
Sunday Sunday Sunday

After preparing some study notes in the morning, I ended up spending the rest of the day studying along with fixing up the external hard drive that Vero just purchased for video editing.

The problem we were having was that when you attempted to capture the video from the video camera and put it into the hard drive, it would hang while ‘trying to allocate disk space’.  After some searching on the Internet, I found out that it may have been the case of the drive just being too slow to capture it because it was part of a daisy-chain.  Video Camera -> Computer -> External Hard Drive.  I found a solution in just going from Video Camera -> Computer (Hard Drive) but this proved to be a pain because a) I had to pull a lot of data off of the computer’s hard drive and b) Vero didn’t have this in mind when purchasing the hard drive.

With the thought of having to return the hard drive, I redoubled my efforts that evening after studying some more and found out that if I (geekspeak warning!) formatted it into a Mac file system, then it may fix the problem.  Lo and behold, it solved it partially, although now it only took 15 seconds to allocate the disk space needed to capture the video so all we had to do is rewind the tape 15 seconds before the area we wished to videotape.  Not feeling that this was enough of a success, I then partitioned the drive so it wouldn’t have to scan the entire 500GB, but only scan 120GB and voila!  It solved the problem!  God bless the Internet, for it made Vero and I happy.

On Sunday, Vero returned to the house and started capturing the videos from her sister’s wedding.  While there were some hiccups still (in the fact that the process would hang a few times and you would have to restart the computer), I believe she may have more luck through the week in capturing the video.  We are working on a deadline as Vero’s grandmother is leaving on Wednesday and is bringing back the video camera.

In the evening, we went over to Eric and Annie’s for some pizza and salad which was excellent.  It was too bad that we all had other plans in the evening as we had to bail on them after supper to go to our respective events.  I headed towards the University of Ottawa to meet with my project group in Quantitative Methods.  We hashed out the beginnings of what work needs to be done and we will be looking into surveying residents of the Glebe area to determine whether or not they would care for a footbridge across the Canal to be constructed around 5th Avenue.  The one further up the Canal around the Elgin Street area has proven to be quite popular.

I then headed over to Mike and Melissa’s house for Melissa’s birthday party.  There was quite the spread of food available which was amazingly delicious.  You can’t go wrong with chili and some beef concoction.  Too bad I had already eaten or else I would waited to eat my entire supper there!

Melissa was pleased with the gifts she received (like the dancing flower!) and we all had a good time chatting with one another.  Vero and I headed home around 10 and retired for the evening.