
The Grand Opening of Canadian Tire

Saturday turned out to be a miserable, miserable day with the rain not stopping all day long.  This killed Krista’s plans to come out for a photo shoot to get some good snapshots of her and I for a colleague who is moving away to Edmonton.  I spent the morning working on my Photoshop assignment.  I had to play around with various photo elements and merge them together.

At first I decided to try and put the CN Tower on the front lawn of Parliament Hill.  This was working out fine until I had chosen a sepia shot of Parliament Hill and I couldn’t get the colours to match.  I am going to talk to the Professor about whether or not this is possible.  Seeing that this option was squashed for the time being, I then decided to play around with a picture of Spider-Man and put Doctor Octopus tentacles on him.  That was neat and I thought the motion blur on the tentacles was really cool as it makes it look like they are actually moving.  I’ll post a picture when I get the chance.

Seeing that the day was a bust, Vero and I decided to shop around town for some Christmas gifts and other items.  First off, we dropped into the new Canadian Tire in Orleans which is right next to the Wal-Mart.  Competition arises!  It was the grand opening and it was packed to the gills.  It was quite the impressive store and I had a good chuckle when I saw that they even had a grocery aisle!  Vero looked into winter tires and it was a first come/first served basis so we decided to go to the store closer to her house.  Vero managed to find some great plastic bins on sale and even scored a $10 off coupon for her next purchase.

Next up, we headed to Wal-Mart to shop for some Christmas gifts.  Vero managed to find a few things for her family and I noticed that there were He-Man DVDs on sale for $10.  Maureen, this note is for you as I’m pretty sure John was trying to get these.  That is a steal of a deal and I wish I could find Thundercats at that price!

By this time, it was already getting dark out and we were miserable from being out in the rain all day long so we decided to head home and have a nice supper.  I had a craving for red wine (must be the cold weather coming in) and was glad to see a few bottles laying around the house.  Looks like Mike had a bunch from his sister’s wedding that he brought up.

After an amazing pasta meal with some burnt garlic bread, we spent some time looking at houses for sale around Ottawa after chatting about what the ultimate place to live would be.  Unfortunately I could not find any with a recording studio!  The website has been revamped and after ten minutes of cursing at it, I found the navigation experience to be quite amazing and you should take a look at it.  We also looked at houses for sale in Hearst and Kapuskasing and marveled at the prices of houses up there!

We then settled down to watch Run Fat Boy Run which is about a guy trying to win back a girl so he decides to run in the London Marathon.  It stars Simon Pegg who is always hilarious to watch and I highly recommend the film.

After a night filled with wine and comfort, I convinced everyone to watch From Russia With Love as I had just hung up a movie poster of the film in the living room and it was entertaining as always.