
Fun Times we live in…

Insert dripping sarcasm into this entry…

After reading this article, I thought…

I am sure glad that this man only received 90 days in jail for violating any human decency that there is left in this world.

I would like to say that I encourage others to follow in this gentleman’s footsteps so that maybe there will be enough of you morons to convince our society to bring back the death penalty.

Of course, I take back all commentary on this issue if we find out that this individual is mentally challenged and cannot control these things.

Otherwise, I’ve just realized that maybe it *is* time we all move to Greenland to escape the madness.


Oh Sam…

I was reading a review of Jumper and read this part about Samuel Jackson which I had a good laugh at:

Eventually we meet Samuel L. Jackson, who is once again playing his bad-ass self, only this time he’s got white hair and a mean streak. (Sam Jackson cheat-sheet: If he has a ‘fro and a gun, you’re watching Pulp Fiction. If he’s limping, you’re watching Unbreakable. If he’s sweating and bluesy, you’re watching Black Snake Moan. If he’s wearing a brown robe, you’re watching Episode III.)

Here‘s the review for those who are interested.