
Top 50 Fictional Weapons

Excellent list!

Here are my faves:
49. Master Sword
The Legend of Zelda

36. The BFG9000

33. Magik’s Soulsword
Marvel Comics

29. Ash’s Chainsaw Hand
Evil Dead II

16. Megatron

11. Sword of Omens

iplaying: Rose – A Perfect Circle (Mer de Noms)


Brussels Guide!

Here’s an email I just received!

Hi Ryan,

I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo
has been selected for inclusion in the newly released
fourth edition of our Schmap Brussels Guide:

Musical Instrument Museum

I’m famous! I’ll either be hunted down for my great photographic skills, or hunted because I was never supposed to bring a camera into that museum!

iplaying: Come As You Are – Nirvana (MTV Unplugged in New York)


Mike – The Man, The Legend

Shout out to my good friend and co-loc Mike who passed his competition to get a CS-02 position! In Government land, everyone has a classification. So a CS-02 stands for a Computer Science position at a level 2 (where they go up, 3, 4, 5, etc.)

From the point he dropped his resume in to this point has been almost a year! He still isn’t out of the woods yet as his name is on a list of candidates. He will either get a phone call from someone looking for CS-02s or he can farm himself out and say “Hey, do you have a job for me because I’m on a list.” In the Government, it’s virtually impossible to get a full time position without doing some form of competition.

I would like to think that I had everything to do with him getting this position as he was initially screened out and I knew this couldn’t happen because I looked at his resume so I told him to go back and fight it and they realized that he should have been screened it. Granted, Mike clearly doesn’t remember the story happening this way and feels he would have called them anyhow, but I would like to think that he owes me his permanent career in the Government when he gets a position out of it. Mike, I take payment in the form of beer, new guitar strings, or snow shoveling for the rest of my days.

Krista, Trish, Mike and I went out to celebrate last night at the Royal Oak which was fun. I had the Sheppard’s Pie which was delicious. We had a rousing conversation of ‘deal breakers’ – where we state our deal breakers when it comes to those of the opposite sex. Some classic ones that came out is “No back hair!” or “Must own all the Star Treks’ on DVD!” Actually, I forgot to say that one but it’s been a mainstay over the years so I’m saying it here now for all the future generations to see!

We then headed over to Krista’s to watch Grey’s Anatomy and munch on some treats. Even though the munchies were amazing, I had some awful pains in my stomach afterwards and was glad when Mike and I left as the cool night air helped me feel better.

Speaking about cool night air, I felt like I was living inside a snow globe yesterday. Every time I looked out the window, it was storming. We definitely got hit hard last night and Mike and I were pleasantly surprised to see that our driveway had been shoveled by the new neighbours! I was joking with Mike before getting home that I had better seen no snow in our driveway. If there was none, then the neighbours shall have passed ‘the test’. Mike and I shoveled the rest of the driveway when we got home at midnight, as it looks like they focussed more on our area then their own! We have met the woman who lives there and she is very nice and I’m sure her husband will equally be nice.

Once again, congrats to Mike in making it onto the CS-02 pool!