Day: March 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Eric!
As everyone already has this marked in their calendar, we all know it’s Eric’s birthday today!
Let’s be honest…he’s pretty well in the running for being one of the most entertaining (well, if you call sitting and drinking scotch all night entertaining…) gentlemen (well that’s not a real fair use on the term gentleman. Let’s be honest here. This is the man that who wants to train his child to burp on command (which is an excellent skill by the way lads!) on the planet (in the running against me that is) and I’m glad to call him a friend (not a good friend mind you, he used to give me toilet seats as Christmas gifts and let’s not forget the fact that any concert we go to together usually ends up in chaos…like when we missed the bus from Kapuskasing at 3AM in the morning and had to wake up his Dad to bring us to Cochrane, or the time where he forgot his Everclear tickets back in Kingston) and you would be lucky (not so much) to have him as your own friend.
He also has a smoking hot wife and his kid is cool too.
Cheers to you on your birthday Eric!
Tax Time!
Tax Time!
Yesterday I filed my taxes through Telefile. I personally love Telefile. Mom got me hooked on it. Much more convenient than throwing stuff into an envelope and mailing it in. Faster also! In the end, the process took me 20 minutes to complete over the phone. If you have never used the telephone to file your taxes AND you don’t bother with filing them through the Internet, then you should try it out! It does involve doing your taxes beforehand though. It’s not like Quicktax or anything.
Either way, if calculations are correct, I’m getting a cool $1,000 and that’s without any contributions to RRSPs. Nice. I really don’t understand how some people end up paying money. I mean, I understand if an HR section who issues out your paycheques just doesn’t take off enough taxes and then that messes you up, but if everything is on the up-and-up, wouldn’t you generally either hit the zero mark, or get a little refund depending on factors you control (like RRSP contributions, etc.)?