Picture this: I’m driving on my regular route to the park and ride and I hear on the radio that there is no power at an intersection which is coming up.
Quickly, I realize that the traffic will probably be slower along that route because of the lack of traffic lights so I double back.
Unfortunately for myself, the radio report wasn’t entirely correct…it wasn’t the intersection that had no power, it was the entire area!
Here I was navigating through neighbourhood streets which I’m not entirely familiar with and I finally found my way out of the maze only to discover that since the power was out on one end of the neighbourhood, it was out on the OTHER end that I was heading towards and there’s even more traffic there!
Hence, I became stuck in stop and go traffic for 4 kilometers because there were police directing traffic due to lack of lights in the area. Argh! In the end, if I just stuck to my regular course, I probably would have spent a few additional minutes instead of the 10 I just used trying to find a shortcut.
Case in point – Sometimes you’re not as smart as you think. In my case, this happens a lot. Ha ha.