
Ordering From the States

I already spoke at length last year about ordering things via the States. Here’s a good article from the Globe and Mail which talks about what to expect.

Read it here.

iplaying: Wipe That Smile Off Your Face – Our Lady Peace (Healthy in Paranoid Times)


Random Updates

I’ve been sitting here for the past while thinking about what I could write about on the website today but nothing much is popping into my head. I would like to think I try and update it every day but I know that just doesn’t happen lately and then I start to look at the reasons why that is happening.

Part of the reason is sometimes I feel there is a lack of anything of interest to pass out. But I went back into the archives around November 2005 and saw that I posted pretty well ANYTHING that came across my eyes and made me laugh or have some interest in it.

Without further ado, here’s some random things that have piqued my interest today:

  • The Munchkins get their Star on the Walk of Fame – Read here.
  • Probably the most disturbing thing I have ever heard. Except for that time where I was put under for my wisdom teeth and I woke up and my zipper was down. Thanks (?!) to Maren for this crazy article here.
  • There’s a guy at work who said how he and his wife exchange about $30 in gifts at Christmas. Considering the fact that they are both well off and can pretty well afford anything (well not ANYTHING) they want to purchase, he didn’t see the point of blowing wads of cash. Also, it makes it more interesting to see how much you can get for $30 which will also be thoughtful. I’m thinking a picture made out of macaroni myself! All kidding aside, it’s an interesting concept. I go through the same thing myself (aka get a gift that MEANS something) but I spend some a bit of cash in the process. You can’t get a hot tub for someone without spending the bucks. You’re welcome Mom and Dad.
  • Mental Note – Being frugal doesn’t help matters when you think your snow scraper with the end broken off will still work on the day it snows 15 cms but the night before it rained on your windshield so now there’s a film of ice on it. Get out of your frugal self and buy a dang $2 snowscraper will ya? By the way, it’s snowing big time down here now. That is disappointing on two fronts – one, the lawn furniture is still in the backyard. I think it shall be moved to the garage now that we have TONS of room in there. Two, I haven’t put up the Christmas lights yet. That would have been a smart thing to do last weekend.