
Heir of the Dog

So I’m listening to Guns N’ Roses’ cover of Nazareth’s song Hair of the Dog and itjosie-big.jpg reminded me of some interesting trivia concerning the song.


So if you haven’t heard the song before (which is virtually impossible if you listen to classic rock at all), the chorus essentially has the line “Now you’re messing with a son of a bitch.”


So back in the day when the band was naming their album, they wanted to call it Heir of the Dog, which is a play on the phrase Son of a Bitch. But the record label thought that was too crass so they changed it to Hair of the Dog which we all know is a term for a cure to a hangover.


Interesting, n’est-ce pas?j-asleep.jpg


Thanks to Maren for providing some excellent photos of Josie the Wonder-Fox.  Too bad the alignment on photos in this post is kind of wonky.


iplaying: Love and Peace – U2 (How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb)j-in-action.jpg