
Review: The Game of Kapuskasing

Saturday – Mike and I awoke at Vero’s, drove her to work and then headed home to enjoy the day. It was one of those days which I had sought out for the past four months. One where I could catch up with my recording of music.

First step – go through the recordings that I had downloaded from the Fostex recording studio. I had backed up all the files over the holidays but had yet to go through them. It’s a lengthy process but a fun one to do also as there are some gems that I had forgot I recorded over the past few years.

Of special note were a few live off the floor sessions that have graced my music page before but I got to import these files into Garagaband and pan some channels and increase volume where it needed it (sometimes the vocals weren’t great at all as there were people singing from across the room). In the end, I’m satisfied with the end product. I’m especially satisfied with the live jam session that Randy, John and I recorded on Boxing Day a few weeks ago. It was amazing and had some great renditions of Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game as well as Tripping Daisy’s Piranha. Let us not forget What I Like About You by the Romantics. I split these tracks up and hopefully will get them into the hands of the people who were there in given time.

After going through the live sessions I started going through the cream of the crop which were my original songs, riffs, jam sessions. This will be a lengthy process as there are probably 60 separate songs to go through and then I have to decide what to do with them. For example, I had this great recording of Brighter Days (by our very own Randy) but in the end, I messed up one chord change at the end so really, it ruins the song. Why would I want to spend time on effects and whatnot when it’s a mediocre take? It doesn’t do the song justice.

However, there are other songs where I realize that they just are good as a demo so I shouldn’t really bother with reverb and other effects. In the end they should just be there as a reminder if I want to go back and record the song properly. Essentially I recorded a lot of these demos to send off to Troy so he can pick and choose a song that we could take on as our next one to record. Of course, these songs were recorded a year ago so you can see how busy we have been!

In the evening, Vero, Mike and I headed over to Holly and Alex’s place along with Joelle. We had an excellent meal of soup, pizza and Greek salad. Yum! It was also Joelle’s birthday this coming Wednesday so we had a little something for her in the form of ice cream cake. There was no pin the tail on the donkey which was disappointing.

After dinner, we hauled out the Game of Kapuskasing (which Joelle had picked up last summer at a KDHS garage sale). We found out that the game is actually Wheeler Dealer but they custom make the game to incorporate town businesses. The rules seemed complex at first and everyone was pretty leery of playing it but in the end it was pretty fun and we kept encountering rules that made the game even more fun, such as the BAMBOOZLE card where you can challenge another player to a BAMBOOZLE duel where you each roll a die and whoever wins the roll gets to keep their property as well as take the other person’s property. It was very much like Monopoly but had it’s own spin on it.

Highlights from the game:

  • Bamboozled! I was on a roll with Bamboozling and managed to win a bunch of properties at the beginning of the game from duels. I also loved how everytime it would happen there would be a cry of BAMBOOZLE across the table.
  • The choice between a Tax Audit or something else which prompted Alex, Vero and me to chant AUDIT! AUDIT! To Holly’s distaste while she had to make a key decision.
  • The Investing portion of the game is fun as you pay to invest in a material (like gold) and you roll the dice to see if the investment pays off or if you lose your money.

All in all, it was a long game that we had to cut down for time’s sake but all involved enjoyed it (although Joelle crapped out early in the game and went bankrupt) and I ended up winning by a cool $100K lead. Definitely recommend the game.

Thanks to Holly and Alex for the lovely supper and entertainment for the night.  I love not having any schoolwork which interferes with life!

Concert Reviews

Review: Econoline Crush – Zaphod’s

Econline Crush - IgniteFriday had me go to class again…I don’t know if I will either enjoy a Friday afternoon class (where it has me leave work early) or come to loathe the Friday afternoon class (because it’s essentially work on a Friday where your brain is mush, PLUS I foresee group work happening afterwards). The one good thing I have going is my Professor seems amazing for a Quantitative Methods course.

After class, I picked up the car and headed back over to Trish’s where Mike and gallantly hooked up her VCR and Super Nintendo and then sat back and enjoyed some drinks and pizza before heading out to see Econoline Crush at Zaphod’s. We also watched some King of Queens and Trish gave me my Christmas gift – the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks! I feel well armed for any impending zombie attacks on us. Did you know that the smartest thing you can do is to get onto the second level of your house and destroy the stairs as zombies cannot climb? It’s true…it’s in the book.

The last time I saw Econoline Crush in concert was in 2001 while they were supporting their Brand New History album. Econoline Crush are a Canadian industrial band although I think we can define them as a rock band nowadays as they seem to have swayed away from the industrial tinges that layered The Devil You Know and Brand New History. They had broken up and eventually had Trevor Hurst recording with Ross Childress (of amazing guitar player from Collective Soul fame) and releasing an EP called Hurst. We saw Hurst open up for Theory of a Deadman a few years back and they were decent.

Anyhow, fast-forward to now and Trevor Hurst got the blessing from the other band members to continue on with the Econoline Crush band name but with all new members. This isn’t as shocking as you think as it turns out that a lot of the members have severe disabilities that prevent them from even playing instruments any longer! Dang!

We arrived at Zaphod’s around 8PM which was silly on my part because when I saw that the show started at 8PM, I thought that this really meant that the band was on at 8PM. In the end, they showed up on stage aroun 10PM so we had a few beers and had numerous debates stemming from Chuck Klosterman’s Top 23 Questions He Asks a Person to Determine if He Can Really Love them. I had stumbled upon this chapter in his Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs book and immediately loved it. Here’s an example question (paraphrased and no copyright obtained but I hope that this will be fine if Mr. Klosterman ever stumbles upon my little website and realizes that I’m listing a question from his book in order to entice readers to buy your book, which is amazing.):

“Someone invents the ‘dream’ VCR which allows you to record all the dreams you have during the night. However, there is a catch. The inventor will only allow you to see the tape of your dreams if you watch it along with your closest friends and family at the same time. Would you still do this?”

This brought forth some great debate which descended into madness when someone brought up the topic of being either deaf or blind and then Mike went on a rant about how deaf people shouldn’t be allowed to drive whereas I pondered why hearing has anything to do with it considering car stereos can be cranked to a volume where you couldn’t possibly hear a nuclear explosion occuring right outside your door. Unfortunatley for Vero and Trish, we were into this heated debate to the point where we weren’t exactly democratic in allowing anyone else to get into the debate!

Econoline Crush took the stage and took our hearts away. The band was back, albeit with all new members. They railed through a lot of their new album which sounded great upon first listen (this night was their CD release party so I had yet to listen to it) and a lot of their older hits. Zaphod’s is a great little club to see a band and you could see that the band were having a great time. I don’t really have much else to say other than I would probably go see them again if they came to town.

The rest of the night had us dancing a little while (where some girls came and danced with Mike and one of them may have brused her hand up against him. Mike comments “Was this really happening? How did this occur? This was awesome!”) and we left early on as a) We had definitely had our share of alcohol and b) We had forgotten that Vero had to work in the morning.

All in all, a grand night and I’m glad to see Econoline Crush back in the saddle. I’ll review their album after a few listens.


Review: Labyrinth

***What the heck?!  NO LINE BREAKS?  Is this what WordPress has to offer?  Maybe it’s a bug…must investigate…this looks horrible!***

 Last night Vero surprised me by showing up at the gym while I was fat-burning away. She was at the mall to find some shoes so we headed home, had some supper, and then realized that she had brought Labyrinth with her. I was also talking to Trish who was about to get groceries and convinced her that watching Labyrinth is so much more fun.

Labyrinth PictureRewind: Vero mentioned that Labyrinth was her favourite film of all time so I went ahead and picked it up for her over the holidays. I vaguely remember watching this film…flashbacks of David Bowie and his grand hair and some crystal ball. Vero on the other hand, had an interesting story in that her father had videotaped the film but the ending was cut off so even though she had seen the film a gazillion times as a child, she had never seen the end!

With this knowledge, we entered the magical world of Labyrinth which Jim Henson directed and George Lucas produced. I must admit that it was very cool in the fantastical way. Lots of colours, lots of interesting characters (Muppets) and overall, some kickass Davie Bowie-ness going on. Trish mentioned how this film spawned her and Jennie’s desire to see all David Bowie films but that failed miserably with a film called The Man Who Fell to the Earth. Supposedly it was a dud. 😉

I am surprised at how much the film interested me over time considering it’s geared to children. I found a lot of classical archetypes of the stories of old…like the characters they meet and the logic puzzles they have to endure. Heck, at one point I thought we were watching a rendition of King’s Quest VI! Jennifer Connelly definitely got on my nerves in the beginning of the film where she hates babysitting her baby brother, but as soon as she wishes him off to the Goblin Kingdom (where David Bowie rules all) she started becoming a believable person.

Can I also mention that I thought of Harry Potter at two points in the film; the first being that there was an owl hanging around. Second, when David Bowie mistakenly calls Hoggle by the name of Hogwarts (the school in Harry Potter). Neat!

Two thumbs up for this timeless masterpiece. It didn’t seem dated whatsoever (unless you are a kid who can’t get over Muppets).

The best part about watching this film was that Vero realized at the 37 minute mark that this is where the film had actually ended for her when she was a kid! We all had a good laugh at the fact that she had missed an hour’s worth of the rest of the film and I was happy to see her face become amazed at the remainder of the film.

iplaying: Heavy Metal Machine – The Smashing Pumpkins (AOL Sessions)



I’m testing some new looks for the website over at

Let me know which ones you prefer!


Creation Sarcastik

When Trish and I went to the “Not Your Grandma’s Craft Sale” back in November, I picked up a bag for Vero for Christmas with this odd little creature on it.

It was made by Creation Sarcastik and you should take a look at their stuff. It’s pretty cool!



Gak! What a way to start the new year! I have an interview this coming Thursday! This is stretching the Palmer a little too thin on the study front. Especially since I have classes from 4 – 8:30 on Wednesday night.

While I wouldn’t say that I’m not looking forward for a promotion, at the same time, I am in a comfortable position of the fact that it’s not an interview for my own job. I think that’s my saving grace in these things. If I don’t pass the interview, at least I know I can try for another one at another time. Not like the time back in 2004 where it was the scenario of “Pass this, or you lose your job.” That was grueling!


My Almost Complete Move to a Mac

Pretty well a year ago this week, I purchased a MacBook. It has not disappointed me (other than the crackling speaker last week which, this week, I can’t duplicate and my warranty is running out in a week which irks me. Time to drop the thing a few times!) and I have enjoyed the experience of using a Mac.

Vero provided the ammunition I needed to fully move over to a Mac-life and potentially turn off my old computer with Windows installed on it. She picked up a nice sleek monitor for me to connect to the laptop.

You see, the laptop is cool and all but for heavy duty workloads I preferred to jump over to my computer with a larger screen. So I never really allowed myself to get into the inner workings of the Mac…I just knew how to get by.

Those days are in the past as I have started building my Mac only station. I have the monitor on my desk and when I want to go nuts on the Mac, I put my laptop down next to me and I have a bunch of cables tie-wrapped together which easily plug into all the ports I need to make the laptop a sweet, sweet station of life.

After playing around for a few hours with the monitor and it’s setup, I started thinking about the what this scenario led me to:

no noise: everyone knows the hum of a computer. If you work in an office building, you probably don’t notice it and think it’s just the ventilation. While partially true, it’s also all those computer power supply fans running and has the power to drown out people talking outside your cubicle. The same goes for in my office at home. When I open my door to my bedroom down the hall, I can definitely hear the fan on my computer running. Over the past 15 years, I suppose it could be considered normal.

With the laptop, it’s eerie to not hear anything compared to the hair-dryer like fan on my old computer. Sure, there are new computers out there that have silent fans so maybe I’m behind the times. So here I am clicking away on the computer and I can’t hear anything else in the room.

Storage: Hmm…well this will take awhile to properly figure out. (Geekspeak warning!) Essentially, my whopping 80GB collection of music is on my old computer, which, in turn, syncs up to my iPod. There’s no way I can put that music onto my laptop hard drive. In the end, last night I transferred all my MP3s onto my portable hard drive which was a pain because there was not enough room to do it in one copy session so I had to time it so when I copied the MP3s onto my portable hard drive, I timed the offload of data from it back onto the old computer’s hard drive. Bah. Why can’t I just own 1TB or 2? 😉 Anyhow, this morning the transfer was complete. I think this will solve the problem of the iPod.

However, there is the question about what to do with all that data on my old hard drives? I can think of two possible solutions:

– Rip out the hard drives and put them in portable hard drive casings so they can easily plug into my laptop if need be (or get a USB hub) and then I have the ease of fast USB connectivity. Cons of this scenario leave my old computer as a shell as if I ever needed to use the old computer for whatever reason (hey, the Mac isn’t perfect here), then it would be a slight pain. Unless I left the hard drive with the operating system on it. Now there’s an idea.
– Use my old computer as a server. Just share the whack load of folders on the old computer so I can access them over the network. Cons of this scenario is that it definitely isn’t the fastest option if I want to transfer files. But it should do the trick if all I want to do is stream media from it. Hmm…I could definitely just throw it in the basement to act as a server and not have to think about it.

Other than that, I’m looking forward to a Mac-only existence and the larger monitor will persuade me to record more into GarageBand because it was a slight pain before due to the small screen on the laptop.

Over the holidays, I had a LOT of people ask me “Why a Mac?” In fact, I have had that question over the past year. People know about the Mac. But they don’t know why someone would want to purchase it?

It’s really hard to put into words…I usually fall back on the ‘it’s for the creative people‘. It’s the best platform to use to make films or music, or DVDs (in my opinion). Really, I can’t justify telling someone to fork out an extra $500 on a Mac if all they really do with a laptop is look at pictures, surf the Net and check email.

But even those simple tasks are easier to do on the Mac. It’s just more…intuitive. Maybe it’s because it’s one design and there isn’t any hardware conflicts because the hardware isn’t really an issue like it is with the regular PC where you can swap out components to the point where your computer becomes Frankenstein. I was trying to take a look at the wireless network settings on a Windows Vista computer during the holidays and it took me awhile to find it. You would think someone with experience in Windows XP would be alright around the Vista environment but it was hard! It really wasn’t intuitive at first. But on the Mac, the wireless network is pretty neat. If it finds one, it asks you if you want to connect to it. If there’s a password, it asks you for the password. Voila, done. Heck, I can’t really make any comments on Vista other than that. It does look neat visually.

In the end, I would say that it took me a month to get used to the interface of the Mac. But now I enjoy it more than the Windows system. I definitely think that if I had the choice to get my parents a PC or a Mac, I would get a Mac because in the end, there is a learning curve, but it’s much simpler to use in the end of it all. It’s just…intuitive.

If any of you are on the fence on getting a new computer and are thinking if it’s worth shelling out the extra bucks to use the Mac, find a Mac and tinker around with it for awhile. You may end up liking it. I’ll let you know how the full transference to a Mac-life works out for this chap.



Ski resort expands search for missing snowboarder

I thought the headline said this at first

Ski resort expands search for missing snowblower

iplaying: Malibu – Hole (Celebrity Skin)


Make Your Own Comic Book Wallet!

I need to find a crummy old comic book to try this out! That would be way cool!

Thanks to Paul at the Wolfshack for providing this link.

iplaying: Show Me The Way – Peter Frampton (Frampton Comes Alive!). Let us not forget that Peter Frampton is the maker of the other great hit Sweet Emotion. Mike, that comment goes out to you.



I think 2008 brings a little more website updates from yours truly. I feel I let the masses down from time to time.