
Carrie’s Birthday Party

P1070162, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Carrie’s birthday party was a classic one. Mike and I took our time heading over to Carrie’s as we sipped on a few beer after a hard week of work. I was also setting up Leopard to its optimum capabilities which was no easy feat with two external hard drives and some stuff on my old computer. The only victim of the move was all the videos I took at Katie’s back in January. This was quite disappointing actually as they were on my SD card in my camera and I said to myself “Well, it’s not like I need them anymore. They are on the computer!” and I formatted the card.

Once Mike and I arrived, we spied a cooler of beer on the back porch so I braved the snowbank to raid it. Carrie caught us red-handed but it was all in good fun and we have more than enough of our to share.

After ordering a few pizzas, the night descended into madness involving some euchre, some jumping into snowbanks (it’s so tempting!) and some good tunes (including Uncle Greg’s mixed CD which was hilarious because he ended up making the same copy twice!). The video games also came out near the end of the night and Rob and I tried our hand at Contra but failed miserably. Clearly, it was the wonky Xbox control pads and not our superior video game skills which messed things up.

I would also like to point out the fact that I met an…interesting girl at the party who was friends with Carrie and Amanda, who proceeded to point out that I have…feminine arms! Ha ha…we al had a good laugh at this throughout the night. Anne-Marie sure has some balls.

All in all, everyone had a great night, Carrie had a great birthday (and she especially enjoyed the new Snoop Dogg album Vero and I picked up for her) and all was well in the world. The ride home was a little hairy as it was storming out…I thought we would have definitely got the extra 25cm we needed to break the winter snowfall record in Ottawa!

Thanks for the grand times Carrie. Happy birthday! Also, thanks for the dance.


Happy Birthday Carrie!



Well I’m sure you all know my friend Carrie.  She is the wild child who is never really satisfied unless there is a Labatt 50 in her hand.

All kidding aside, we all know that Carrie and I met through my friend Rob and a bond over beer, obsessions with obscure movies (FUBAR, Soul Plane) and our love for Kraft Dinner cemented our friendship.

When she got a job in Ottawa, I quickly offered up the option of crashing inside the dungeon which was our basement at Bayshore.  She said she would be there a maximum of 6 weeks.

Six months later, she was talking about moving out with her friend Michelle and I decided to tag along.  Moving into a place with two women was…interesting, but Carrie kept me sane along the trip and it was fun to hang out with her 24/7.  Of course, most of those hours were spent at the Heart and Crown and not at our own house!


Anyhow, this shouldn’t be a recap of our life together, but what Carrie means to me.  Carrie has been a kind friend to me and in some ways, she is the female version of me (except her taste in music is horrible) and she understands what I value in life – to have a good time.  That’s what makes us click together.  Plus, as a bonus, as she gets older, she still hasn’t gotten uglier.  That’s an amazing feat.


But really, I love her.  She’s the best friend any one of you can have and you’re lucky because she doesn’t just reserve that friendship to just me.  She spreads it out to anyone who’s worthy.

Here’s to you old-timer.  I’ll see you tonight with a beer in hand.  And a gift.  That’s right.  A gift.


Male Christians

The other day at school, Jen and Craig pointed out a poster up on the bulletin board.  The gist of it was this:

Looking for Roommate
To Live with 2 Males
Yada yada Yada
(and then inserted in pen of all things)
Must be Christian and Male

We had a good laugh at this one.  We couldn’t even comprehend where to begin ridiculing this.  Did they really mean to write this?  Was this added on afterwards?  We didn’t think so as it matched the penmanship of the phone numbers at the bottom of the page.

Let’s talk about the gender part first.  First of all, maybe this one is excusable because they may have had harsh dealings with a female in the past (can we all hear it for no access to the bathroom for hours in the morning!).

Now, the religion thing.  Where can I begin?  Is this for real?  These guys must be some hardcore Christians if they won’t allow any other religions to live with them!

Anyhow, I thought I would share that laugh with you guys this morning.  Let it be known that we laughed at the sheer ludicrous statements found on a bulletin board in the 21st century.


Update on NIN – Ghosts

Well, clearly the experiment worked.  Trent has raked in over a million bucks for the release of Ghosts, and it hasn’t even hit the stores yet where I’ll be buying a copy.