

braveheart.jpgLast night I put that take-home exam to bed.  For some reason there were a few things that weren’t working whereas they were working the day before.  I had to scramble to fix them up but I would say that the thing is in high working order.  There is still the issue of the bumblebees not moving around the screen but I figured I shall take a break for a week and if I get ambitious I will take a look at it again.  The only reason I’m not too worried about this is the fact that the scoring sheets for the previous projects didn’t have a massive point spread, meaning that on the previous assignment I handed in I couldn’t get something to move right and I lost one lousy mark.  Granted, this is the final exam so maybe I’ll take a bigger hit.  We’ll see how I feel next week after the Christmas party and shopping for the remainder of this week.  But at this point, I would say it’s 99% done and when I make the decision to forget about the movement of a bumblebee, it’s 100% done.

The exam did take me longer than I thought to finish it.  I didn’t finish coding the thing until 9PM last night and then I celebrated with a beer.  Now I can catch up on a few things, like shovelling the driveway.  Already with only two snowfalls there is a nice mound forming at the bottom of our driveway and I figure it’s time to get rid of that now before something slushy comes our way.  I heard there’s a major snowstorm heading towards us right now for the next few days so I’m sure the shovel and I will be come close friends.

Tonight I believe Vero and I will go get some shopping done.  I am hoping to see the new James Bond film sometime soon as well.  I have a free pass from my copy of Casino Royale that I purchased last month.  Can’t let that go to waste!

May I also point out that The Dark Knight (new Batman flick) is out on DVD today?  Man, that was a good movie.  I would still say I enjoyed Iron Man more this year.  But not by much.  They are both excellent films.

Iplaying: Fake Empire – The National (Boxer) – May I point out that this is an amazing album?  If you are looking for something to take a chance on this Christmas for a music fan, buy them this album.  They will not be disappointed.


Canon Camera Recall

IMG_4295, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Back in 2003, I had this really great digicam; the Canon Powershot A60. I loved this thing. It took such nice pictures and it had this great feature where it could panoramic shots.

The problem was that something went wonky inside it and images came out randomly distorted. The picture within this post demonstrates what would happen (in fact, we both were smiling in this photo originally! How did they make us look like devils! The camera is possessed! How did we get those goofy looking hats?). I sent it in for repairs and it came back but nothing really was fixed and then the shutter broke on it and voila, it was rendered useless so I bought another camera.

Fast forward to last night when I’m chatting with Dad about how their camera was acting up in the same manner and I knew this would happen as all the Powershots seemed to be doing the same thing. I have a few friends who bought the same type (or future model) of the camera and they all went wonky.

Turns out that around 2005/06, there was a recall issued for the CCD (which is the image sensor inside digicams) and they would replace it for free. Bonus! Dad sent his in and I shall send mine in as well. Now I get a bonus camera!

Here‘s some information for you in case you have a Canon camera which is acting up in the same manner.

iplaying: Ada – The National (Boxer)