
Stopping Evolution?

Trish sent me this article about a girl in India who had two legs and two legs removed, while keeping her remaining two legs and arms.

While I do not disagree that she probably wouldn’t have the most normal life, I must question (on behalf of X-Men lovers everywhere) if science is interfering with evolution. What would have happened if she had two extra sets of hands? She could do everything twice as fast! It’s a thing of science-fiction, but it’s reality!

Anyhow, I think we should start up a School for Gifted Youngsters so these people don’t feel out of place in society.

Article is here.


Let There Be Light

I am known in some circles as both stubborn, frugal and a procrastinator.

For example, I still haven’t got that dent in my car fixed. At first, there was a method to my madness in that I did not want to get it fixed right away for someone to have dented it again. But now it’s been six months later. I should really get that fixed.

Another great example of this would be the fact that in my bedroom for the past two years, the only light at night would be my small bedside lamp which definitely didn’t shed any light on what is lurking in the corner of the room.

This is never a big deal to me during the summertime as there is enough daylight in the morning to scour through my dresser to find some matching socks.

But when the winter hits, it is impossible to pull open the sock drawer to find a black sock, let alone any sock at all! It is a mess of fabric inside that drawer which I can’t see and I just feel around for something that feels like a sock, walk over to the lamp to ensure I have the right ones and if not, you’ll find a collection of socks on my bedside table under the lamp because I left them there in frustration.

Considering this happened again the other morning, I finally decided to get off my ass and buy a lamp for the room. After hitting up four different stores with Mike, I finally settled on some four-lamp set from Wal-Mart. They have me by the hair on this one because:

A) The only nice lamps you can find come in sets.
B) I do not want one of those craptacular stand up lamps for $14 that everyone has (including me. I probably have three of them.) I want something that is timeless. Classic. Looks like Keith Richards puked on it back in the 70s.

So I ended up buying this four lamp set and I think the tall lamp is a little crooked but Mike didn’t notice a difference. I also have two lamps that I really have no use for so I guess I’ll throw one of them in my office?

But at least I can find a matching pair of socks in the morning.


Memory: Randy’s Big Chance

I was just talking with my buddy about how I didn’t bother going to see Zeppelin and he says:

“If jimmy page’s finger was still a-hurtin’ at the concert, you would have had the chance to get up on stage and replace him, dude! You blew it! ;)”

This brought up one of my favourite stories of yesteryear. I was back home for the holidays and the night before Dad drove us home (for some reason I remember Randy and Carol in the car…don’t know why Carol would have been with us. Maybe getting a bus to Oshawa from Ottawa?) we ended up at the Sunshine with Double Time (was that their name?) on stage. Double Time comes through town a few times a year and they are a great act.

So as the night weared on, I decided to hit the road as I was feeling good but a few people stayed over. Of those people, Randy stayed. Maybe Carol also? Carol, let me know in the comment section why the heck I remember you in this story! He ended up partying with the members of the band up in their room for the night and didn’t get home until 5 in the morning and we were picking him up between 6-7 in the morning!

He was in rough shape when we were cruising out of town. He was recounting this tale about how he was showing them some stuff on guitar but he was so drunk that he couldn’t play at all and it was horrible! We all laughed when Dad brought up the fact that Randy blew his one big chance to make it big! Ha ha, we kept razzing him about that for the rest of the trip. I’m sure he looks back on that day and realizes he could have been touring with Double Time by now!

iplaying: First Days of Spring – Neverending White Lights (Act 1: Goodbye Friends of the Heavenly Bodies)