
Holiday Hiatus

P1010104, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Inadvertently, I haven’t been posting much at all. I have been really absorbed into my Multimedia assignment and now I have to study for my Pop Culture exam (this coming Friday) as well as start working on my Multimedia take-home exam. Ark!

That being said, winter has arrived here in Ottawa, I’m sitting here watching Paul McCartney music videos from the 70s while studying, watching Mike build the leg lamp for the party next week and cramming.

Looking forward to the party next week but will have to get cracking on the Christmas trivia challenge!

So I hope everyone is enjoying themselves while they go out to the malls and get some gifts. I’ll pop in once in awhile but don’t expect much for the next while. Exams are quite killer (ha! I’m reading a chapter on horror films when I am writing this).