
R.I.P. Kevin DuBrow

So it turns out that Kevin DuBrow of Quiet Riot has passed away for reasons unknown (thanks to Chez 106 and Aunt Lois/Uncle Gary who tipped me off on this fact). I’m sure more details will surface but I figured I should bring this update to you.

What can I say? I’m sure that my cousin Troy may have a little more to say on the subject as I seemed to have missed out on the glam metal scene of the 80s – Poison, Quiet Riot, Spinal Tap…all bands that I’m familiar with their music only through the radio and don’t know all the words to.

That being said, I know I was reading in Guitar World that Quiet Riot were touring around even to this date so it’s sad to hear that such a great band has stopped in their tracks for the time being.


Review: Sicko

On Saturday afternoon I returned to the homestead to find Mike frustrated/depressed about how the United States of America’s health system is laid out. He had just finished watching Michael Moore’s new documentary – Sicko. Sicko takes a look at the American health care system as it exists now and compares it to others around the world.

In a nutshell, the American health system is not a form of universal health care. Unless you have insurance, you have to pay out of pocket for your health care (from what I can tell from the facts laid out to me…haven’t done a LOT of research on this topic.). However, there are private health insurance companies all over the place so as long as you have insurance, you should be fine.

However, this is where Michael Moore’s documentary begins its story. It takes a look at how the insurance companies are really out to make a buck and not help out people in need. They interview ex-employees and show how Directors were given bonuses and promotions depending on the number of high expense surgeries they denied. They took a look at how much money these insurance companies made in a year vs. how much the hospitals make.

There are examples of horror stories about how people go bankrupt because of medical bills. It’s not their fault they are sick! I wanted to punch one guy at the beginning of the film. He was complaining to his parents that he always had to help move them (they had currently moved into their daughter’s place) and that they were an inconvenience. Why were they a bother? Because they were both sick (cancer and whatnot) and had run out of money paying for the bills and had to move in with their daughter or various others. I tend to not curse people, but I hope this son of theirs gets a flesh-eating disease or something.

The first half of the film deals with how the health care system in the United States sucks. From what I know about it, there is an advantage to having private health care systems in the fact that they can afford to have the best equipment and the shortest wait times and the best care you can ever have. IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT. There was an example of one guy who cut off the tips of his fingers on a table saw and he had the choice of reattaching the tip of his ring finger for $12,000 or the tip of his middle finger for $60,000. I had a good laugh when they told this to some Canadian and the guy did a double take at the concept of having to choose between his fingers.

There a slew of examples that paint the picture of how the system kind of sucks for the common folk. The second half of the film has Michael Moore traveling the world to see if there is anything better out there. In the United States, there has been an outcry AGAINST socialized/universal health care, where the GOVERNMENT can make a decision as to what doctor helps you or what mediocre equipment you have at your service. So he wanted to check out what was the big deal with universal health care…

He first goes to Canada (which I always love in a Michael Moore film) and finds out that it isn’t so bad after all. Chances are, the majority of my readers are Canadian so I don’t have to explain anything here.

He then goes to London, England and Paris, France. This was the most interesting part of the film for me as I had no idea some of the systems they had over there.

For example, France (and maybe England? I forget) have doctors who perform house calls. There was this amazing story of how in Paris there was a guy who had a pipe burst in his house and he called the 24-hour plumber. He then thought “If I can get a plumber at 5 in the morning, why can’t I get a doctor?”. So he began SOS Medecins which have doctors running around the city helping out people in their homes. They hop in their car, check with dispatch as to where to run off to next and continue all night long. Brilliant!

They also talked about how new mothers get a government employee to come by twice a week to help with anything they need – laundry, making meals, cleaning, etc. The government realizes that being a new mother may be a little hard.

So then Michael Moore returns to the States, has a reflective moment as to why their health system sucks and all is good in the world. Well not really, but there is this hilarious scene where he brings some needy folk to Cuba (of all places) for some medical help.

What did I think of the film?

Content: I thought the information presented was interesting. I personally enjoyed seeing how other countries health care systems were set up and the reasons for it.
Style: Oh, Michael Moore. Some people hate you, but I love his sarcasm. It’s chock full of commentary from him which is hilarious. Plus, you can’t go wrong at the end of the film when he heads to Cuba (of all places) with rescue workers from the World Trade Center bombings. LOVE IT! While some people denounce how he presents his information (hello bias!), I also feel that it’s important to make people aware of issues surrounding them and not have it hidden from their eyes. I am sure that an entire film could be made to denounce every one of his claims within the film but that isn’t the point. The point is that he gets his point home and that point is that the United States health care system could take a little work.
Emotion: While Mike was frustrated at how a country could treat their people that way (at one point he proclaimed that he would never support their economy and shop there ever again, but then retracted that thought a few hours later), I can say that I was saddened to see that the United States of America’s citizens have it bad when it comes to health care and I never thought about it much until now. I will never take our universal health care for granted again. If you see me complaining about waiting 12 months for an operation, let me watch that film again.

So that’s that. I would recommend this film but if you are an avid hater of anything Michael Moore produces, then pass on it. But if you’re not, take a look at it, if not to realize that we live in a pretty swell country. However, I think I want to move to France now!


Maren and Allan-Paul’s Wine Party

Saturday Mike convinced me to hang up the Christmas lights outside. It was a mild day and no better day to do it.

Well, there was a better day to do it…like today where I think all the snow will melt. I ended up on the ladder snapping the lights to the eaves trough with snow hitting my face and down my shirt and freezing my hands off. Mike was having a good chuckle every time a bunch of snow fell into my face! After a good laugh, we commended ourselves on a great job.

I then hit the town to pick up various items for Maren’s wine party that evening. I ended up picking up a bottle of red Merlot from Chile but now that I think of it, I don’t think I even tried it! I also picked up a neat neoprene gift bag to carry wine in for her birthday. Those are essential when scaling frozen driveways with a bottle of wine!

When I got back home Mike was in a frustrated/depressed mood after watching Michael Moore’s new documentary Sicko. I was intrigued and decided to watch it before heading out to Maren’s. I’ll review it in another post.

Picked up Vero and after practicing some singing (as she just took a workshop on singing that afternoon as she has to sing a few tunes in her play this coming Spring), we headed out to Allan-Paul and Maren’s pad where the wine tasting party was in full force.

I enjoyed the setup of the event. Food galore (the pesto/brie mix was fab), and tons of wine to be had. It wasn’t a giant free-for-all, there was a method to the madness. A new bottle was opened and everyone got a little to try and sometimes we even had mystery rounds where the bottle was in a paper bag and we had to guess where it was from or what brand it was. I can’t say that I know much about wine (although I think 2008 will be the year to begin) so I threw out a random suggestion of Australia as the country of origin but Dan denounced that. One day I shall have the wisdom which Dan possesses!

There were a few good wines that I tried, especially an Australian wine called ‘Two Hands Gnarly Dudes’. Ha ha. There were also a few which were way too dry for me. I needed water at the end of the night after one of them! 😉

All in all, Vero and I had an amazing time. There was good company, the music was excellent and the food and wine were superb. Allan-Paul and Maren always put on a sociable evening.

Memory: I remember the first time I had drank red wine was at Maren’s Christmas party quite a few years ago. 2002 perhaps? I had never had the pleasure and was feeling pretty good after some glasses of it.

So on the way home on the bus, I was feeling good but it wasn’t until I got to my stop that I realized what effect that the wine had on me. My mind was crystal clear but my body had physically shut down! I stumbled to the exit from the bus, stumbled out, walked right into the wall of the Bayshore bus station, did a pirouette and fell on my bottom! I was bewildered as my mind was saying “Hey, what’s going on?”. Some woman asked if I needed help and I let her know that I was fine but she probably heard “Blea..rrr.ggg..uuuumm….harrmmm” I tried to get up and ended up back on the ground in the middle of the Transitway! At that point I knew that the wine definitely had a potent effect and I had to steady myself and take baby steps to get up and walking. I had contemplated asking OC Transpo for the surveillance tape of that night as I thought it would be quite hilarious.


Top 50 Fictional Weapons

Excellent list!

Here are my faves:
49. Master Sword
The Legend of Zelda

36. The BFG9000

33. Magik’s Soulsword
Marvel Comics

29. Ash’s Chainsaw Hand
Evil Dead II

16. Megatron

11. Sword of Omens

iplaying: Rose – A Perfect Circle (Mer de Noms)


Brussels Guide!

Here’s an email I just received!

Hi Ryan,

I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo
has been selected for inclusion in the newly released
fourth edition of our Schmap Brussels Guide:

Musical Instrument Museum

I’m famous! I’ll either be hunted down for my great photographic skills, or hunted because I was never supposed to bring a camera into that museum!

iplaying: Come As You Are – Nirvana (MTV Unplugged in New York)


Mike – The Man, The Legend

Shout out to my good friend and co-loc Mike who passed his competition to get a CS-02 position! In Government land, everyone has a classification. So a CS-02 stands for a Computer Science position at a level 2 (where they go up, 3, 4, 5, etc.)

From the point he dropped his resume in to this point has been almost a year! He still isn’t out of the woods yet as his name is on a list of candidates. He will either get a phone call from someone looking for CS-02s or he can farm himself out and say “Hey, do you have a job for me because I’m on a list.” In the Government, it’s virtually impossible to get a full time position without doing some form of competition.

I would like to think that I had everything to do with him getting this position as he was initially screened out and I knew this couldn’t happen because I looked at his resume so I told him to go back and fight it and they realized that he should have been screened it. Granted, Mike clearly doesn’t remember the story happening this way and feels he would have called them anyhow, but I would like to think that he owes me his permanent career in the Government when he gets a position out of it. Mike, I take payment in the form of beer, new guitar strings, or snow shoveling for the rest of my days.

Krista, Trish, Mike and I went out to celebrate last night at the Royal Oak which was fun. I had the Sheppard’s Pie which was delicious. We had a rousing conversation of ‘deal breakers’ – where we state our deal breakers when it comes to those of the opposite sex. Some classic ones that came out is “No back hair!” or “Must own all the Star Treks’ on DVD!” Actually, I forgot to say that one but it’s been a mainstay over the years so I’m saying it here now for all the future generations to see!

We then headed over to Krista’s to watch Grey’s Anatomy and munch on some treats. Even though the munchies were amazing, I had some awful pains in my stomach afterwards and was glad when Mike and I left as the cool night air helped me feel better.

Speaking about cool night air, I felt like I was living inside a snow globe yesterday. Every time I looked out the window, it was storming. We definitely got hit hard last night and Mike and I were pleasantly surprised to see that our driveway had been shoveled by the new neighbours! I was joking with Mike before getting home that I had better seen no snow in our driveway. If there was none, then the neighbours shall have passed ‘the test’. Mike and I shoveled the rest of the driveway when we got home at midnight, as it looks like they focussed more on our area then their own! We have met the woman who lives there and she is very nice and I’m sure her husband will equally be nice.

Once again, congrats to Mike in making it onto the CS-02 pool!


Ordering From the States

I already spoke at length last year about ordering things via the States. Here’s a good article from the Globe and Mail which talks about what to expect.

Read it here.

iplaying: Wipe That Smile Off Your Face – Our Lady Peace (Healthy in Paranoid Times)


Random Updates

I’ve been sitting here for the past while thinking about what I could write about on the website today but nothing much is popping into my head. I would like to think I try and update it every day but I know that just doesn’t happen lately and then I start to look at the reasons why that is happening.

Part of the reason is sometimes I feel there is a lack of anything of interest to pass out. But I went back into the archives around November 2005 and saw that I posted pretty well ANYTHING that came across my eyes and made me laugh or have some interest in it.

Without further ado, here’s some random things that have piqued my interest today:

  • The Munchkins get their Star on the Walk of Fame – Read here.
  • Probably the most disturbing thing I have ever heard. Except for that time where I was put under for my wisdom teeth and I woke up and my zipper was down. Thanks (?!) to Maren for this crazy article here.
  • There’s a guy at work who said how he and his wife exchange about $30 in gifts at Christmas. Considering the fact that they are both well off and can pretty well afford anything (well not ANYTHING) they want to purchase, he didn’t see the point of blowing wads of cash. Also, it makes it more interesting to see how much you can get for $30 which will also be thoughtful. I’m thinking a picture made out of macaroni myself! All kidding aside, it’s an interesting concept. I go through the same thing myself (aka get a gift that MEANS something) but I spend some a bit of cash in the process. You can’t get a hot tub for someone without spending the bucks. You’re welcome Mom and Dad.
  • Mental Note – Being frugal doesn’t help matters when you think your snow scraper with the end broken off will still work on the day it snows 15 cms but the night before it rained on your windshield so now there’s a film of ice on it. Get out of your frugal self and buy a dang $2 snowscraper will ya? By the way, it’s snowing big time down here now. That is disappointing on two fronts – one, the lawn furniture is still in the backyard. I think it shall be moved to the garage now that we have TONS of room in there. Two, I haven’t put up the Christmas lights yet. That would have been a smart thing to do last weekend.

Let There Be Rock!

Ah…I love The Onion.…age_guitar_riff
March 5, 2007 | Issue 43•10
GWYNEDD, WALES—Calling it the planet’s last, best hope for saving rock music, the Guardians of the Protectorate of Rock announced Monday that they would take the extraordinary step of unleashing a never-before-heard Jimmy Page riff, hidden for decades in a mythic, impenetrable vault.

Some speculate that this is the gate to the secret vault.

“We who believe in the immortality of rock, took a vow 30 years ago that we would never release this incredibly powerful force unless we faced a Day of Reckoning—and that day has come,” said Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi, one of the chosen few who helped forge the Secret Vault to Save Rock and Roll, at a press conference in the Welsh highlands. “Just look at the pop charts, and you shall know I speak the truth.”

“Let’s give rock and roll its fucking balls back,” he added.

The Guardians said recent developments in the music world, such as the unaccountable popularity of the Dixie Chicks and Sufjan Stevens, have created a “perfect storm of lameness” from which rock might never recover. While Iommi refused to say when the vault would be opened, hard rock sources believe it will take place just prior to next month’s Fall Out Boy–Honda Civic tour, which many fear will suck the remaining lifeblood from all that still rocks.

“Citizens of Rock, we refuse to stand idly by any longer,” ZZ Top founder and Protectorate High Elder Billy Gibbons said. “When a puss like James Blunt is allowed to rule the airwaves, we must respond by exposing this monster riff, and blowing minds into the stratosphere.”

The Protectorate, devoted to the preservation of badass jams and blistering guitar solos, was reportedly formed in the 1970s during the rise of adult contemporary music. According to legend, the riff, played only once by Page and recorded on a special cobalt record, contains the raw power, mind-blowing skill, and unbridled passion of all the Guardians combined. Recently translated parchments from the era describe it as a soul-searing power-chord progression faintly resembling a cross between “Smoke On The Water” and “Living Loving Maid,” but “basically defying all description.”

It is believed that, upon the riff’s release, even those who claim that the genre is dead will have no choice but to pump their fists, bang their heads, and bow down to the gods of rock for all eternity.

“May God have mercy on our souls for what we are going to set loose upon the world,” proclaimed Queen guitarist Brian May, dressed in druidic robes and bathed in the rising blue smoke of a nearby fog machine. “Will it save rock or destroy mankind? We have no way of knowing—yet we have no other choice.”

Members of the Protectorate were each given only partial information about the location of the vault, which they were instructed to open in unison only in the event of a total Rockopalypse. While some believed the vault was buried in Boston, Chicago, Kansas, Europe, or Asia, others claimed it could be found in the Court of the Crimson King.

However, after piecing together clues hidden in Yes album covers and Pink Floyd liner notes, rock historians now believe the riff is locked away deep beneath the Welsh countryside house known as Bron-Yr-Aur, at rock-grid coordinates SH735026. British weather satellites have also photographed an enormous cloud, shaped like a hybrid of an upside-down question mark and cross, forming above these exact coordinates.

The vault’s Key, regarded as too staggering a burden for any one man to bear, was divided in two parts, with half entrusted to Eddie Van Halen and half to David Lee Roth, shortly after Roth left the rock supergroup Van Halen. The two men, who have refused to work together for 20 years, recently announced plans for a historic reunion tour.

“Before we shake Heaven and Earth with the vicious power of this riff, we of the High Council of Elders of the Guardians of the Protectorate of Rock ask you: Are you about to rock?” AC/DC guitarist Angus Young said. “If so, we salute you.”

When asked to comment on the possible dangers of using the riff, Sir Paul McCartney seemed surprised.

“There’s a secret vault to save rock and roll?” McCartney said. “This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

iplaying: Some track from the new Neverending White Lights album but I don’t really know what it is because Rogers cut off our Internet so when I loaded this onto the iPod it couldn’t access CDDB which is an amazing website which figures out what the tracklisting on your CD is – Neverending White Lights (Act II: the blood and the life eternal)


Anyone Going to The States?

Hey, is there anyone out there going to the States soon, and going near a Best Buy? If so, please contact me. There’s something I need picked up.
