

Krista and I got to talking about god-awful Christmas gifts that we’ve received in the past.

I shall bring up these entries in the future for a special 12 Days of Christmas portion of Palmer’s World, but in the meantime, if you would like your Christmas gift story to be showcased during the 12 Days of Christmas, send it my way (not via the comment section people! Then people will see!) and will have a rundown of the worst Christmas gifts received and whoever has the worst one will receive something special from yours truly.

Actually, I think I’m going to expand this thought to our Annual Christmas Party and we will share the worst Christmas gifts stories for all to hear (along with some cider and rye).


AI Redux

Read article from Globe and Mail here concerning how in less than 50 years, we will see the birth of love-bots.

Jude Law, eat your heart out.


Gelaskins for iPod

Hey, these are pretty neat designs for your iPod!

Click here.

If you’re interested in one, get in touch with me because if you order three, you get the fourth one free!