
Four Years Ago Today…

IMG_0128, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Flickr is kind of cool from the fact that I can easily just look at a date four years ago and see where I was at in my life. Clearly at this point, I had some good smelling hair. Or…a really small head in comparison to Carrie’s.


Review: No Time For Later (The Trews)

51lmzczoel_aa280_.jpgAfter all the hoopla of getting this album into my hands, I finally downloaded it last week knowing that I would pick it up the next time I was in the store.

Can I just say that it’s interesting to download an album when someone did some further mixing to it?  Plus he merged the tracks so they overlapped with one another when they were playing.  I thought “Huh, that’s kind of a strange way to create the album.  But I guess the Trews were just messing around.”  Then once I bought the album the other night I realized that the guy who uploaded the album had done that.  I guess he doesn’t care for two second gaps between songs!

This album is pretty great in a rocking kind of way.  They have really honed their songwriting craft to the point where they are telling stories in their songs along with some killer melodies, great riffs and all around good tunes.  I really can’t say if any tune stands out for me.  They are all good.  I envision this being a great summer time album as it’s a constant stream of hit after hit after hit.  You know those albums with not one bad song on it?  That’s the case with this one.

What else can I say?  If you are into the classic rock vibe (as compared to old Aerosmith) then The Trews are for you.  They also throw in some other musically themed tunes like one that is reminiscent of a rocked out cover version of a maritime song (Can’t Stop Laughing) or the classic ballad where men contemplate how they can love two women at the same time (always a classic scenario in rock circles; Man With Two Minds).

Give this album a try!  You know what…scratch that.  I am declaring this as the must have album for good music brought by some boys from Antigonish (but now based in Niagara Falls).  They are also hitting up Ottawa in May so you are more than welcome to join us when we go all out for that night.

Bonus Mini-Review:  Maren had the following to say about some band I have not heard of yet, but is making big news in the indie music world:

Have you heard of my new favourite band, Vampire Weekend?

First of all, they rock.

They’re four guys from NYC – went to Columbia – and play all sorts of crazy instruments. Reviewers have compared their sound to Paul Simon’s Graceland album, but I think they’re more urban/preppy/African hipster sounding.

I think it’s the perfect outside album…as in, we bought it in Miami and listened to it while cruising down the streets with the windows down.

So that’s that.  Take a listen.  Maren is known in some circles to be a fan of old school hip-hop, old school Michael Jackson and music with an edge to it.  Her sister and brother tend to introduce her to some great indie stuff which she falls in love with and then passes onto me.  Let’s just say that everytime I go over, there’s something exciting playing on their excellent soundsystem (whereas if you come to my place, chances are, you will hear classic rock.  Which ain’t a bad thing.  But it isn’t fresh like daisies on a spring day, which, for all you Ottawans, you won’t see until July.)

iplaying: Headstrong – Trapt (Trapt)