On Friday night Vero and I headed over to Eric and Annie’s to babysit Philippe since they were (gasp!) going to the Celine Dion concert. Eric commented that the concert wasn’t TOO bad as there were cool choreographed dancing going on.
Babysitting Philippe started out with myself going to St. Hubert to pick up dinner. Let it be noted that 99% of the time the restaurant is super quick to pick up the take out orders. The 1% of the time when it is not is on a Friday night around 6PM. I waited around 20 minutes for the dinner and headed back. Let it be noted that Vero must be the woman for me because she lets me have the chicken breast from the Econo meal (that’s the meal where you can get two quarter chicken meals but one of them has to be the leg). That’s a match made in (chicken) heaven right there people.
I wasn’t feeling all too hot while babysitting and he was pretty quiet for most of the night so it didn’t go too bad. It’s strange to realize how much I don’t know about children, but that’s not really a surprise considering I don’t exactly have an opportunity to understand the little details. For example, I didn’t realize that Philippe would tell me what snack he would like. Coolness! Where did he learn these abilities? He is a smart kid. I also found it strange to see him move from the crib to a kids bed! Was I in a giant bed where I took up 10% of the space? I guess I can’t remember.
He didn’t take kindly to me hopping into his bed to read him a bedtime story. Of course, Vero prevailed and got to read him the story while I watched TV downstairs. I wonder how children minds work. Sure, he knows that we are not his parents so maybe he’s a little scared. But what frightens him about me reading the bedtime story? Is it due to patterns in that when he usually has a story read to him, there’s no one in his bed but himself and his parents are sitting outside the bed reading?
I talked to Eric to confirm my theory and yes indeed, no one is usually in his bed when reading a book to him. Clearly I was messing with the child’s patterns and I freaked him out. Heck, I would be freaked out if some giant of a good looking man jumped into my bed with a good book and started reading it out loud!
After he went to bed, Vero and I watched Stepbrothers which stars Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. It was quite the over the top hilarity and our favourite part is when one of them is sitting in bed with a Chewbacca mask on, reading a book. Funny stuff.
In the end, Philippe never climbed out the window so clearly we were successful in babysitting.