
Coincidence of Blackouts in Gaspe

blackout_hoax_big.jpgThere are higher powers at work in the world…

I have been reading Nanny’s Memories of Upper Wakeham and there was a story about how families in the Gaspe lived through ‘blackout periods’ which were at night during WWII and houses were asked to only leave one lamp on inside the house so enemies couldn’t see their houses.

I was recounting this tale to Philipp and Mike at breakfast on Sunday morning indicating what a different world it was back then.

Monday morning arrives and I stumble upon Pierre Trudeau’s Memoirs which I purchased a few years ago but never read.  I already have another book on the go at the moment but for some reason this book called out to me and I decided to read a few chapters.

Lo and behold, on the bus this morning, I stumble upon a passage in the book which outlines how Mr. Trudeau was traveling along the Gaspe area as a student during the WWII blackout periods and how neighbours called the cops on them as they were camping in a field (thinking that they may be enemy forces).

What are the odds that I pick up a random book off my shelf, start reading it, and find the same event referenced?  There are higher powers at work here.

This post is dedicated to the five year anniversary of Blackout ’03.