
Dad is Fine Now

Dad went for an angiogram this morning which lets the doctors take a look inside your heart to see if there is anything amiss. Sure enough, they then took him to put a stent inside an artery as there was blockage. I looked at a picture and I’m not a doctor but I would say the artery was 100% blocked as there was gap between one side of the artery to the other!

He is now resting as they have to cut open the main artery to get in to do this kind of thing and should be out of the hospital tomorrow. Hopefully this will fix it up!

The last few days in the hospital have been interesting and if I feel like it I’ll write more about them in the future. For now, I think I’ll take a nap but there is also this lingering question…

If he had an angiogram in October and it showed that an artery was 60% blocked and three months later, it is fully blocked (even though they said that would be rare), does this mean:

1) Someone misread the angiogram the first time and there was more blockage than originally thought?
2) Is there somehow some hyperactivity in Dad’s blockage-making centers of his body that make it blocked faster than a speeding bullet?

Ah well…we’ll figure this stuff out later.

iplaying: The Rose March – The Smashing Pumpkins (American Gothic EP)