
Review: Zatoichi

Zatoichi PosterNow the second film we watched on Samurai Sunday was even better…Zatoichi! This is what I want from a samurai film…honour, blood, swords, ronin…you name it, they got it!

Zatoichi follows a blind swordsman around. But don’t be put off because he’s blind. He uses his other senses to kick some evil ass. In the end, the film revolves around some Yakuza hassling the people of the town for protection money and then the blind swordsman comes to their aid. Is this a common story? It’s seems that there is always the theme of taking down the man (or the bad man) in all movies and it involves the bad men taking money from little old ladies.

Anyhow, I loved the film. It was amazing. It was funny, it was serious, it had a great style to it…even the kids raking the fields tapped their rakes to the dirt in time to the music. The battles between samurai resulted in some stylized computer generated blood which was neat. The story was decent too and it kept my interest. For an introduction to a samurai film, it was top notch.

After reading about Zatoichi, I found out that he is the Japanese equivalent to our James Bond. He literally has 30+ films about the character, as well as a television series! What’s even crazier is the fact that the actor Shintaro Katsu was the sole actor who played Zatoichi until he passed away and then Takeshi Kitano took over the mantle in the 2003 film version of Zatoichi (which is the version we saw). I would be interested in seeing a few of the old Zatoichi films because of the lore that it has on the samurai culture. I wonder if my uncle Gerry has seen all the Zatoichi films while in Japan? Maybe it’s one of those things where it airs every Saturday night…

Two samurai swords up for this film. Highly recommend as part of your mandatory samurai film watching.

After the film, we ended up picking some Chinese food up from the Lucky Star Chinese place down the street from us. It was pretty good and we were all stuffed afterwards. All in all, Samurai Sunday was a success and I will definitely think about holding another one in the future.


The Pounds

You’re going to find this thought a little strange, but hey, it went through my head this morning.

So I get on the weight scale this morning and wasn’t too surprised that the usual weight had fluctuated by an increase of 4-5 pounds.  Not too worry…heck, we had Chinese food last night.  A LOT of it.

But then I was urinating and while standing there I was thinking of the weight of liquid and wondered if this would have much effect on the weight of my body.  Sure enough when I hopped back on the scale, there was a decrease of 4-5 pounds.

Granted, probably everyone reading this is saying “How could you not know that?” but I just wanted to share that with you.  I thought it was neat to have this revelation that my bladder can hold 4-5 pounds of liquid.


Free Air Guitars

Free Air Guitars



Calvin and Hobbes

Definition: A silly or foolish person.

This morning I was reading Calvin and Hobbes during breakfast and laughed at the use of the word nincompoop and wondered what the actual definition was.

In a weird twist of fate, I was riding the bus this morning to work and I placed one of my gloves in my pocket and the other on my lap because my pocket gets really stuffed if both are in there. My thinking on this was “Well, I will use both gloves when I get off the bus anyhow.” Let me tell you that I have earned the title of nincompoop this morning as after 100 steps off the bus I realized that I had lost a glove. Clearly it was on my lap during the trip and clearly must have fallen off onto the floor when I stood up because in reality, after 30 minutes of reading some amazing literature on Star Wars and Saved by The Bell (from Chuck Klosterman’s collection of essays entitled Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs), your brain doesn’t say “Have you forgotten anything on the bus?”

Nincompoop indeed.

Can I also point out how joyful my mornings have become now that I read Calvin and Hobbes? I haven’t read them in years and it’s like I’ve had a friend return from a long time away and puts a smile on my face during my bowl of oatmeal. Whether it’s the two of them playing Calvinball, or Calvin’s bicycle attacking him, I can never get enough.