
Cost of a Car Trip

This site calculates how much it would cost you to take a trip somewhere by looking at the gas mileage you get with your vehicle.

It would be really cool if you could manually input the price of gas yourself.  Perhaps you can…I only looked at it for three minutes.  It said it would cost me $33 to drive to Toronto.

iplaying: Money Babies – The Dears (Missiles)


Review: Star Wars – The Clone Wars (TV Series)

clone-wars-02.jpgI must say that I’m not really on the ‘up’ concerning Star Wars subjects of late.  I knew there would be a TV series starting up sometime soon but lo and behold, it started this past Friday so I downloaded the first two episodes.

They are great!  The graphics are amazing.  This isn’t your 1967 Spider-Man series!  The series takes place between Episode II and III and I am loving the fact that Asajj Ventress is back as she didn’t appear in the movies but was tied into everything which was the Clone Wars.

I also like how there will be different facets of the universe shown in each episode.  For example, the first one dealt with Yoda and three clone warriors in a battle.  The next episode focussed on Anakin and his new apprentice Asoka?  Ashoka? Looking for survivors from a fleet which was destroyed.  This let us see a little more about the Jedi Master Plo Kloon as well.

All in all, I think I’ll really like how they will add a lot more to the characters that you may only see a bit of during the films.  Granted, Yoda and Anakin are major players in the film, but I enjoyed seeing what makes the clone warriors tick (they all had different hairstyles which I thought was neat…just because you’re a clone doesn’ mean you can’t have a different haircut).

Check out the series!  It should be excellent.