
TV Watching Update

The fall season is upon us…let’s look into my thoughts on what’s out there on my tube.

Heroes – Good start to the third season which is entitled ‘Villains’.  I enjoyed Season 2 but thought it was lacking compared to the first season.  But a good run nonetheless.  I was reading about how Tim Kring references a lot of classic story lines into his series…The Legacy Virus (X-Men : Virus wipes out mutantkind), Days of Future Past (apocalyptic future)…you can’t blame the guy, these are classic stories to integrate into his universe.

Californication – It started off with a bang and I don’t think I’ll be disappointed this season as Hank Moody tries and keeps a hold of his love.

Generation Kill – A slew of people at work recommended this to me.  Two episodes into it, I’m enjoying it.  I see it as a Band of Brothers series but set in the Iraq War.  So far, so good.

Smallville – Two episodes in, I’m already liking it more than last season.  Clark is now working at the Daily Planet and you can see something happening between Lois and Clark.  Awww yeah!  I predict it shall be the last season though.  They lost Lex, they lost Lana, they lost the two original creators of the show.  When the two original creators realize it’s time to move on, it’s time to move on.

Greys Anatomy – I haven’t even seen the season opener yet but I predict it will be more of the same.  Last year I was utterly dismayed with the show until after the writer’s strike where parts had me laughing at the TV screen.  Can they keep up the magic?  Well, if your magic is the same thing every season, sure they can.  So much for originality anymore in this series.

Veronica Mars – Season 2 is as good as the first one so far.  Vero and I really enjoy this show.

Fringe – New show from JJ Abrams.  It’s really good so far.  If you like X-Files, I think you will like this.  It involves the FBI looking into cases that are supposedly interconnected and they usually deal with fringe sciences (reading minds, mutants, dark matter, etc.).  The FBI get the help of some eccentric scientist who did experiments in the 70s in the fringe sciences and you now gets help from his son, our very own, Joshua Jackson.  So far it’s pretty good as it mixes the odd cases like X-Files but has a bit of mythology in each episode.

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles – I’m really enjoying this series as it follows the ascension of John Connor.  I like it’s quirky look at the Terminators and I’m enjoying how Shirley Manson of the band Garbage is now in the series.  If you like the film, you will love the series.

90210 – I watched the first episode and it was not bad.  But I’m too old for this sort of thing.  So if you like that sort of show, go for it, it looked good.