
Growing the ‘Stache

P1010562, originally uploaded by palm0014.

At thirty years old, I figured it’s time to realize that I will never be able to grow the full beard so I should accept what the good Lord has given me and let it grow.

With that in mind, I started growing a goatee. While I have grown one in the past or let a moustache grow also, it has never grown to this length before. Here’s the only recent picture I could find that gives an indication of how it looks.

Here’s some thoughts that have been crawling through my brain concerning growing the facial hair:

– It is a pain to get used to the fact that food will automatically cling to the hair even more so than to your skin while eating.
– When it gets to the point that I can chew on the hair growing on my lip, is it too long?
– What is too long? I want to grow a turn of the century moustache where I have to wax it. That would be awesome. I’m not sure how I go about this considering I trimmed it yesterday so it didn’t cover my lip. Is the trick to simply trim around the bottom of the ‘stache/top of the lip and let the rest grow out? Then will it get to the length where I can wax it?

I am enjoying this experiment and Vero was all for it at first but she does think it is quite annoying at this stage in its growth. I also scare her with the prospect of eventually getting rid of the goatee portion and simply having the moustache. I think that will be the eventuality as I think hair should be not something to be ashamed of, but to be proud of!


Vero’s Surprise Birthday Party

P1010570, originally uploaded by palm0014.

A thought entered my head that I should attempt a surprise 23rd birthday party for Vero. Her birthday was on September 15 but I figured if I could manage to hold something on Saturday the 13th, all would be good in the world. What better way to celebrate a birthday than to have a deep-fried turkey and corn on the cob?

The invite went out and I slowly planned the event. Rob pointed out that I was stupid for holding yet another corn roast in the month of September as we had a hard time finding corn last year at this time. He was right…what was I going to do? I got a tip from Steve to look on St.Joseph and sure enough, I managed to scoop up the best corn I’ve had all season at $5/dozen. A fair price to pay considering the lack of corn around the area.

The plan was set into motion on Friday night when I realized that I had not figured out a good way for Vero to show up at the house for the party. It presented itself when she wanted to go see a comedian out in Hawkesbury on Saturday night. Knowing full well that this would be the time of her party, I asked if this was something she REALLY wanted to go to and she said she wouldn’t mind, but it wouldn’t kill her if we didn’t. Perfect. I arranged for her to show up at my house around 2:30 on Saturday so we could have an elaborate meal before heading out for the evening.

Note for next year: Do not have a party starting at 2PM. That’s just plain silly. In my head, when it comes to a party, I’m of the Northern mindset. That mindset says “You know what? I don’t really care when you show up. It could be 10AM if you wish. But just know that we’ll still be roaming around getting things ready for the event.” So that’s the reason I said 2PM was the start-time. In hindsight, I should start the thing around 4PM. A more reasonable hour for people to show up.

Vero was actually the first to show up to her surprise birthday party so Mike and I had strategically positioned ourselves in the front husking corn so she sat down and chatted. She did notice that we had five dozen corn for a meal but I just said that we got a really good deal on it. Five minutes later, her cousin Melissa showed up so we couldn’t put the surprise off any longer as it’s not common for her to show up in Orleans so we yelled “Surprise!” and I now have a vivid memory of what Vero’s face looks like when she doesn’t know what the heck is going on.

We went inside the house to find balloons, party treats, you name it, we had it (except for a pinata). Mike and I then started to get things ready for the turkey roast and people started showing up shortly after that and by 5PM the backyard was packed.

The evening went off beautifully. There was (once again) too much oil for the bird to fry in but it came out great. The corn was super superb…best corn of the year. I even won a corn eating contest against Duncan that night.

After supper we cleaned up and Vero opened up a few gifts. A few of us then went outside to enjoy the night (and play some lawn golf) while others stayed inside to watch Back to the Future. I personally ended off the night watching Ghostbusters (which Jean-Francois and Marie-Claude picked up as a birthday gift for me!) but passed out half way through the film.

Highlights of the evening:

  • Giving Melissa’s brother Tommy tips on how to treat a lady. He even wrote them down. Some favourites were:
    • Me: Open the door for a woman. But don’t push her out of the way in order to do so.
    • Melissa: Don’t stare at a girl’s chest. Look at her eyes.
    • Rob: But don’t be afraid to glance at her chest once so she knows you’re interested.
  • Lawn Golfing! What a hit. Glad to see Mike constructed his own set.
  • Vero receiving a magician’s hat as a gift. That is amazing.
  • The fact that the cakes Mike and I made didn’t suck.

I’m sure there are a bunch of other highlights that people will comment on. All I cared about is that everyone had a great time, especially Vero. It was great to see her friends show up for the event.

My only beef about the day is that when you are hosting a party, it’s hard to sit and talk with people until the night is over. It’s really hard. So I apologize for Mike and me running around getting things ready for supper. But I’m sure the turkey and corn makes up for it.


Being Called Loser by a Stranger

So I was off sick on Monday and Wednesday from work and Krista had the following email conversation with someone whom she THOUGHT was me, but in reality, she accidentally reversed my last/first name in my email and met someone else who shares my name.

Conversation Transcript:

From: Krista

Are you home sick today?
Sent from my Blackberry

From: Palmer
To: Krista

No, why?

Sent from my iPhone

From: Krista
Sent from my Blackberry

From: Palmer
To: Krista


Sent from my iPhone

From: Krista
Hope that you are feeling better.  Did you know that tomorrow is Amelier’s  birthday?!
Sent from my Blackberry

So this morning I see that she has sent this email to the wrong person and I tell her but she says that’s not possible as she was talking to me yesterday and shows me this conversation she was having with this guy.  Turns out that she called the guy a loser thinking it was me writing down ‘sent from my iphone’ at the end of the email in response to her ‘sent from my blackberry’ message that appears on her Blackberry.

In the end, some poor guy who shares my name was called a loser by a random girl yesterday.  Poor guy.