
Hilarious Facebook Parody Vid

Thanks to Samantha for this one!


Future Shop SAVINGS!!!

I saw this ad for Future Shop and had to smirk at the great savings on the iPod they are offering.

Congrats! Take advantage of our great savings of….FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS!

Wowza! It’s so worth making an actual ad for this kind of savings and put it on other sites! I can’t contain my excitement for saving $5. That’s the price…heck I don’t know…five boxes of Kraft Dinner!

All kidding aside, it does seem a little strange that they advertise this considering five dollars doesn’t go a whole of places nowadays. Especially if you are a coffee drinker. How much do coffee drinkers spend in a day? I’m going to randomly pull out a number out of the air and say the average coffee drinker spends $5 a day on coffee.

So for all you coffee drinkers out there thinking of buying an iPod this holiday season…if you miss out on this sale you can just stop drinking coffee for a day and you will still save.


Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra

Last night we had an impromptu dinner over at Eric and Annie’s. Mmm…stew. You can’t go wrong with stew. After chatting awhile about our top secret project for the Christmas season, I had headed out to nab some groceries, and headed to Canadian Tire.

I don’t know what I don’t go to C.Tire more often. I not only found a wreath at 50% off but I also found some windshield washer on a super sale. I’ll have enough windshield washer to last me until next Christmas!

I also picked up a snow brush. Now, when I first bought my car, I bought one of those deluxe ones with the padded handle and the long reach. Then the scraper part broke off it it last year. Well.

So when I was in the store last night I realized that I had the choice between the $2 wooden one or the $10 super-deluxe version. After realizing that this was capitalism at its best (or is that consumerism?), I opted for the wooden one thinking that I could always keep the old brush with the super long reach. It just doesn’t have the scraper part. Maybe I should duct tape the two together!

I also played around with the MIDI functionality on the MacBook. I’m starting to read up on MIDI as it sounds like a powerful tool in the home recording studio. Essentially, computer can emulate any sound so you can pull a Trumpet MIDI setting and a virtual piano pops up and you can hit a note and a horn will sound. There are MIDI keyboards out there so you don’t have to do this virtually so I’m going to do some research into buying one. Not before Christmas though! Ha, I say that because I stumbled upon this mega deal on a microphone I have wanted for a few years and I ended up buying it yesterday because the sale was going to end in a few days. In my defence, I don’t know if anyone would know picked this up for my Christmas gift but nevertheless, Vero was not impressed that I’m shopping for myself within a month to Christmas!

Vero and I also started up the brainstorming for the annual Christmas cards…we think we have a good idea and will run with it this year. I am now debating on whether or not I should send it out again to my mass list or prune it down to those who send a Christmas card back to me. Mom said that she realized over the years that people that she sent a card to every year just never bothered sending anything so she stopped sending it to them. There are arguments on both sides….one could argue that this is the season to be giving and not needing something in return. However the other side of the argument states that when your list starts breaking the 50 person barrier, you have to start thinking on the cost. I’ll put some more thought into it and decide when the cards get shipped to the printing press.


Review: Astro City

If you are looking for a good thing, look no further than Paul. He always recommends some great reads to me.

His latest venture was recommending Kurt Busiek’s Astro City to me.

WARNING – These are comic books. Read no further if you have no interest in expanding your horizons to the ever cool picture and text format.

Astro City starts off looking at the superhero Samaritan who seems like a Superman-type figure, flying to trouble all over the world. In fact, that is the focus of the first issue…how he flies everywhere and helps everyone and he really has no time for himself. It takes a look at the other side of being a superhero…what’s going on in a superhero’s head when he can’t get enough sleep because there is a typhoon in Japan.

Astro City is a fictional city which has had it’s years of superheroes dating back from the 60s, much like you would think New York in the Marvel Universe is. The story is told in present day (circa ’90s when the comic came out) and it’s interesting to see the story unfold with names you don’t know and such a rich history which is alluded to. Imagine yourself starting to read Batman or Superman and realizing they may be referencing things about Metropolis or Gotham City which have happened sixty years ago!

I read the first six issues last night and they were a fresh read. Each comic focussed on an entirely different aspect of Astro City…a superhero, a super-villain, life as a citizen of Astro City…it was a good introduction to the entire universe.

Highly recommend this read.

I also did a little reading about Kurt Busiek and it looks like his first foray into this type of storytelling was in the Marvels mini-series which showed the Marvel universe from the standpoint of the outsiders – the reporters, the citizens….imagine yourself seeing Spider-Man swing by on your way to work! I am anxious to take a look at the Marvels mini-series.