
This Weekend

P1060038, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Friday night after work, Vero and I headed to Toronto for the weekend for a family get-together celebrating Aunt Lana, Uncle Brent and Nanny Sybil’s birthdays. It was quite the momentous occasion since it hit upon some milestone ages of 50, 60, and 85 (respectively).

We arrived later at night than usual as traffic was heavy on the way down and I introduced Vero to A&W down in Kingston. While I do enjoy Arby’s, I figured a little change is good. I must admit their teen burger was top notch and the onion rings weren’t too bad either.

We arrived, chatted with the family, had a few beer and headed to bed.

The next morning, we hung around the house waiting for Troy to show up. Turns out that he had quite the bender the night before and wasn’t feeling all too well. The easiest way to get rid of that feeling is to pick up a few more beer so we headed to the Beer Store as well as picked up some ribs and other assorted goodies to munch on in the day.

Troy was gracious enough to impart some culinary knowledge to me and I learned how to marinate ribs (writing this out here for historical purposes so I can remember the next time); slicing the ribs in a diamond shape, putting six honey brown beer into the pan, cutting up orange wedges, let it sit.

Then we went ahead and made our own BBQ sauce. This consisted of dicing some onions (where I learned a neat trick of slicing the onion right up to it’s core and then cross-cutting them), adding some maple syrup, ketchup, mustard and…I’m at a loss. I can’t remember what else we put into it. We did two separate sauces; one mild, one spicy. Unfortunately for us, the sauce did not hold it’s spice and believe me, we put enough in. Perhaps we should wait until right before we apply it to the ribs so it keeps the spiciness. Once you get the onions to brown, you add some beer, crank it to a boil and all is good in the world.

After that was done, the main event happened. Seeing that it was everyone’s birthday, we concocted an idea to take a few pictures of ourselves, frame them and give them out as gifts. Vero, Troy and I slipped out of the house and headed to the nearest playground, put on our suits and Vero set us up on our very own photo shoot! I swear I now know how it feels to shoot a picture for an album cover! We had some great laughs as we posed around trees, swing sets, park benches, the whole nine yards. You can take a look at the photos by clicking on the photo above which brings you to the Flickr website. Take note that you can go through the entire album by either looking at the previous or next picture in the album! We couldn’t stop laughing during the process and we thought that everyone around the neighbourhood would think we are loony. We then headed to the Superstore to print them out and get some frames. Everything went off without a hitch as we snuck into the basement at Aunt Dinah’s and wrapped them up. None was the wiser.

Everyone started showing up at that point…Aunt Lana, Uncle Tony, Rocky and Jason, Uncle Billy, Aunt Val, Paige and Aidan, Sully, Dwayne and Wendy, Rick and Tracy showed up around supper time, it was a good count of people who showed up. We sat in the sun, had some beer, had an amazing feast of food, had some birthday cake, passed out the photos of ourselves which got some great reactions from people…it was a great evening.

One of the better moments for myself was when I finally suggested to Aunt Lana that I go out and pick up those comic books out of the trunk of her car. I had been holding back for the entire day as I didn’t want to seem TOO eager to dig into them. When I found a quiet moment, Vero and I hauled out three huge boxes from her trunk and brought them into the basement. Rick, Tracy, Paige and Aidan were there playing around and they were curious as to what I was bringing down the stairs. Rick and I then perused the boxes and marveled at the finds inside. It was quite overwhelming actually. I will talk about it more in a separate post as my feelings are too grand to reduce into a single paragraph.

A funny moment occurred when Aidan (age 4) saw the comics and wanted to look at them. Warning bells went off in my head and I figured it definitely wouldn’t hurt to give him a comic I didn’t really care about…so I went through the box and passed him a Green Arrow comic book wondering if he would be amazed at the artwork and the feel of the book in his hands…I was wondering if I was opening up a world of wonder to this child and consequently having his parents loathe me because they would have to spend thousands of dollars on comic books for him.

Lo and behold, this was not the case. He proceeded to flip the pages like a ragdoll, crumple, tear a page a little and Vero even said he sneezed into the book! I had a good laugh at this as the experiment was an utter failure but I also learned that I should hide the rest of the comic books for the rest of the night! I learned an important lesson that you should never be upset at a child and I wasn’t. Although Vero had a good maniacal laugh later on that night when she imagined some kids going through my entire collection of comics like they were construction paper and it as Arts and Crafts hour. I was not impressed with this vision and have vowed to put my comics at my parents house in the future. 😉

After perusing my wares, Troy came down and said the masses were requesting a little music upstairs. We hauled out the geetars, hammered out a cover tune or two, then switched gears and played a few originals (So It Goes, 705) which turned out surprisingly well for the first time playing it together. We had only heard the songs over the Internet before and it was pretty cool to have it happen in the moment. The rest of the night descended into a sing-a-long fueled by some rye. Rick grabbed us a drink of rye at one point and it wasn’t the strongest so he brought his ‘A-Game’ and topped them up to the point where my facial expressions would have made for good portraits. Vero handled the jambe drum and had Paige and Aidan dancing around. I must admit that the entire event was a little hazy in my memory at this point in the time as we just pushed out tune after tune. Hopefully we sounded alright to the crowd.

We ended the night with a nice bowl of Uncle Richards’s chili and Sully and Dwayne came back from another party and wanted to hear us play some more music. We played a few more tunes but Aunt Dinah finally had to pull the plug on us as people were already gone to bed and wanting to sleep. All in all, a grand night once again in Toronto. It didn’t end for me as I finally had a quiet moment with my comics I stayed for another hour or two going through each comic in the box. It was a great moment.

In the morning, I awoke to some breakfast and we cleaned up a little. We also played through a few tunes to get the hang of them as we are hoping to record in June when I visit London. Vero and I also got to see the photos from Uncle Richard and Aunt Dinah’s trip to Hawaii. They were fabulous photos and Hawaii looks to be quite the spot to travel to! They had a great time along with friends and I hope they keep traveling to tropical locales in the future!

Thanks to all who made us feel welcome during the weekend! We’ll see most of the relatives in about three weeks time when I head to Toronto and then fly out to British Columbia for a week!

***update*** I totally forgot to mention that my Dad’s uncle Gary (Nanny’s brother-in-law) won 3.5 million bucks last week. That was the big talk at the party this past weekend. I don’t think I’ve ever met him, but congrats anyhow!



Review: Notes on a Scandal

notesonascandalposter.jpgLast night after my microeconomics midterm (which went fairly well I believe) I went to Vero’s place and Mel popped in a film called Notes of a Scandal.  It starred Judy Densch as an old spinster (as she called herself) who teaches at a high school.  Along comes a new arts teacher (Cate Blanchett) who ends up having relations with a 15 year old student (while being married and with children at home).

The film revolves around the secret of this relationship and how Judy Densch’s character finds out about it but promises to keep it a secret only to use it as a tool of power against Cate Blanchett.  She holds it over her head whenever there is something she wants.

In the end, it was a sub-par film and had different views on scandalous behaviour.  I do enjoy Judy Densch from the James Bond films so it was nice to see her in something different.

Not much else to say no this one.  It kept my interest for the most part so if you’re flicking through the television set one night and come across it, you may as well stop and watch.  I don’t know if it’s worth a rental though.


Ottawa’s New Transit Plan

Read article here.

I was reading about the new transit plan for Ottawa and how the city will transform in the next decade.

The plan is to have a light rail system running from the Blair Road station along the existing transitway, into downtown through a subway system and then back out on the other side until Baseline Road.  Bus services would connect to the light rail option and it’s unknown if they would still have buses running directly into downtown from the suburbs anymore.  That was not mentioned but I’m sure with a little digging, I could find the proposed plan on the City of Ottawa website.

What are my preliminary thoughts on this?

Bravo to whoever thought about the solution to getting rid of the gridlock that exists now in the downtown core.  I spend 30 minutes on the bus in which 15 of them are usually spent in the last seven kilometers of my 25 kilometer trip.  The downtown core is a crawl in rush hour.  An underground subway would accommodate a lot of people.  Would this accommodate everyone?  Stay tuned for my personal thoughts on that.

No bravos go to the fact that they aren’t even considering extending the light rail options out into the suburbs.  Now, someone can correct me here as I am no expert on this subject matter.  But doesn’t most of the population of people working downtown live out in the suburbs?  Barrhaven, Orleans, Kanata…it’s all areas where the housing is a little more affordable than downtown.  Also, isn’t the reason that the Queensway is stuffed to the gills every morning and afternoon due to the fact that all the suburbs have a bunch of cars filling the highway up because to some people, taking the transit system isn’t time-effective?  I’m sure there are other reasons for taking your car to work, but let’s just run with that train of thought for a moment.  Isn’t the big deal of a light rail system to grab people from the outskirts of the city and to bring them into the city?  I would imagine that if I lived closer to downtown, I would either bike, or take a bus into downtown.  I don’t think I would make my way to the light rail system.  A bus from Vanier would probably take me the same amount of time to get to the light rail system and zoom into downtown.  I’m sure there’s a lot of things I’m not thinking about, but any way I look at it, I thought that the light rail system would be reminiscent of the GO-Train in Toronto where the train caters to the areas OUTSIDE the city of Toronto to bring them easily into the city.  This system doesn’t seem to be doing that (but on the other hand, I suppose you still need to catch a bus to get to the GO Station in Oshawa) and we’ll all be stuck on a bus now anyhow.

So here’s the rub.  How will this new system work for yours truly?  If we keep in mind that I work on the Quebec side of the downtown area, I can envision that I would either:
A) Still have one sweet bus ride to the Quebec side.
Or (More likely)
B) have to take a bus to Blair Road.  Get onto the light rail.  Get off the light rail when I hit downtown.  Find a bus that takes me over to Quebec.

I would like to think that they’ll still keep one express bus running to the Quebec side.  For those heading downtown, it’s still an inconvenience to switch at a connecting station to get onto the light rail system.  But they probably get there faster in the grand scheme of things…or do they?  We all know how connecting routes sometimes leave us standing there for minutes.

Thoughts on the proposed transit plan?  There you have my thoughts in a nutshell; yay to the subway tunnel through downtown, nay to the fact that the light rail won’t extend to the edges of the city.


Another Man’s Treasure

I’m not ashamed to admit that if I pass by a nice object on the side of the road that could be helpful to me, I will pick it up. Heck, we used to upgrade our entire living room set from garbage day. Yesterday I was driving back from Eric’s place and I spied a small desk on the side of the road next to a garbage bag. I went back to Eric’s, got Simon to come out with me and we hauled the thing back to Eric’s place until I could get Mike to go pick it up for me. This leads into a funny story where I thought it would be funny to just tell him that Eric needs his truck and I thought he would have just left the house and went over there to discover that Eric did NOT need Mike’s truck, but while he was there, he could pick up the desk for me. However, Mike decided to just go ahead and phone Eric first to confirm if he needed the truck. Oh well. The joke failed but would have been brilliant if it worked.

So now I have a cheap old student desk up in my bedroom. I’ve wanted to get a desk to set up a dedicated recording equipment area. It was getting to be a pain in the ass whenever I wanted to record a track. I would have to pull out all the cables, set everything up (15 minutes later) and then record a three minute track. None of that anymore! I enjoyed Troy’s dedicated music room and thought I could have a music corner. We will see how it goes. I also want to bring my guitar amp upstairs as I feel unmotivated to go down into the dark, dank basement to create music. I don’t know how that will go as the basement is a good place to have an electric amplifier. I may be waking up the neighbours with the amp cranked up!

Either way, I shall try it out and see if it spurs on some electric creation.

On a related note, Palmer and Palmer will be reuniting (with Palmers) at Aunt Dinah’s this weekend.  After speaking to Troy last night, it turns out that I foresee this just being a meeting place so we can record some music.  I’ve convinced him to bring the recording studio on the road and maybe we’ll just hole ourselves up in a room in the basement for the entire weekend.  I doubt the family would allow that as they like to be entertained.  Speaking about entertainment, I find it entertaining when we get to taste Uncle Richard’s chili.  Uncle Richard, I know you’re reading this.

Guest Spots

Le Roi des Bières (The King of Beers)

p1010329small.JPGI always encourage people to guest blog on this site if they have something that the masses need to hear. My good friend and roommate Mike has some important words for beer drinkers out there…


I would like to thank Palmer’s World for allowing me a guest entry on his blog. Let me start off this entry by saying if you live near Quebec; NEVER BUY BEER IN ONTARIO AGAIN. For those of you that are nowhere near the Quebec or the US border keep reading but I warn you that this may be disappointing to read.

My good friend André and his wonderful fiancée Annique will be tying the knot this August in southern Ontario. Wishing to send André off in a manner befitting of a person who loves the outdoors and who grew up in Elliot Lake, the groomsmen thought it would be best to surprise him buy taking him camping for the long weekend. My role in the organization of this weekend was to take care of the beer.

Having never been personally, but remembering his co-workers talking about it, Palmer suggested I look into this place called “Le Roi des Bières”. (Insert lights shining down from the heavens and the sounds of a chorus singing in the distance). After a bit of digging, I find out that this place is located across the bridge in Aylmer. For those of you not familiar with the Quebec system, you buy beer from convenient stores or “Dépanneur” in French. As I walked in right next to cash register and the rack of chips was a wall of beer. As I kept walking towards the back of the store, I found a door to their awesome walk-in cooler. The cooler was about the size of my living room and chalk full of pallets and shelves of beer which naturally brought a smile to my face.

The most AMAZING thing about all of this experience was the price. Cases of premium beer were going for the same price as buck a bottle beer. A case of Heineken which normally retails for $45.45 was selling for $33. The top 10 brands found in Ontario which retail on average for $36.50 were selling for $22.50 plus deposit. In the end I bought 25 cases of beer for $670. To buy the exact same order in Ontario would have cost us and additional $240.

I don’t know that I will ever be able to buy a $36 case of beer again. For anyone that lives near Aylmer I urge you to check this place out.


Editor’s Note: Let it be known that in order to save money this summer, I am starting a beer fund so that we can buy a few cases in bulk and keep them in the basement to keep cool. However, this may be a re occurrence of what happened when Carrie and I bottled our own wine and instead of having one bottle at dinner, we would have three. It was a bad scene. But oh so fun. Thanks to Mike for giving some good tips and great story for the site today. Come back soon Mike! You are full of great commentary.


Review: Clapton’s Guitar

claptonsguitar.jpgThe next book I picked up off of Mike’s bookshelf was a lot more interesting and dear to my heart than The Catcher in the Rye.  Mike had recommend this book as he knew I shared as much passion for music and guitars as he did.

Clapton’s Guitar is a book by Allen St-John which follows the creation of a guitar by Wayne Henderson, who is an American luthier and his guitars are highly sought after.

It follows Allen’s journey into Wayne’s workshop out in Rugby, Virginia (population 7) where Wayne constructs his objects of beauty.  Wayne will build you a guitar, but you’ll have to remind him to do so and you may be holding your breath for a long time while waiting to play it.  Some guitars have taken ten years to build because he has no discernible order to his schedule.  He just builds what he feels like.  If he feels like building your guitar today, he’ll do it.  If not, you may have to keep reminding him or it can take you a decade to finally get one.

This book was an amazing insight into the luthier buisiness of building guitars, as well as a history lesson on guitars in general, but specifically focussing on the Martin guitar line and how they are highly sought after.  I never really knew anything about Martin guitars before reading this book, but I now know that Martin guitars (especially pre-war models) are highly sought after and can fetch numbers like $30,000.  For a guitar!!!  I never knew!  I guess it is now my dream to play a Martin guitar to see what’s the big deal.

The story goes that Eric Clapton played a Wayne Henderson guitar and wanted one.  He puts in an order but like everyone else, has to wait awhile.  Allen St-John finds out about this and wants to meet Wayne Henderson (being an avid guitar collector/player himself) and so forms a friendship with Wayne and he is writing a book about Clapton’s guitar and eventually Wayne gets around to building the guitar for Mr. Clapton.

The story follows the actual process of building the guitar, intermixed with the happenings of their lives such as travelling to music festivals, history lessons of guitar factories, luthiers, repairmen and the quest for old pre-war Martin guitars.  It also talks about folk guitar playing in general and follows some up and comers from the music festivals.

Being a guitar player myself, I really enjoyed this novel.  I thought it was superb.  I had never thought about a guitar in the way that these people do.  I had respect for my instrument but had never really known what had gone into it.  I now know what sort of wood makes a better sounding guitar.  I now know that Brazillian rosewood is a lot harder to come by than any other rosewood, hence the reason why the Wayne Henderson guitars are highly sought after; because they sound amazing and are not made in a factory…they are made one at a time with care.

For a guitar player, this book is a must.  For a non-guitar player, I think you would still enjoy this book as it follows a journey of creation but it was also filled with fun stories of Wayne Henderson and his friends.

Heck, I even want to convince Dad to try and build a guitar when he retires.  It would be a neat hobby.  Even I want to try it now.


Review: The Catcher in the Rye

rye_catcher.jpgI needed a book to read a few weeks ago so I decided to start scouring Mike’s bookshelf as he had recommended a few novels over the years that I had never ended up reading. The first one to catch my eye was one that he had not recommended but I knew I had wanted to read it for some time: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.

I didn’t know what to expect from the novel. I knew it was a grand piece of North American literature. I knew that a lot of people had read it in high school. I really had no idea what the novel was about.

The story follows Holden Caulfield, a student at a prep school who has flunked out and is heading back to his parents place in New York City. Turns out that he has flunked out of a few prep schools and it doesn’t seem that he is too interested in much in life.

The narrative is very cynical and it reads from the first person perspective of Holden. He is always annoyed with everyone and how fake they are. I swear every second word is ‘god damn’ which I thought must have had to be a big deal back in 1951 when it was published. I wanted to ask Nanny about that actually.

All in all, I personally found the novel to be quite boring. For the longest time while reading it, I was thinking “Alright, where’s the hook? What’s going to happen? All there is is Holden complaining about everything and him getting closer and closer to his parents place back home.” I really had to churn through the novel. At one point I had mentioned to Amelia that I was reading it and finding it very lacklustre and she mentioned that it was her husbands’ favourite book and she enjoyed it as well so I thought that maybe there was a glorious ending to it and I sped through to the end.

I was left disappointed as there was no amazing twist (thank you makers of the television show Lost for making me expect a grand twist at the end of every story I ever read again) and overall, I couldn’t really understand why this was considered a grand piece of literature.

After speaking with Mike, Krista and others, I have gathered that for the time, the novel was a breakthrough in storytelling in this manner. There was not a lot of first person narratives, let alone one with some foul language and a dismal outlook on life. Plus, it went through some pretty interesting topics for its time…drinking alcohol, seeing prostitutes…it must have been a big deal at the time back in 1951.

I compare this novel to the same feeling kids nowadays must get when we show them the old cartoons we grew up with and they laugh and say “The special effects were so cheesy! How could you like this?!”. It’s all a matter of perspective and I figure I would have enjoyed this more if I had read it in a more appropriate time period. As a story, it just wasn’t that interesting to me and did not shock me in any way.


Review: American Gangster

american-gangster.jpegI was lucky that my Professor of Microeconomics actually gave us some sample test questions for the midterm. When I heard of this, I figured there were five or six questions awaiting us. Lo and behold, there were 40 pages of study material! I was impressed and I definitely hit the books a little after coming back home from the cottage.

However, lack of sleep got the best of me and I found myself waking up from a four hour nap when the sun was starting to go down. After making some dinner and reviewing some study questions, I settled in with a Ridley Scott film; American Gangster starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. It deals with Frank Lucas who was a gangster in New York back in the late 60s and deals with his rise to power.

It was a decent film and it surprisingly held me interest at 9PM. It was quite long and a little drawn out. I was talking to some people at lunch who said they’ve tried to watch the entire film and just were uninterested. I enjoyed it, but it definitely is no Godfather film. If you have 2.5 hours to spend watching a slow moving film with some great acting and a good ‘based on a true story’ story, then check out American Gangster!

Also, if you think it’s your typical gangster film with a lot of violence, it is not. It’s very story based.


Review: Into The Wild

200px-into-the-wild.jpgOn Saturday I awoke from my slumber and decided to watch another film before heading out to Matt’s cottage for the day.  I figured Into The Wild would be a perfect choice as I was heading into the wild myself.

I had been introduced to the film through Eddie Vedder’s solo album which was made for this Sean Penn film.  It is based on the adventure of Chris McCandless who was a college graduate who decided to leave all material possessions behind and head into the wilderness.

He first heads around North America…wherever the wind takes him.  However, it is clear that he eventually wants to travel to Alaska on his own and experience nature firsthand.  It was an interesting film in that he explores the relationships Chris has on his journey and makes you think a little about what we are trying to get out of our life here.  The film explores the extremes (like his parents thinking a brand new car will solve all problems, or their son burning all his money and hoofing it around America) as well as the in-between thought processes (hippies, military folk, etc.).

I really enjoyed this film and it gave me this need to be out in the forest.  It had a calming effect on me and I took my time driving to Matt’s cottage while enjoying the scenery.  I think that this film would appeal to my own generation whereas older generations may wonder why the guy is so against the grain and is simply wandering through life and not settling down to get a job.  I think I’d like to explore these thoughts in a future entry so I’ll leave it at that.

That being said, I really enjoyed the film…it’s a story of a man’s adventure into trying to discover a little more out of life when they weren’t satisfied with the norm.  As soon as I finished the film, two people reminded me of this nomadic spirit…Vero and Carrie.  They are both people who seem to want a little more in life than the norm, they just have to figure out how to get it.  I think they would find the film interesting.

With this newfound nomadic spirit within me, I packed the car and headed west to Matt’s parents place.  They live 1.5 hours of Ottawa so it’s a good couple of albums worth of music to get me by.  It had also started raining as soon as I left the house so the outlook didn’t look good.

I arrived in the wilderness and walked into their house to find everyone sprawled out on the couches and watching the hockey game on a nice new flat screen television which was mounted to the wall.  While this was an impressive sight from a technological perspective, it wasn’t quite what I had in mind for the trek to the wilderness.  😉  I have to remember that Matt’s parents place is eventually their HOME in the woods, and not their COTTAGE in the woods.  Any place with Internet, satellite TV and a furnace is not a cottage.  Either way, it is a beautiful home and is coming along nicely.  There was a pile of top soil out in the front and I figured I was brought here on false pretenses and I was going to help bring the top soil up to the upper roof where they are going to put in a sod roof!  I didn’t mind if that was the case as Matt’s parents have been nice to me over the years in allowing me to visit once in awhile, so it’s the least I could help with.  In the end, the work was not happening this afternoon…we were left to go down to the dock, have some beers, run away from the thunderstorm, have a little BBQ, jam on the guitars a little and simply enjoy the nature around us.  I got stir crazy later on in the night and wished to go back outside instead of hanging out in the living room so with a cooler we headed down to the dock where the fog had settled around us.  It was quite freaking cold out there after awhile and it finally got us moving back into the house.  May I also point out that Evan had bought the most God awful beer there ever was and I wish I could remember the name of it so I could issue a public health warning.  We felt bad for him so we helped him finish it.  Let me say that I didn’t feel like drinking much more after that horrible concoction.

We eventually headed downstairs to crash for the night and if there is one thing pets need, it is slippers!  Every time the dog would walk around all you would hear is ‘clik, clik, click on the hardwood floor.  😉  Jenny is a great dog though so it’s hard to be mad at her, but I did consider throwing a pair of slippers on her paws.

In the morning, Karilee made us some great blueberry pancakes and then I decided to head back into town to start studying for my midterm in microeconomics.  It was great to see Mike and Mel (along with Lola and Gigi!) as well as meeting their friend Amelie.  Dave, Evan, Erica, Marie and Norm also showed up for the night and it was good times had by all.  I even talked to Norm a little about comic books and let him in on the fact that I had a great assortment of old comic books coming my way this coming week from Aunt Lois.  I must admit that I very excited to peruse what are in these boxes.  I have visions of what gems could be in there…could there be X-Men comics dating back from the 1980’s Dark Phoenix Saga culminating in #137?  Who knows?  Aunt Lois let me know that there were probably 100 X-Men comics in those boxes and they figured that there were around 500-600 comics in total.  It is a great treasure to receive these books and I look forward to this upcoming weekend when I’ll get to see what’s in them!  Thanks again to Aunt Lois and Uncle Gary for this.


Review: The Bourne Ultimatum

bourne-ultimatum-poster-425.jpgFriday afternoon came to me earlier than planned as my boss let me out for the long weekend. Freedom!

I headed home on the bus (which was surprisingly more packed than the usual crowd…perhaps EVERYONE was getting off early?) and picked up a stack of comics from Mike, picked up a case of beer and stumbled upon a great sale of movies at Rogers Video where each movie was $10. That was a steal of a deal considering some of them were priced at $16.99. I also like buying previously viewed movies at a low price and then when Blockbuster eventually gets around to buying back movies at a minimum of $8, I bring back a stack of ones that I can do without and in the end, I don’t pay too much to rent them. In this case, my cost would be $2 to rent them instead of the $6 they usually go for.

I said farewell to Mike who was heading out for a grand weekend of cottage fun with his friends and then settled onto the couch for the rest of the night. It was going to become the start of a good long weekend. I perused some comics, had some beer and lit up the BBQ.

I popped in The Bourne Ultimatum and anticipated the wild ride. I had heard nothing but great things about this film. Turns out that they were all correct in their reviews. Once again, Jason Bourne took me on a high paced ride with some good chase scenes and some good insights into Jason Bourne’s story. The formula works. You have an assassin with no memory and every film he gets a little bit of the memory back. I haven’t read the novels yet and I heard they are slightly different than the films. So I can’t comment on how much they differ, but what I can comment on is that the Jason Bourne films are definitely up there in fun times as much as the James Bond series.

I also enjoy the camera work in the Bourne films…I think the erratic hand held cam style of filming started with The Bourne Supremacy and I enjoy it for it’s fast paced “I feel like I’m there watching Bourne kick some ass!” feel.

Two thumbs up. Three thumbs up because Julia Stiles was in the film as a brunette. Meow.