
Support the White Ribbon Campaign

I was looking back in prior years for a posting I could just recycle concerning this subject but surprisingly, I have never written about it!

Six years ago, I found out about the White Ribbon Campaign through the Canadian rock act, The Tea Party (now defunct, sadly) and have supported their goals through participation within the campaign (by wearing a white ribbon from November 25 – December 6) and by offering some charitable donations.

Here is some information from their website:

What is the White Ribbon Campaign?
The White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) is the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women (VAW). In over fifty-five countries, campaigns are led by both men and women, even though the focus is on educating men and boys. In some countries it is a general public education effort focused on ending violence against women.

What does it mean to wear a white ribbon?
Wearing a white ribbon is a personal pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls. Wearing a white ribbon is a way of saying, “Our future has no violence against women.”

When is the focus of WRC?
WRC in Canada runs its campaign from from November 25 (the International Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women) until December 6, Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Other countries support 16 Days of Action from November 25th until December 10th but campaigns can occur at any time of the year.

Each year I encourage people at my place of work to wear a ribbon until December 6. I also encourage you to support this campaign if you choose to. If you within physical distance of me, I can provide you with a ribbon and pin as I have a supply.


R.I.P. Kevin DuBrow

So it turns out that Kevin DuBrow of Quiet Riot has passed away for reasons unknown (thanks to Chez 106 and Aunt Lois/Uncle Gary who tipped me off on this fact). I’m sure more details will surface but I figured I should bring this update to you.

What can I say? I’m sure that my cousin Troy may have a little more to say on the subject as I seemed to have missed out on the glam metal scene of the 80s – Poison, Quiet Riot, Spinal Tap…all bands that I’m familiar with their music only through the radio and don’t know all the words to.

That being said, I know I was reading in Guitar World that Quiet Riot were touring around even to this date so it’s sad to hear that such a great band has stopped in their tracks for the time being.