sam sauntering around, Dave swinging his hair…it was all coming together. Forget what I said before – my love of the Sam Roberts Band came back fast and it was full throttle after three songs into the set.
Hard Road followed and then it happened. Paranoia. Out of all the times I’ve seen the band, they have never played my fave tune live. The night became magic. I will throw out one gripe though (and this has nothing to do with their performance). I enjoyed the jam at the end of Paranoia on their We Were Born in a Flame tour more than the Chemical City tour. From listening to the bootlegs from that era, I can hear some similarities between the jam of Paranoia and what became Mind Flood. So…I have this theory that they felt it was just too similar so when Mind Flood started playing in the Chemical City tour, they figured they had to change the jam at the end of Paranoia. That being said, I loved Paranoia, but I prefer the old jam better. However, I do like a band who shakes things up.
Fixed to Ruin hit everyone (which premiered in Ottawa at the Panda Festival back in the spring) and I have to admit the crowd was loving the new tune. You know you have a hit song when no one knows it but it can move the crowd.
As stated before, Brother Down, you can see Sam having the biggest grin on his face. He just can’t stop smiling at someone in the crowd.
At the end of the song he announces that his daughter is down in the crowd in the pit at her first rock concert. You can see it touches him.
I’m going to make a fairly obvious assumption that she was their with her mother considering I don’t think Sam’s daughter is even walking yet. Pretty cool to think that they went into the pit instead of hanging out on the side.
Also around this time, Dave takes the microphone and announces that he wants to wish his cousin a Happy 16th Birthday and that the next tune is for him. I thought that was awesome. He must have made his cousin’s night.
Let’s talk about Dave for a moment here. I don’t know if it was because he had family in the crowd, or if he was playing a hometown show (well, relatively close to home that is), but whatever it was, he was on fire. My roommate commented that he has never seen Dave rocking so much. He was pulling out some excellent leads as well as sheer rocking movements – my fave being the holding the guitar up high and strumming away. Classic guitar move right there people. Practice it if you own a guitar.
Other fan faves like Draft Dodger, Bridge to Nowhere and Where Have All the Good People Gone? Were excellent as always. Mind Flood blew me away once again (as always) and I am hoping there is a bootleg of this show floating out there (although Ottawa is rare on the bootleg scene unfortunately) as the song was one of the more blistering versions I’ve heard.
They came out for the encore of Eileen but then promptly left the stage as another band was taking stage across the festival grounds. I was disappointed that they couldn’t hang out any longer, but the festival rules are there to be followed I suppose.
All in all, my love for the Sam Roberts Band is back and I’m anxiously awaiting them setting up in their studio for awhile and throwing out a new album. Other than that, I’ll just revel in the excellent bootlegs that are popping up lately (thanks Chris and others!) as well as contemplate heading to Montreal for Osheaga.
Setlist: The Gate
With A Bullet
The Resistance
Hard Road
Fixed to Ruin
Brother Down
An American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay
Bridge To Nowhere
Where Have All The Good People Gone?
Mind Flood Encore
Don’t Walk Away Eileen
After the Sam Roberts Band, we headed over to the River Stage for what would be our last Bluesfest concert of the year. There we found alexisonfire in full assault and at this point, I just wanted to hang back and take the entire week in. I grabbed a few beer, talked with some people and laughed with Krista about the absurd things we did the day before at HOPE Volleyball. alexisonfire put on an intense show. They were frantic all over the stage. So much energy being outputted from the stage. I can’t say I know much alexisonfire tunes so I’ll stop there with the review. I’m glad the Bluesfest ended on a high rock note with both bands.
Alexisonfire setlist
Mailbox Arson
This Could Be Anywhere in the World
No Transitory
Drunks, Lovers, Sinners and Saints
Boiled Frogs
We Are the Sound
.44 Caliber Love Letter
Rough Hands
Keep It on Wax
Get Fighted
Happiness by the Kilowatt
iplaying: The Second Part – The Dears (No Cities Left)
I have discovered that I can’t really be a music critic for the sole fact that I don’t have enough adjectives in my vocabulary. Which means that music critics must use their thesaurus all the time. Yes, that’s the answer.
Friday night brought us the weekend of fun and sun. Not really sun, but a lot of fun.
After an intense match of Rad Racer with Krista and Jill, we headed to Krista’s where she made the most amazing drink which we dubbed the ‘Blues on the Rocks’. It was followed up by the worst drink in the world which can only be compared to the caesar Donna made me for me one time where she used clamato juice which had been opened, and left in the cupboard for a year. Gak.
After disposing of that drink, we went back to some B.o.t.R. and headed down to the festival grounds. We missed Built to Spill, but no matter, INXS was coming up and we were excited. I was overly excited because the crowd was navigatable for the first time in the week! We managed to get a great spot close to the stage AND have enough room to dance around and come and go for refills as we please. Excellent!
INXS were pretty darn good. They started off the set with Suicide Blond and never let up. Ah, the horn section was amazing! I loved the guy’s moustache also. Top notch facial hair actually. I don’t know much INXS but the only thing I did know is that they have a new singer to replace Michael Hutchence – a Canadian chap called JD Fortune. I was impressed with his showmanship (as well as the rest of the band also who have been around for ages). Bright lights, soaring guitar lines (although Mike stated that half of the solos and saxophone bits were so lame that he could have pulled them off).
I am glad I went to see INXS and not Metric. Although I bet Metric would have put on a better show, I know that they’ll be around for awhile longer so I have a chance to see them in the future (as opposed to INXS which is a rare chance to see the band).
You can’t go wrong with us ending the night off with some McDonalds. I haven’t had McDonalds since Krista convinced me to go carb-free (or low carb, whatever you want to call it) and the quarter pounder was calling my name.
May I point out some excellent highlights of Friday night other than the show:
1) Someone texting Trish to the Cognos tent. Trish, you KNOW it must have been a hot man calling you out!
2) Krista realizing she lost her house keys which had us detour to wherever her roomate was. Upon getting home, Krista heard the jingle jangle of her keys when she threw her jacket off and realized that they were zipped up inside her pocket. No alcohol was consumed this night, whatsoever.
3) Getting to Carrie’s house where I was sleeping over as we were all heading out to a volleyball tournament the next day and seeing her priceless expression when she opened up her birthday gift from me. Yes, that’s right. Carrie’s birthday is in March. I suck at giving gifts on time.
iplaying: How Can You Do It Alone – The Who (Face Dances)