
Holiday Hiatus

P1010104, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Inadvertently, I haven’t been posting much at all. I have been really absorbed into my Multimedia assignment and now I have to study for my Pop Culture exam (this coming Friday) as well as start working on my Multimedia take-home exam. Ark!

That being said, winter has arrived here in Ottawa, I’m sitting here watching Paul McCartney music videos from the 70s while studying, watching Mike build the leg lamp for the party next week and cramming.

Looking forward to the party next week but will have to get cracking on the Christmas trivia challenge!

So I hope everyone is enjoying themselves while they go out to the malls and get some gifts. I’ll pop in once in awhile but don’t expect much for the next while. Exams are quite killer (ha! I’m reading a chapter on horror films when I am writing this).


Rant: Get Better Rates from Insurance and the Quest for Better Customer Service

I’ve been playing phone tag with my car insurance company to see if they could match my house insurance with another company.  On the phone, it sounded like this would not be possible but when I received a package in the mail outlining the details of their package, it turns out that they made a mistake and it reduced the price I pay for current house insurance by $100 a year.  Bonus!

Thinking this would be the best route to follow, I decided to phone up my current home insurance company to see if they could ‘give me a better price’ on my home insurance.  I never mentioned that I had sought out other quotes, I just wanted to see what they would do.

Faithful readers of this collection of my thoughts are by far more wise than I therefore I can only assume that you already know what I’m going to say.  Turns out that the representative on the other end of the line said she would look for any ‘discounts’ that she could apply and sure enough she found one.  Turns out that I have (surprisingly) have a good credit rating so this equates to a 14% reduction in my annual insurance amount.  So now I basically saved myself $100 a year on home insurance and it comes out to $1 less a month than my car insurance company.  They said they would apply this immediately which means I get a $2 deposit in my bank account for this month’s insurance and next month the new amount coming out starts.

Let’s think of a few things..

  •  My new annual payout is $50 less than what I paid last year.  Could I have received this ‘discount’ last year?
  • They sent me a renewal notice which had the exorbitant amount on it.  But after a simple phone call, they lower it by $100 a year.

And here’s where my thoughts on customer service come into play.  Instead of feeling great about being with this company, I feel shafted.  I feel that their automated systems should be able to see if there are any ‘discounts’ they can apply every month.  Imagine the feeling you would have if you received notice that they just automatically discovered that your credit rating is amazing so they will be reducing the amount you need to pay.  Congrats!  It’s like winning the lottery!

But no, what am I thinking?  I guess insurance companies don’t really have us to think about, right?  It’s all about them and if they can keep goughing me for monthly payments that are higher than what they really need, heck, why not?

Good samiritans abound.

Case in point, I guess I know that it’s up to me to investigate these things and this is my public service message for the day: Call your insurance companies and ask them the simple question “Is there any way we can lower the amount I pay?”.  That’s all I did and I have now lowered the amount by $100.  I have this feeling that I should leave them anyhow for not following strict Wal-Mart customer ideals, but something tells me the next insurance company is no better.

iplaying: If The World – Guns N’ Roses (Chinese Democracy – YES, it’s finally out after fifteen years and it isn’t bad at all.)


Review: Once // Eavestrough Hell

On Sunday morning I noticed it stopped raining so I knew what that meant.  Time to get cracking on winterizing the house.

First stop – Home Depot.  I was determined to finally fix the eavestrough.  I had determined that the leak was not coming from the eavestrough at all, but from the siding next to it.  I did pull out the ladder to examine it once again (an annual task at this point.)

It turns out that half my theory was correct and that the bottom of the siding leaked but also the eavestrough was still leaking.  The problem with the eavestrough leaking is that it hits the concrete slab beneath it and over the years it has now become waterlogged.  Not a good situation.

Hitting up Home Depot I bought a bunch of stuff…a new end cap, some screws, some random metal pieces that I figured I could fashion to divert some water…and some new caulking for good measure.  Lord knows I love caulking.  Actually, it’s impossible to deal with outside in the eavestrough and I really hate using it.  Even later today, it haunted me as I squeezed the trigger and nothing was coming out so I squeezed again and of course I didn’t realize there would be a delayed reaction and the stuff went everywhere.  Sigh.

In the end, the end cap was of no use as it was harder to pull the old one off so I decided to remove all old caulking and try again but this time screwing in the end cap into the eavestrough.  After spending an hour on the eavestrough, I would like to think that it will finally be fixed but that is wishful thinking.  I also worked on a corner joint which was also leaking but the caulking job was to be desired.  Vero had a good laugh at it later.

After the job with the eavestrough was completed, Vero and I hit the town again for various items which also brought us to the mall where I picked up the film Once and The Beatles: A Hard Day’s Night film.  We headed home and settled into watch Once which was an excellent, excellent film about a busker on the streets of Dublin who meets a girl whom he proceeds to make beautiful music with (no really, that’s what they do, it’s not an analogy) and it’s really a touching film.  It almost seemed like a promotional film for the soundtrack as all the songs were played in full for the camera.  It’s quite moving and it specfically looks at how love can be more than physical.  I will definitely watch it again and recommend it to all music lovers out there.

After Vero left I went ahead and assembled the filing folders I bought and finally got around to putting all my papers into files.  This has probably been a 10 year project but was finally completed.  Now I can say I have all my old cellphone bills in one spot!  Actually, I was shaking my head wondering why I was actually keeping old cellphone bills considering I don’t even have a cellphone anymore but I said to myself “Self, you are here to file things away, not to question why you have them.”

I’m sure Vero would be shaking her head at this thought process as she made me bring a box of clothes to the Salvation Army as it had been in my closet for three years now.  Procrastinator?  Nah.  Then she started questioning if I needed all my stuff in my house.  I avoided that question like the plague with the simple truth…yes.  I definitely need every item in the house.


The Grand Opening of Canadian Tire

Saturday turned out to be a miserable, miserable day with the rain not stopping all day long.  This killed Krista’s plans to come out for a photo shoot to get some good snapshots of her and I for a colleague who is moving away to Edmonton.  I spent the morning working on my Photoshop assignment.  I had to play around with various photo elements and merge them together.

At first I decided to try and put the CN Tower on the front lawn of Parliament Hill.  This was working out fine until I had chosen a sepia shot of Parliament Hill and I couldn’t get the colours to match.  I am going to talk to the Professor about whether or not this is possible.  Seeing that this option was squashed for the time being, I then decided to play around with a picture of Spider-Man and put Doctor Octopus tentacles on him.  That was neat and I thought the motion blur on the tentacles was really cool as it makes it look like they are actually moving.  I’ll post a picture when I get the chance.

Seeing that the day was a bust, Vero and I decided to shop around town for some Christmas gifts and other items.  First off, we dropped into the new Canadian Tire in Orleans which is right next to the Wal-Mart.  Competition arises!  It was the grand opening and it was packed to the gills.  It was quite the impressive store and I had a good chuckle when I saw that they even had a grocery aisle!  Vero looked into winter tires and it was a first come/first served basis so we decided to go to the store closer to her house.  Vero managed to find some great plastic bins on sale and even scored a $10 off coupon for her next purchase.

Next up, we headed to Wal-Mart to shop for some Christmas gifts.  Vero managed to find a few things for her family and I noticed that there were He-Man DVDs on sale for $10.  Maureen, this note is for you as I’m pretty sure John was trying to get these.  That is a steal of a deal and I wish I could find Thundercats at that price!

By this time, it was already getting dark out and we were miserable from being out in the rain all day long so we decided to head home and have a nice supper.  I had a craving for red wine (must be the cold weather coming in) and was glad to see a few bottles laying around the house.  Looks like Mike had a bunch from his sister’s wedding that he brought up.

After an amazing pasta meal with some burnt garlic bread, we spent some time looking at houses for sale around Ottawa after chatting about what the ultimate place to live would be.  Unfortunately I could not find any with a recording studio!  The website has been revamped and after ten minutes of cursing at it, I found the navigation experience to be quite amazing and you should take a look at it.  We also looked at houses for sale in Hearst and Kapuskasing and marveled at the prices of houses up there!

We then settled down to watch Run Fat Boy Run which is about a guy trying to win back a girl so he decides to run in the London Marathon.  It stars Simon Pegg who is always hilarious to watch and I highly recommend the film.

After a night filled with wine and comfort, I convinced everyone to watch From Russia With Love as I had just hung up a movie poster of the film in the living room and it was entertaining as always.


Review: Sex and the City

sex-and-the-city-movie-poster.jpgOn Thursday and Friday I went to a Business Process Notation course which was actually quite interesting.  It deals with mapping out business processes (as in, the steps used to accomplish a task.  This could be as simple as the business of brushing your teeth (take brush, apply toothpaste) which are quite complex in a larger setting (such as the application of a passport for example).  The notation used is fairly common and I was there to learn the actual notation used in mapping these out.  It was quite enjoyable and one of the first times at work that I didn’t mind going on a training course as I felt I gained some knowledge from it.

Friday evening, because of the late hour I escaped the building, I spent some time with Krista on the bus as it chugged slowly down the core of Ottawa.  I was not impressed with how slow the buses took at 5PM.  I decided to head over to Vero’s to escape this dungeon on four wheels.  We had dinner and then headed back to Orleans so I could buy some picture frames.

Buying frames has been a quest all last week as I stumbled across a 50% coupon from Michael’s craft store that I could use each day.  I recruited Mike, Eric, Annie and Vero to accompany me in buying some frames and giving them each a coupon.  I had quite a few concert related items to frame.  In fact, it is quite shameful to realize that it’s been two years since the last thing that has been put up!  I am quite the procrastinator (Dad of course knows this from the dent which is still in my car door.  Luckily, I am inquiring about this now.) and I had a few reviews that had accumulated.  Unfortunately, I realized that I had grown lax in cutting out reviews from newspapers and I think there are quite a few that I missed over the years.  I will go to the public library with Vero one weekend and scour the archives and print some out.

After Vero and I picked up some picture frames, we headed to Blockbuster to see if we could rent Fame as Vero wants to see this musical but thought it would be good to see the film also.  Unfortunately, Blockbuster does not carry this hit (praises!) and we bought a few films instead.

We hunkered down at home with some popcorn and watched the Sex and the City film.  I actually quite enjoy the series but have never seen the whole thing (which doesn’t take away from the show).  It follows loose plot lines over it’s span of five years and now they have returned to continue where they left off.  It was an extended cut so the film was 2.5 hours long.  Being cozy on a cold night beckoned a little scotch to be brought out of the cupboard so I had a few of those.  The film was decent.  I thought the plot line about Steve went against his established character in the series, but I guess they needed something to build the movie out of.  I also found that the characters were out of their regular element and I thought this is a great thing to do in a film setting.  If they were just doing the same old things that they did in the television series, it wouldn’t have been a great film.  It would feel like an extended tv show.  But with them put into bigger, crazier situations that seem out of place, it made it stand out more.


Halloween with Ryley and Jenna

HPIM6891 (2), originally uploaded by palm0014.


Charities Not Liking the Quebec

I work in the province of Quebec yet live in Ontario.  I phoned to order a Cancer Society lottery ticket today and the person on the other end of the line said she was unable to process my order because I did not have a phone number which resided in Ontario.  I did explain that I did live in Ontario and wondered if I could still order the ticket but alas, this was not the case.

Now, call me crazy, but as a charity, wouldn’t you want to accept anyone’s credit card as sufficient information to process a ticket purchase?

Strange.  Hey, I just noticed it was for the Canadian Cancer Society, not the Ontario Cancer Society!  What gives?


Useful Tip – French Wikipedia

If your search for French bands isn’t producing any results in Wikipedia, be sure to realize that there’s a French version as well.

This should be made into a fortune cookie.

iplaying: Inspirez – Noir Silence (Immortellement Célèbre)


One Sick Weekend

The weekend was quite the bust as Vero came down with my cold so we dragged our asses around on Saturday.  I spent most of the day editing Samantha and Marc-Andre’s wedding video (which is actually coming along super fast considering…I’m down to the last hour!) and learning some new tricks from Vero in the editing suite.

I was thinking about going to the James Street Feed Diner originally to see Joe and Danielle but Mike and Melissa won tickets to a horse show on the Saturday night and asked if we wished to join them.  Who can say no to a horse show?  We mustered up our strength and headed out to the Scotiabank Place, not knowing what to expect.  Dave also mentioned to snag a ticket which was great.

The five of us entered the virtually empty hockey arena and proceeded to the box that Mike’s work owns.  I have never been in box seats before at the arena so it was quite the treat.  They had a washroom, tv and comfy seats for us to hang out in.  We did have to go down and get our own drinks but he said that this was not usual.

The horse show turned out to be the ‘World Famous’ Lipizzaner Stallions show.

It consisted of the stallions performing routines like trotting together in a synchronized fashion and other neat things like jumping up onto two legs.  The announcer explained the history of the Lipizzaner Stallions which are a highly sought after breed of horses who were used in royal circles for both it’s elegancy off the battle field and it’s ferocity on the battlefield.  Pretty neat.

We were amused watching the horses prance around for us but overall, I personally wasn’t entirely amazed by the whole ordeal.  But we realized later that it’s all a matter of perspective.  To a fan of equestria…(?)…making a horse trot around or kick out its back legs may be SUPER hard to do and is a sight to see.  But for the uninitiated like ourselves, it didn’t seem out of the question for the horses to be doing this easily.  I compared it to a guitarist.  A non-guitarist can see Jimmy Page bust out a wicked solo and say “That’s cool, I like the sound of that.” whereas a guitarist would proceed to marvelling at the technical mastery he has over the instrument and bow to him like the guitar God that he is.

Let me note that during the show my eye was really bothering me and I assumed it was some allergic reaction to a sweater I pulled out from the archives (the closet).  It was getting really bad by the end of the show.  Vero wasn’t feeling all too hot either which was unfortunate.  We all headed to Moxie’s for a dessert along with Colin and Becky but Mike was nice enough to drive me back home and get my car so I could leave with Vero immediately after dessert.  I’m glad I did as she was feeling dizzy and out of it.  Poor girl!  I wasn’t faring too well myself as I watched a bit of Greys Anatomy on TV but I couldn’t keep my one eye open.  I went to bed and in the night I kept waking up to find I couldn’t open my eye!  Pink eye struck me!  Argh.  What more can go wrong?

Sunday morning I couldn’t sleep anymore so I got up around 7AM and watched a bunch of Greys Anatomy and Heroes episodes to catch up.  I also then edited a little more video for the remainder of the day.  All in all, it was a pretty subdued weekend for both Vero and I other than heading out to the horse show.  I didn’t end up going to see Spamalot either.  No tickets were to be found easily.  Ah well.

Special thanks to Mike and Mel for inviting us to partake in the Stallion show!  “Show us the corvette!”


Babysitting Philippe

On Friday night Vero and I headed over to Eric and Annie’s to babysit Philippe since they were (gasp!) going to the Celine Dion concert.  Eric commented that the concert wasn’t TOO bad as there were cool choreographed dancing going on.

Babysitting Philippe started out with myself going to St. Hubert to pick up dinner.  Let it be noted that 99% of the time the restaurant is super quick to pick up the take out orders.  The 1% of the time when it is not is on a Friday night around 6PM.  I waited around 20 minutes for the dinner and headed back.  Let it be noted that Vero must be the woman for me because she lets me have the chicken breast from the Econo meal (that’s the meal where you can get two quarter chicken meals but one of them has to be the leg).  That’s a match made in (chicken) heaven right there people.

I wasn’t feeling all too hot while babysitting and he was pretty quiet for most of the night so it didn’t go too bad.  It’s strange to realize how much I don’t know about children, but that’s not really a surprise considering I don’t exactly have an opportunity to understand the little details.  For example, I didn’t realize that Philippe would tell me what snack he would like.  Coolness!  Where did he learn these abilities?  He is a smart kid.  I also found it strange to see him move from the crib to a kids bed!  Was I in a giant bed where I took up 10% of the space?  I guess I can’t remember.

He didn’t take kindly to me hopping into his bed to read him a bedtime story.  Of course, Vero prevailed and got to read him the story while I watched TV downstairs.  I wonder how children minds work.  Sure, he knows that we are not his parents so maybe he’s a little scared.  But what frightens him about me reading the bedtime story?  Is it due to patterns in that when he usually has a story read to him, there’s no one in his bed but himself and his parents are sitting outside the bed reading?

I talked to Eric to confirm my theory and yes indeed, no one is usually in his bed when reading a book to him.  Clearly I was messing with the child’s patterns and I freaked him out.  Heck, I would be freaked out if some giant of a good looking man jumped into my bed with a good book and started reading it out loud!

After he went to bed, Vero and I watched Stepbrothers which stars Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly.  It was quite the over the top hilarity and our favourite part is when one of them is sitting in bed with a Chewbacca mask on, reading a book.  Funny stuff.

In the end, Philippe never climbed out the window so clearly we were successful in babysitting.