
RIP: Grandpa Earl

I just found out that Rob’s grandfather Earl passed away last Sunday. Unfortunately I was on the road at that time or else I would have headed down to Paisley in this time of need.

I met Grandpa Earl 9 years ago (Lord, has it been that long?!) and he was a kind old man. He sure liked to play cards! I remember first playing cards with him in his kitchen along with a few others and noticed that he was dealing from the bottom of the deck! I didn’t want to call him on it in his own kitchen but he sure was sneaky! 😉 I think I let him know about it at Rob’s wedding but he feigned ignorance.

Through the years I spent some interesting weekends with the Beech Clan, like our Thankgiving trip to Marmora where Grandpa Earl had a good laugh when Rob’s mom dressed Rob and I up in a pig and dog outfit and we went to a party on the campground. Let it be known that we aren’t talking about us being kids here…I was probably 23 at this time! We toured around in that RV for the entire day and we all had a splendid time.

I grew to take a liking to this great man as he welcomed me into his life of having fun and playing a good game of euchre. I never got to know my own grandfathers and I always thought of Grandpa Earl as an honorary grandfather. My thoughts go out to the Beech Clan at this time and I know you’re out there having a grand old time playing cards Grandpa Earl.


How To Access Archives

I’m starting to update my blog with the East Coast Trip but I’ve noticed that the previous entries have pushed past the page limit.

So for those of you who are not familiar as to how you can access past entries, just look on the right hand menu column at a spot called Archives. There you can click on a certain month and it will show you every entry for that given month. Hence, if you wish to see all of the entries for this month of August 2007, then just click and read away!

I’ve updated a bunch of blog entries but I like to keep them in chronological order for future archival purposes. While you’re at it, have some fun and read previous entries! That’s what this website is always about – documenting my daily life for the future to peruse.


Review: Young Modern – Silverchair

The long anticipated fifth album by Silverchair does not disappoint. Silverchair have come so far from the alternative band on teenagers (has it already been a decade with them?!). Their last album Diorama was an amazing piece of work – one where you can tell Daniel Johns was learning piano which I find to be a major turning point in the style of music that a band writes (compared to guitar-based only). It introduced different elements and more complex themes into their music.

After a hiatus of 5 years, they have returned with Young Modern which does not disappoint. At first listen there were a few standout tracks but I must admit that I kept coming back for more and more and more during my holidays. I really enjoy this album. It isn’t a heavy hitting album but I almost find that some of their tracks remind me of the psychedelic times of The Beatles. There are some songs which just go against the norm that you can’t help but fall in love with them. There are some straight out rockers, and some soft tunes as well.

It’s a minimalist album which offers a maximum of enjoyment. Pick it up and you won’t be disappointed (unless you’re stuck in the 90s and don’t have an open mind to what Silverchair should be, or become. They are definitely not the band who sings on Frogstomp.)

iplaying: Mindreader – Silverchair (Young Modern)


Memory: Summer Vacation

I may as well speak about the memories of the summer vacation. I was starting to write up stuff about this year’s vacation but then a flood of memories came back and I thought I should document them for my grandkids who are reading this one day.

They were long days in the car. I remember my sister and I not getting along too well sometimes and also remember suggesting (or at least having thoughts of) installing a cardboard wall between the two of us in the backseat! I remember sleeping a lot because I would get motion sickness a lot. Ugh, the Gravol! I remember that’s what knocked me out usually…that icky yellow pasty stuff you had to swallow so it killed off motion sickness.

Most vacations consisted of heading to Toronto for awhile to visit Aunt Dinah and Uncle Richard and also heading to Gaspe to visit Aunt Lana and Uncle Tony. I must admit that I never really cared for Gaspe when I was a kid but now I have learned to appreciate it. Perhaps it is because when you are a kid, you pretty well are stuck in a place and can only have so much leverage as to what you can do. This involved hanging out with my cousin Rocky who I didn’t see eye to eye with while growing up. 😉 I guess we were from two different worlds. We are fine nowadays but you know how kids are when they don’t get along. I also remember going across the street to swim a lot in some lady’s pool. There was also a convenience store down the road that we must have gone to quite a bit for the odd things (like candy). I remember Pal-o-Mine chocolate bars which we couldn’t get in Ontario but was a staple Quebec item.

I have random scattered memories of Gaspe – Aunt Lana doing the laundry in some machine that came out in the kitchen, lobster dinners, my birthdays usually being held there (as it was the time of the year), playing Nintendo in the later years and people wondering why I loved the video games so much instead of going outdoors, a bat flying around in the house one time, the Snorkels wallpaper in Jason’s bedroom, going over to Charles’ place across the street and seeing his Coleco-Vision video game system before I even knew what video games were, the hyenas (scratch that…they were coyotes. After hearing a phone message from my Dad laughing at the fact that I had written hyenas, I realized that I racking my brain this afternoon searching for the word…I thought hyenas was the wrong word but then thought it must have been it…clearly I was wrong!) crying down from the mountains and one time attacking the dog from what I remember, going to visit Aunt Eunice and Uncle Hally – I feel that when you are a kid you don’t really appreciate these meetings with older people because everyone just talks about older stuff but now I appreciate the memories of visiting these people. I always remember Uncle Hally sitting in his recliner and Maureen and I hanging out in the sun porch reading something (Archie comics perhaps?). I also remember visiting Great GrandDad’s place and thinking it was the oldest house in the world. I never understood why someone would want to live in something like that. I also have this vague memory of Maureen going up to see Great-Grandad and he was in his underwear putting his pants on. At least I think that’s what happened? Someone can refresh my memory on that one.

Toronto was always a marvel for me as I loved the city. I remember going to the Bridlewood Mall with Nanny (or Mom?) a lot. I also remember when I got older Dad would bring me to Toys R Us or some comic shops. Visiting Aunt Dinah was always a treat (it still is!) as she always offered me something to eat. I remember not really hanging out with my cousins as they were older than me. It’s funny when you get older that there is a bridge which is gapped. Now I see Rick at least once a year at Winterlude and I have a newfound friendship with Troy which has grown over the years of playing guitar and more recently, realizing that we are into a lot of the same things in life.

I also remember going to Burlington to visit my other Nanny and I always remember her bringing us to a movie. From what I can recall, it was always a Disney flick of sorts. I also remember her old apartment which had this hardwood floor which came apart in little pieces near the balcony and I would spend time taking this section apart and putting it back together. I can only imagine if someone was doing that at my house right now!

Clearly this post isn’t meant for everyone but it’s more of a documentation of my memories of a time and place long gone but still very vivid in my mind. When I lose my memory in years to come, at least I’ll have this as a documentation.

iplaying: Tarantula – The Smashing Pumpkins (Zeitgeist)


Follow-up: WiFi in Campgrounds

As a follow-up to this posting:

I can now weigh in on the wifi in campgrounds debate. I brought my laptop with me during our trip a few weeks ago. I’ll speak more on the point of having a laptop on a trip (excellent idea!) in my writeup of the actual trip, but in terms of having it on the campground, I don’t think it’s a bad idea.

In fact, I didn’t even use the WiFi (costs $2 for 24 hours in some places, which is a fine price if you have to connect to the Net for some reason), but I did watch some episodes of Jekyll in the comfort of our tent. All in all, I think that if someone wants to surf the Net or check their email during their holidays, then that’s their own thing (while I must admit it’s a little strange that you would want to go camping just to surf the net!). But it’s a great tool if you need to map out the next leg of your journey or get in touch with work for something major.