
The Road to Turkey


Waking up in Meaford was pretty killer and there was a little storm brewing in my head. After saying goodbye to everyone, I hightailed it out of Meaford along a very scenic route recommended by Carol (thanks Carol!). I dropped by Tim Horton’s for a bowl of soup which hit the spot and I continued down the roads to Ajax.

I must admit that once I hit Highway 400, I was feeling like I could use a good nap. I wasn’t passing out, but I just felt like a zombie going through the motions of passing people, staying in my lane, watching the trees go by.

FINALLY, I made it into Ajax, strolled into Aunt Dinah’s house, said hello to everyone and immediately hit the sack. Everyone had a good laugh. After managing to rest my weary soul for a bit, I awoke, jammed a bit with Troy with my new guitar (it’s a beaut), learned a few new songs and then went to mingle with the crowd. It was good to see everyone, especially Aunt Lana and company as I haven’t seen them in awhile. Everyone was looking great (especially my cousin Rocky. It was like looking at a new man!) and we had a great spread of food, watched the hockey game and then proceeded to rock our socks off with the lovely sounds of guitar, voices and Palmer, Palmer and Sullivan.

Let it be noted that Uncle Richard is once again ‘the man’ for making up a good pot of chili for us. While one must wonder why he brings this deadly concoction into the Palmer household, but Troy and I aren’t complaining.

I then went to Burlington with Mom and Dad to visit Nanny and Tom which was fun. I haven’t been to their house in awhile. We had a great lunch, I showed off my new guitar which I bought with some money Nanny gave me for my birthday, played them a tune, looked at some old records (hey, I found an old James Bond album!) and then we headed out to Melanie’s place for a few hours before heading back into Ajax.


Let it be known that Aunt Dinah has officially won the best aunt ever award this year as she wasn’t serving Thanksgiving dinner until Monday and I would have been gone so she made up a plate for myself and Vero to munch on upon my return to Ottawa. While I feel bad that I inadvertently guilt tripped her into this, Vero and I thought the meal was fabulous and we send some great thank you’s to Aunt Dinah.

All in all, a decent Thanksgiving weekend was had and the weather was fabulous. We are talking about 30 degrees in the shade!