
Hindsight is Always 20/20 (and so is my vision)

The optometrist appointment was a success.  It turns out that I can still read the letters on the board at 20/20 so he told me I have nothing to worry about.  It turns out that I used to have Superman vision (as he called it) after the surgery years ago.

That being said, he did give me a very light prescription in case I wanted to wear glasses while driving.  Other than that, he said I have normal vision and shouldn’t be worried about it.  He did recommend that I start coming in every two years for a checkup rather than waiting the eight years I did before.  😉

I’m stoked that there is nothing overly wrong with my eyesight but at the same time, it is odd that my eyesight has fallen from Superman proportions to normal Clark Kent vision.  The surgeons did say that over time, my eyesight would get worse with age which is something they can’t prevent.  But it’s strange to think that my eyes would degrade in an eight year span when I am still fairly young.

Either way, this is the body that I’ve been given and I’m glad that I still have 20/20 vision and I’ll start looking for a pair of glasses.  I believe Dad once said I can get a really cheap pair at the Pharmacy instead of buying some at the optometrist.

In other news, I think I have sworn off fish and chips for awhile.  I went to the Aulde Dubliner for Trish’s birthday dinner and I felt extremely full after the fish and chips last night.  It probably didn’t help that there were some nachos at the table beforehand.  But I really am not impressed with the fish and chips at any establishment lately…I prefer my fish in one giant chunk…as in, no batter.  Nowadays, it seems like there is 80% batter and 20% fish.  Ah well.  Perhaps I will stick with the wrap next time.


No More Sex For Sue

e050697a.jpgSue Johanson is finally retiring and I say it’s well deserved!

For those of you who are not familiar with Sue Johanson, she had a call-in TV show back when I was a teenager (and perhaps back when YOU were a teenager) called the Sunday Night Sex Show.  It was quite entertaining.  I still remember when a bunch of us were sitting downstairs in my parents basement and we were flicking through the TV channels and stumbled upon this fairly older woman talking about sex.  To a teenager, it was mindblowingly hilarious but at the same time, this probably educated a lot of us in matters we were too afraid to talk/ask about.

Everyone’s favourite part of the show was probably her toy chest (although Wikipedia says it’s called her “Hot Stuff Bag”…I don’t remember that) but I personally loved when she would pull out these little wooden figures (like the ones artists use to pose into different positions) and she would….pose them into different positions!  Hilarious.

My fondest memory of Sue Johanson is when we were watching it one night and she was talking about activities you can do in the bedroom and she had this one thing she called “Hide the Weenie.”  We were all bewildered and wondered what this was all about.  A year later, Sue Johanson made her way to Queen’s University for a Question/Answer session and Eric rushed over to the room and asked her the question and he shared the answer with us the next time we all got together.  I always have a good laugh when thinking about Eric rushing over to ask that question.

I actually saw Sue Johanson on The Hour a few months ago and it was quite entertaining.  However, I’m pretty sure she mentioned that she was only airing her show in the United States now as she felt that Canadians had enough sex education over the past generation and that there was a severe lack of it in our neighbours to the South.

That being said, if you want to see her final show ever, it is airing this coming May 11 (day before Mother’s Day people!).  I don’t know if Canadians can still get the show anywhere or not, but if we can, please let us know!

Thanks to Sue for all the great years of educating people on sex.


Moustaches of the Nineteenth Century

Exuberant thanks goes to James for passing on this most excellent website concerning moustaches in the nineteenth century.  This reminds me that my annual moustache growing should be coming up soon to prepare for the month of August.