
Happy Birthday Vero!

Saturday calls for another birthday in the life of Vero. Considering she is an old crow now, I had to go easy on her and not do anything too exciting.

In reality, the crappy weather canceled a great plan to go outdoors and do something, but we managed to go to Cora’s for breakfast. Cora’s is this amazing breakfast joint where they lay on the fruits like it’s the Garden of Eden. Vero had a crepe full of fruits which was literally the size of my arm. I forget what Mike ate but it was huge as well! To top it all off, seeing that it was Vero’s birthday, a treat was brought out in the form of an apple sculpture which looked like a bird swimming in whipped cream. We were stuffed but managed to chow down.

Afterwards we hit up the town looking for some boxes for my newly acquired comic books (I’m picking up comic books for cheap on ebay in hopes to sell at a profit. We shall see if that happens or not.) After a few hit and misses, we ended up on Bank Street and toured around for a bit before heading back home to watch a film and take a nap.

Let’s talk about the film Hostel, shall we? I’m a horror movie fan. I dig them. But these new-age horror films are pushing the limits of good taste. Now all we seem to see in films are scenes of torture. I’m not going to get into the scenes, but let’s just say I wouldn’t recommend the film to anyone. There are some sick minds out there, let’s just say that. I must point out that I loved the whole satirical viewpoint on the American capitalist system gone awry. Kudos to Eli Roth for that. Otherwise, you’re just a sick person.

After a nap, we headed to Carleigh’s pad for her housewarming party. Friends who live near me in Orleans has increased by one. She was a few blocks away and her place is fabulous. I especially like the front patio off her living room (which is on an upper level). We had a great time chatting it up with the regular crowd and watching people play Dance Dance Revolution (am I the only person out there who doesn’t really care for this game? Give me Guitar Hero any day of the week!).

It probably wasn’t the most exciting birthday for Vero, but she will be having an ice cream party in a few weeks which puts the sparkle in her eye! I hope you had a great birthday Vero. You’re as beautiful as ever.

iplaying: What Would You Say – Dave Matthews Band (The Best of What’s Around)