
The Police (in Ottawa)

the-police.jpgSo the Police are coming to town.  It’s touted as their last tour ever.

I do not know the Police.  I know their hits.  While they are decent, I can’t say I’m in love.

That being said, I don’t want to end up in the situation where in ten years time I become a big fan and realize that I missed the opportunity to see them!

Thoughts out there?  I can see it sway between “Palmer, don’t spend your money on something that you may not want to see, even if you heard it’s a good show.” to “You have to see the Police.  It’s like when you saw The Who and didn’t know any of their stuff.”

iplaying: Life in a Glass House – Radiohead (Amnesiac)


Happy SAD

I couldn’t write a better write-up about Singles Awareness Day so I figured I would just throw a link out to the Dish’s article on it.

On another note, who’s the fairest of them all?


On another note, I’m off to get blood work done today.  We’ll see if the cholesterol beast has left the cave or not!