
One Sick Weekend

The weekend was quite the bust as Vero came down with my cold so we dragged our asses around on Saturday.  I spent most of the day editing Samantha and Marc-Andre’s wedding video (which is actually coming along super fast considering…I’m down to the last hour!) and learning some new tricks from Vero in the editing suite.

I was thinking about going to the James Street Feed Diner originally to see Joe and Danielle but Mike and Melissa won tickets to a horse show on the Saturday night and asked if we wished to join them.  Who can say no to a horse show?  We mustered up our strength and headed out to the Scotiabank Place, not knowing what to expect.  Dave also mentioned to snag a ticket which was great.

The five of us entered the virtually empty hockey arena and proceeded to the box that Mike’s work owns.  I have never been in box seats before at the arena so it was quite the treat.  They had a washroom, tv and comfy seats for us to hang out in.  We did have to go down and get our own drinks but he said that this was not usual.

The horse show turned out to be the ‘World Famous’ Lipizzaner Stallions show.

It consisted of the stallions performing routines like trotting together in a synchronized fashion and other neat things like jumping up onto two legs.  The announcer explained the history of the Lipizzaner Stallions which are a highly sought after breed of horses who were used in royal circles for both it’s elegancy off the battle field and it’s ferocity on the battlefield.  Pretty neat.

We were amused watching the horses prance around for us but overall, I personally wasn’t entirely amazed by the whole ordeal.  But we realized later that it’s all a matter of perspective.  To a fan of equestria…(?)…making a horse trot around or kick out its back legs may be SUPER hard to do and is a sight to see.  But for the uninitiated like ourselves, it didn’t seem out of the question for the horses to be doing this easily.  I compared it to a guitarist.  A non-guitarist can see Jimmy Page bust out a wicked solo and say “That’s cool, I like the sound of that.” whereas a guitarist would proceed to marvelling at the technical mastery he has over the instrument and bow to him like the guitar God that he is.

Let me note that during the show my eye was really bothering me and I assumed it was some allergic reaction to a sweater I pulled out from the archives (the closet).  It was getting really bad by the end of the show.  Vero wasn’t feeling all too hot either which was unfortunate.  We all headed to Moxie’s for a dessert along with Colin and Becky but Mike was nice enough to drive me back home and get my car so I could leave with Vero immediately after dessert.  I’m glad I did as she was feeling dizzy and out of it.  Poor girl!  I wasn’t faring too well myself as I watched a bit of Greys Anatomy on TV but I couldn’t keep my one eye open.  I went to bed and in the night I kept waking up to find I couldn’t open my eye!  Pink eye struck me!  Argh.  What more can go wrong?

Sunday morning I couldn’t sleep anymore so I got up around 7AM and watched a bunch of Greys Anatomy and Heroes episodes to catch up.  I also then edited a little more video for the remainder of the day.  All in all, it was a pretty subdued weekend for both Vero and I other than heading out to the horse show.  I didn’t end up going to see Spamalot either.  No tickets were to be found easily.  Ah well.

Special thanks to Mike and Mel for inviting us to partake in the Stallion show!  “Show us the corvette!”