
Long Road to Ruin

As I grow older, I must look younger. My proof is that many people card me nowadays versus the low number who carded me in yesteryears.

I headed up to Meaford Ontario with Mike to visit his brother and Carol on Friday. I figured a jaunt over there wouldn’t hurt me too much considering I was heading to Ajax the next day to see the family.

Mike ended up finding the craziest route to Meaford that there ever was…I believe it intersected 14 different highways. In the end, it only was 500 kms long (excellent), but still took us 7 hours (not so excellent). I didn’t mind it though. I was cruising through some beautiful vistas along with some good tunes.

We showed up in Meaford around 1:30 and proceeded to hang out with Danny, tour Meaford for a bit and returned home to have a few beer. We ended up picking up the new version of a Bubba, but in a Heineken form. Unfortunately for us, the beer was flat inside (whereas, the whole concept of this new-age mini-keg is that it keeps itself pressurized for awhile). Dinner was had, guitar was played and we headed out to the Legion for the night.

All I know is that upon entering the building, some woman grabs me by the shoulder and loudly proclaims:

“I am the female bouncer here! You don’t look to be of the age of 25 so I’ll have to see some ID.”

Of course, I didn’t say a word, showed her my ID and we all had a good laugh at the ludicrous statements. Such as:

1. “I am the female bouncer here.” – Well, that’s fine and all, but we can all very well see that you are female, why bother announcing the fact?
2. “…the age of 25…” – Last time I checked, you have to be 19 to enter a drinking establishment in the province of Ontario.

Anyhow, I’m nitpicking here…I really didn’t care if she carded me, but we did have a good laugh at the way she was presenting herself.

The Legion was in full force that night during karoke night. I played some games of pool with some guys from Trinidad and listened to the awful, AWFUL karaoke from some guy. He didn’t even know where he was in the song half the time!

We then headed for a midnight snack and called it a night. I must say that I had a little headache in the morning and was in some dire need of some extra sleep.

I had a good laugh when Carol mentioned in the morning where she got up and checked to see if my car had a sunroof open (as there was a nasty thunderstorm) and I pointed out that while I appreciated her efforts, she should have checked out her own car also! Unfortunately, the car was soaked inside.

Thanks to Danny and Carol for the lovely hospitality and the good times.